The International Costumers’ Guild (ICG) was incorporated in 1989 to bring hobbyist and professional costumers from around the world together, and to foster local educational and social costume events.

We welcome everyone with an interest in the art of costuming. Our members include cosplayers, historic re-enactors, professional, educational and community theatrical costumers, science fiction fans,renaissance festival participants, and a all those who are interested in the making, wearing, performance, and display of costumes.

ICG chapters enable members in a geographic location to meet regularly to trade tips, skills, and ideas. ICG Special Interest Groups (SIGs) enable members worldwide with an interest in some aspect or genre of costuming to pursue their interest by sharing information through online forums and social media, and organizing programs at conventions.

The ICG also offers advice and expertise to the costuming community, as well as to print, broadcast, and online media worldwide.

  • Our cos-chat Google Group is open to anyone with an interest in costuming. The group is managed by the ICG, but anyone with an interest in costuming is welcome to join in the discussion. If you difficulty joining via the Google Group page linked above, you may join by emailing from the address you want to subscribe!
  • The ICG has developed Guidelines for Ensuring Fair Competition that we encourage costuming competitions to adopt. We also offer special recognition to international competitions that draw entrants and audiences from outside the host country, and follow the ICG’s Guidelines. Worldcon, Costume-Con, and Anime North are currently recognized as international competitions.
  • The International Costumer newsletter includes articles, and other regular features of interest. IC is delivered to members six times a year in a full-color, online edition. Back issues are freely available to the entire costuming community.
  • The ICG International Costumers Gallery and the Pat and Peggy Kennedy Memorial Archives are a large collection of photos, videos and costume-related materials from nearly seven-decades of fan costuming.
  • The Marty Gear Costuming Arts and Sciences Fund provides grants for innovative projects and activities that promote the art and science of costuming, either in a specific locale or the community as a whole.

We welcome you to our website, invite you to explore it, and hope we’ve kindled your interest in joining our community!Please help the ICG fulfill its educational, non-profit mission by making a donation.