Did you know that in addition to geographically-based chapters, the ICG also has Special Interest Groups (SIGs)? A SIG is an organization of ICG members with a common interest in a particular aspect or genre of costuming, without regard to the geographical location of its members. SIGs were approved by the ICG Board in 2014.
SIG Benefits
SIGs receive similar benefits available to chapters. For example, SIGs are entitled to website hosting, use of the ICG Zoom platform for meetings and events, accounts and groups on the ICG Google Workspace, and non-profit status through participation in the ICG Group Exemption Letter (GEL).
Starting a SIG
If you have an interest in a particular aspect or genre of costuming, and have at least five other ICG members who are also interested, why not start your own SIG? Information about starting a SIG is located on the Starting a New Special Interest Group page of the ICG website.
The process is similar to starting a chapter. The prospective SIG submits its request in writing to the ICG Board of Directors. Include the name of the SIG, the special interest served by the SIG, how the SIG will be organized, and the name of the initial Chair. The request should be signed by a minimum of six ICG members in good standing who will be members of the SIG. The ICG Board will promptly act on the request and the ICG Corresponding Secretary will notify the SIG of its decision.
Joining a SIG
ICG members can belong to any number of SIGs. Although SIG membership does not confer voting rights for its members and SIGs do not have representation on the ICG Board of Directors, an ICG Officer (e.g. the Vice President) appointed by the ICG President serves as a liaison between the SIGs and the Board.
The ICG currently has four SIGs that focus on specific aspects or genre of costuming. See the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) page on the ICG website for detailed information about each of them and how to join.
Cosplay Photo Shoots
A group of costumers who enjoy learning special techniques required to photograph and capture the spectacular costumes and the characters of cosplayers, including posing, lighting, locations, and photographic effects.
Miss Lizzy’s Traveling Historical Fashion Show
Educational outreach to extend knowledge of Victorian and Edwardian culture and dress by collecting, preserving, studying, and repairing extant garments, photographs, artifacts, style periodicals, and ephemera of that time period, from approximately 1830 to 1930.
Masquerade Runners
AKA: “Hey Kids, Lets Put on a Show!” (HeLPS)
Represents ICG members involved in organizing, directing, and/or providing support for masquerades or similar stage costume competitions or displays on the local, regional, and international-competition levels.
Props and Costuming FX
Provide a focus for members who are interested in the art and practice of prop making and costuming special effects, and offer encouragement and support to ICG members who are interested in these areas of costuming.
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