2017 ICG President’s Message

2017 ICG President’s Message

President’s Message at 2017 Annual ICG Members and Board Meetings My focus has been on financial stability, growth, educational outreach, and providing value for our affiliated chapters and their members. It is surprising to realize just how much the ICG has...
ICG Press Approved

ICG Press Approved

I am pleased to announce the the ICG Board of Directors has approved the creation of the ICG Press. The ICG Press will publish books and monographs that are of interest to the costuming community. It will provide a place for costumers and those interested in costuming...
2015 Lifetime Achievement Award Group Photo

2015 Lifetime Achievement Award Group Photo

This portrait by Richard was taken at Costume-Con 33 following the 2015 Lifetime Achievement Award presentation. It includes 2015 recipient Kathy Bushman Sanders, and the past LAA recipients who helped present the award that evening. Left to right: Ann Catelli,...