megaphoneIf your chapter or SIG is doing things that you want to let ICG members know about, please contact me and I will set up an account for you to create blog posts that will also appear in the International Costumer newsletter.

Groups sharing their activities and experiences with other members is one of the benefits of belonging to the ICG; please take advantage of it! Just a few paragraphs and a photo is all it takes. Here are 10 ideas about things to share:

  1. a museum exhibition that members visited
  2. a community event that your group attended
  3. a local convention that your group helps run
  4. a community service project your group participated in
  5. a recent costume photo shoot
  6. how your group promotes itself locally
  7. a summer picnic that your group held in a park
  8. costumes for a recent movie that members discussed
  9. costume projects from a members show-and-tell
  10. a technique that a member demonstrated at a meeting

Philip Gust
ICG Publications Committee