Sample Code of Conduct

Adopting a code of conduct may seem unnecessary because everyone in your group knows each other and gets along. However, as circumstance change, your Chapter or SIG grows, or it holds activities and events that invite outside participation, having a written code of conduct will ensure that everyone is on the same page on what is expected, and provide a way to quickly and consistently deal with issues that come up.

The Code of Conduct does not have to be long or complex. It should deal with several topics that commonly arise. Theses include

  • Civility and respect
  • Discrimination
  • Harassment

The Code of Conduct should spell out a procedures to follow when someone reports an issue, and a range of options for how misconduct will be dealt with.

Here is a sample code of conduct that Chapters and SIGs can use as a starting point.

Sasquatch Valley Costumers’ Guild
Code of Conduct


The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to ensure that every participant in the Upper Sasquatch Valley Costumers’ Guild (the “Chapter”) is treated with civility and respect, is not discrimnated against, and is free from harassment. It also ensures that all participants understand their responsibilities in return. This policy applies to all participants in the Chapter and its activities, including but not limited to members, guests, speakers, other attendees, and users of its online facilities.


Civility and respect. Participants in the Chapter shall treat one another with respect and civility. Participants expressing an opinion in any forum on issues related to the Chapter, its participants or activities shall express themselves in a civil and courteous manner. Each participant shall give due consideration to the feelings, concerns and opinions of others when participating in Chapter activities.

Discrimation. Participants in the Chapter shall not engage in conduct of any form that intentially or unintentionally discriminates against others in matters related to the Chapter, its participants, or activities, Discrimination generally means any course of conduct that prevents, diminishes, or discourages full participation by the victim in the Chapter and its activites, including for reasons of age, race, religion, origin, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size.

Harassment. Participants in the Chapter shall not engage in conduct of any form that intentionally or unintentionally harasses others in matters related to the Chapter, its participants, or activities. Harassment generally means a course of conduct that annoys, threatens, intimidates, alarms, or puts a person in fear of their safety. Harassment is unwanted, unwelcomed and/or uninvited behavior that demeans, threatens or offends the victim and results in a physically or mentally hostile environment for the victim. Harassment includes but is not limited to inappropriate physical contact, unwelcome or inappropriate verbal comments related to: age, race, religion, origin, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, or body size.

Participants asked to stop any uncivil, disrepectful, discriminatory, or harrassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.


The Chapter board is responsible for administering this Code of Conduct, and for taking appropriate action if it is not followed.

The victim or another participant can report any behavior that is in conflict with the Code of Conduct by contacting any member of the Chapter board, by sending the details by email to, or in a writing to the Board in care of the Secretary. All reports will be treated confidentially.

The board shall designate a board member acceptible to the victim to invesgiate the report and submit findings and recommendations to the board. The investigator shall seek input from the victim on the facts, findings and recommendations.

The board shall consider the recommendations and may take whatever action it finds appropriate against the accused person or persons, ranging from a written warning to suspension, to expulsion from the Chapter and a ban on future participation. The person or persons accused shall be notified in writing and be given an opportunity to address the board before the action is made final. If an ICG member is expelled, the board shall notify the ICG Corresponding Secretary of its action.