in costume
Photo: John Upton

Betsy Marks

2008 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient

Betsy Marks has been supporting the costuming community since 1985, before the ICG was even formed. She has served the ICG as Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary and the first post-incorporation ICG Treasurer. She produced the first ICG Membership Directory and has served three chapters on their executive boards. In total, she has been an officer of one sort or another for well over 16 of the 22 years during which she has belonged to the ICG or one of its chapters.

She launched the ICG Newsletter, doing much of the work in getting it consistently distributed by herself for the 800+ members of the Guild for over three years. She has been a tireless advocate for greater access to the Board of the Directors online presence, culminating in the opening of the BOD-list to the membership.

Perhaps one of her greatest contributions to our community, though, is her creation and maintenance of the website which she has now handed off to Karen Schnaubelt as part of Costume-Con’s legacy. Other than the ICG´s archives & Gallery, this website is the most significant chronicle and showcase of our hobby´s artform.