in costume
Photo: Richard Man

Bruce and Dana MacDermott

2009 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient

Bruce and Dana MacDermott began Convention Costuming in 1983. Since then, they have worked with each other and in teams with other Costumers, always on the far end of the creative scale, specializing in aliens and other bizarre creatures. Together they have helped in the formation of two chapters of the ICG, and have both served multiple terms as ICG Officers.

Bruce as Treasurer for three years, brought the ICG into the 21st century putting ICG finances into a professional accounting program. Strongly dedicated to Costuming as an Art Form and to sharing their abilities and knowledge with the Costuming Community, Bruce and Dana are active panel participants, Judges and have been on the staffs of several Costume-Cons. Dana was on the ICG Guidelines Committee and is proud to have been the author of the “Excellence Deserves Award” guideline.

Dana MacDermott passed away in August, 2021.