Costumer’s Quarterly Archive Is Now Available

At the ICG Annual meeting today, ICG Recording Secretary Kathe Gust announced that the Costumer’s Quarterly archive is now available. This archive contains digital facsimilies of Costumer’s Quarterly magazine, published by ICG between 1987 and 2001. See a...

ICG Members Meetings At Costume-Con-31

ICG President Philip Gust announced the annual ICG members meetings that will take place at Costume-Con-31, and called on members who are not attending to fill out and send their proxies with another member who will be there. See the announcement in the ICG-D Yahoo...

March-April 2013 – ICG Newsletter Is Available

March-April 2013 on-line edition of the ICG newsletter, The International Costumer, is available, featuring the next installment in the series on ICG Lifetime Achievement Award Winners: Kevin Roche, 2007 recipient. Select here for more: The International...