Jeanine Swick with ICG President’s Award.
ICG President Kevin Roche presented Jeanine Swick with a 2023 ICG President’s Award during the Single Pattern Competition on April 21st at Costume-Con 39 in San Jose, California. The President’s Award is presented annually by the ICG President to members who have provided outstanding service to the ICG and its members.
According to her citation, Jeanine has gone an above and beyond the call of duty her work as ICG Treasurer since taking over that role from Bruce MacDermott in 2009. In addition to her work in managing and reporting on ICG finances, Jeanine also interacts with the Chapter treasurers each month to ensure that they provide regular membership reports and remit ICG membership dues, and advises chapters on finance-related issues. In addition, Jeanine serves as a member of the ICG Budget and Finance Committee, where she is responsible for preparing the annual budget and submitting it to the ICG Board for approval each year.
During his presentation, Kevin Roche described Jeanine Swick’s long-time and continuing work in these roles and her dedication in performing them as an outstanding example of service to the ICG and its members.
“The work required to keep the non-profit machinery of the International Costumers Guild is not glamorous, but is vital the organization. Since 2009, Jeanine Swick has been herding the cats of our variou”s chapters, especially in regards to maintaining the financial and membership records required to maintain our status as a tax-exempt entity. I am privileged to be able to recognize her hard work on behalf of our community with this award.”
Congratulations, Jeanine, and thank you for your service to the ICG!
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