Sally Fink,”Dusk” Costume-Con 29 photo by Ken Warren.
ICG President pro tem Kevin Roche announced that the 2020 ICG Lifetime Achievement Award has been presented to Sally Fink.
The ICG Lifetime Achievement Award is highest honor the International Costumers’ Guild pays to costumers. The award recognizes a body of achievement in the costuming art and service to the costuming community.
Very active from 1970’s to the late 80’s, she is still participating today. From 2004 to 2011, one of her fantasy costumes, “The Iron Orchid,” was on exhibit in the Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame in Seattle, Washington. She has also mounted over a dozen one-woman costume and art-to-wear shows at local venues in western Pennsylvania, exposing the public to our hobby.
Her entry in the Future Fashion Show at Costume-Con 30 in Tempe, “Empress in the Court of Jewels” not only won “Best in Show” for that competition, but demonstrated her continuing commitment to our craft, showing that this veteran costumer is still taking on new challenges and putting her own stamp on them.
Visit Sally Fink’s citation page for more information about the award.
Past president Mera Babineaux also announced that she has presented the following President’s Awards to recognize exceptional service to the ICG:
- Vicky Assarattanakul: Excellence in Service to the Members.
- Elaine Mami, Byron Connell, Bruce and Nora Mai, and Lorien Fletcher: Leadership in the Costuming Community.
- Jacalyn Boggs and Sarah Richardson: Excellence in Stewardship.
- Andrew Trembley, Kevin Roche, and Leslie Johnston: Technological Advancement.
- Marianne Pease: Excellence in Costuming Leadership and Inspiring Hope.
Visit the citation page for more information about these awards.
Congratulations to all of this year’s award recipients!
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