ICG Gallery FAQ

by Jacalyn Boggs | Mar 13, 2018

Updated 10/2023

Do I need to create a user account in order to look at the ICG Gallery?
No.  Just visit the ICG Gallery home page to get started.

How can I learn about using the ICG Gallery?
From the ICG Gallery home page, select “Using this Site” to get started.

What are the Exhibits?
Exhibits are groups of items in the gallery around a common theme, such as “Costuming in the 1950s.” From the ICG Gallery home page, select “Exhibits” to view current exhibits.

What are the Collections?
Collections are groups of items in the gallery from a specific convention or event, such as “Worldcon.” From the ICG Gallery home page, select “Collections” for a list of collections.

What are the Contributed Collections?
Contributed Collections significant groups of items in the galley that were contributed by a specific person, such as the “Bjo and John Trimble Collection.” From the ICG Gallery home page, select “Contributed Collections” for a list of contributed collections.

How do I find photos in the ICG Gallery?
The ICG Gallery provides extensive search functionality. From the home page of the ICG Gallery, select “Search The Collections” to search for items in the ICG Gallery.

I’d like to contribute some photos to the ICG Gallery. How do I do that?
To contribute photos to the ICG Gallery, please contact the ICG Archivist ICG Archivist (icg-archivist@costume.org) with your information.

 How often is new material added to the ICG Gallery?
The International Costumers Gallery Facebook Group lets people know when new photos have been added, changes have been made, or anything else that the Archivist or the Site Admin wants to announce.  If you have a Facebook account, click the “Like” button on this page to be notified of future announcements.

The Pat and Peggy Kennedy Memorial Library

What is the Pat and Peggy Kennedy Memorial Library?
The Pat and Peggy Kennedy Memorial Library is the official archive of the International Costumers Guild.  Its mission is to preserve the history of Science Fiction fan costuming.  Since the mid-1990s, it has been gathering materials spanning 70+ years.  It has also accumulated images from Wearable Arts events, Living History and other showcases for creativity.  Much of this collection has never been seen by a wide audience before – not even by ICG members.  Our intention is to become a major destination for the celebration of craftsmanship, imagination and knowledge that our hobby encompasses.

You can find out more about Pat and Peggy Kennedy by visiting their Lifetime Achievement Award entries:

Pat Kennedy
Peggy Kennedy

What does the Library contain?
Photographs, videotapes, DVDs and other paper ephemera related to costume events, the business records of the ICG and other documents.

How big is the Library?  For “70+ years of Science Fiction fan costuming”, there doesn’t seem to be that much on the site.
There is a tremendous amount of data to inventory, plus we are constantly acquiring new material.

We are updating the site as we get an album of photos done.  By being a friend of the IC Gallery on Facebook, or a member of the ICG-A list, you won’t have to constantly be looking to see if there is anything new to see.

Why does the Library have so many pictures from Science Fiction conventions?
From the beginning, Science Fiction conventions have had some sort of costume contest or masquerades. They allow people to express their creativity by in a way that can be worn on the body. This doesn’t mean the Library is not interested in other costume event photos, though.  We promote all types of costuming as an art form.

I have some old photos you might be interested in.  Do you want them?
Yes! We are always looking for photos (digital or paper or slides) or CDs of all costume-related events for our permanent collection.

I have videotapes/DVDs of costume events (i.e. masquerades, costume parades, etc.), but I don’t have a way to copy them.  Can you do it?
Yes!  For each item you loan to us, we will make copies for the Library and return your originals with a DVD  for your own collection.  Same for photographs.

I have images from X costume event. Do you already have them?  Do you have a list of what is contained in the Library?
An event inventory list is not a priority at this time.  We are concentrating on getting the photographs inventoried first.  A partial list can be found here.  Eventually, we will get around to updating it again, since it could make it it easier for potential donors to contribute event photos where have no record.  We are always interested in additional photos from the same event, etc., even if we may already have some records in the Library. You might have a better picture of a particular costume, or information on the wearer, that we may not currently possess. Please contact the ICG Archivist (icg-archivist@costume.org) with your information.

Do you purchase pictures?
Occasionally, but our budget is limited.  Please contact the Archivist.

I love what you’re doing! Can I donate money to maintain the Library and help it grow?
Absolutely! The ICG is a 501c3 organization, so donations are tax deductible. You can contact the ICG Treasurer (icg-treasurer@costume.org) and tell them you want to send money earmarked specifically for the archives.  You can also make a donation via PayPal from the “Donation” page on the ICG website.

What if I have a correction about info on a photo?
We welcome corrections sent to the Archivist (icg-archivist@costume.org).

Other Questions

Are these costumes for sale or rent?
We do not have that information, but most likely, no. This is strictly a site for the appreciation of the making, and the makers of, costumes.How can I contact someone in a photo about how they made their costume? Maybe they can make one for me?
We do not have that information. You might try an Internet search on their name to see if they have a website. You can also check out the links on the ICG website main page for mailing lists, and other resources.I’d like to buy some photos I’ve seen on the site. How do I contact the photographer?
Unless the photographer has a link to their own sales website, they are not for sale. Warning: this site makes no guarantees of the reliability of any photographer who may link from this site, and it is not responsible for any problems with transactions involving said photographers. Let the buyer beware. What if I have a question not on this FAQ?
Please send your questions to the site admin (gallery-admin@costume.org) or the Archivist.  If the answers would benefit many visitors, we’ll add them to the list.

Gallery administrator: Leslie  L. Johnston (gallery-admin@costume.org)
Kennedy Library Archivist: Pierre Pettinger (icg-archivist@costume.org)