ICG seal featuring GlitzianaThe 2024 ICG Annual Meeting was held on Friday morning March 29 2024 during Costume-Con 42 in Aurora, Colorado. The items of business were to approve the application for a new chapter and to elect ICG Officers for the 2024-2025 term. Both meetings were also available online through the ICG’s Zoom account.

Board of Directors Meeting

At the Board of Directors meeting, ICG President Kevin Roche noted that the ICG had lost several chapters over the past year due to inactivity or other chapter issues. However he welcomed a new chapter, Maryland Costumers and Cosplayers that joined recently, During the meeting, the ICG Board also voted to approve the application of another chapter that had recently applied, the Pennsylvania Haunted Cosplay Guild, aka “Gargoyle Players”. A member from each of them will join the ICG Board of Directors to represent their chapters. Kevin said that he looked forward to the enthusiasm and energy from members of these new chapters.

Other officers, administrators, and committee chairs also presented brief summaries of their reports, which are available in full on the BOD & Meeting Minutes page of the ICG website.

Member Meeting

At the Members meeting, Kevin presented his President’s report and welcomed the two new chapters. Other officers, administrators, and committee chairs also presentedbrief summaries of their reports.

The main order of business was the selection of a slate of candidates as ICG Officers for the 2024-2025 term. Since all current officers agreed to stand for re-election and there were no further nominees, members voted to select these candidates by acclamation.

Under nonprofit corporation law in the State of Maryland where the ICG is incorporated, members select a slate of candidates and present them to the ICG Board for election. Following the member meeting, the ICG Board briefly reconvened and elected the slate of candidates selected by the members, including

  • President: Kevin Roche
  • Vice President: Leslie L. Johnston
  • Treasurer: Jeanine Swick
  • Corresponding Secretary: Merrily Wolf
  • Recording Secretary: Anne Davenport

For more information about each of the officer, visit the Officer Profiles page of the ICG website.

Draft minutes of the 2024 Annual Meeting will be posted by the Recording Secretary on the BOD & Meeting Minutes page of the ICG website prior to the 2025 Annual Meeting.