Officer Profiles
Kevin Roche – President (Silicon Web Costumers Guild) is a sci-fi/fantasy and historical costumer with extensive experience entering, judging, and running masquerades. He was Chair of Costume-Con 26 in 2008 and Worldcon 76 in 2018. Kevin received the ICG’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2007. He is a past ICG vice-president, and past president of the Silicon Web Costumers Guild.

Leslie Johnston – Vice President (New Jersey – New York Costumes Guild) is the Director of Digital Preservation at the U.S. National Archives. (NARA). Leslie has been costuming since the 1970s, making both fantasy and historical competition and hall costumes. She has won many awards at many masquerades over the years, including at Balticon, BayCon, Costume-Con, Westercon, and Worldcon. She loves to learn new techniques with every costume she builds, and particularly enjoys working with unusual materials. She is the Webmaster of the ICG Pat and Peggy Kennedy Memorial Archives, and the 2022 recipient of the ICG Lifetime Achievement Award.

Merrily Wolf – Corresponding Secretary (Silicon Web Costumers’ Guild) enjoys the art of costuming. She was drawn to homemade costumes when her mother made her a handsewn cow costume with a paper mâché head in elementary school. It was life changing after being raised on Ben Cooper costume-in-a-box. Her “closet costuming” started in high school and continued through summer camps. She uses costuming to test her sewing skills and learn new crafts. She has created handmade costumes for Girl Scout events, “Disney bounds” for fun at work, and designs original costumes for masquerade. She has presented on convention panels, assisted with children’s programing, and created costumes and props for a small local haunted house.

Anne Davenport – Recording Secretary (Silicon Web Costumers’ Guild) has been costuming for 40 years since sewing and wearing a Starfleet uniform for Senior Class Dress-up Day in high school. Most of her costuming energies are aimed at convention hall costuming, but she also participates in Masquerades at the Master level from Costume-Cons to Worldcons. She is a long-time member of the Rebel Legion (a Star Wars costuming group), and has been a member of the ICG for at least twice as long.