ICG Board of Directors Welcome 2012-2013 Officers

The ICG Board of Directors is happy to welcome Philip Gust as President, Aurora Celeste as Vice President, and Kathe Gust as Recording Secretary. Jeanine Swick was re-elected as Treasurer, and Jan Price was re-elected as Corresponding Secretary. The board would also...

ICG Standing Rules Updated

The ICG Standing Rules were recently updated with six amendments approved by the Board of Directors. The amendments reorganize certain existing Standing Rules and related Board actions into a simple framework that is easier to understand and more flexible to maintain...

March-April 2012 – ICG Newsletter Is Available

March-April 2012 on-line edition of the ICG Newsletter is available, featuring two book reviews, the final installment on the ICG archives, and 17th C. digital images — on a loom! Select here for more: The ICG Newsletter Important! See ICG President Ann...