
Newsletter Editor


OnlineĀ Edition:

  • Philip Gust

Print Edition:

  • Patrick O’Connor
ICG Press Editor



Philip Gust

Pierre Pettinger

Associate Archivists:

  • Bruce Mai
  • Nora Mai

Gallery Administrator

Nora Mai

Gallery Webmaster:

  • Leslie Johnston


Pierre Pettinger

Group Exemption Letter (GEL)

Bruce MacDermott

Assistant Administrator:

  • Elaine Sims

Standing Committees

Budget and Finance

General oversight of ICG finances, preparation of annual budgets, and review of financial reports.

  • Bruce MacDermott [2024-2025] (Chair)
  • Elaine Simms [2024-2025]
  • Jeanine Swick [Treasurer]

Communications and Public Relations

Publicity, and public relations activities with conventions and other costume-related organizations.

  • TBD (Chair)
  • Kathe Gust [2024-2025]
  • Merrily Wolf [Corresponding Secretary]

Marty Gear Costuming Arts and Sciences Grant Fund

Fund Administration:

  • Byron Connell [2024-2025] (Chair)
  • Jeanine Swick [Treasurer]

Grant Evaluation:

  • Jill Eastlake [2024-2025]
  • Jacqui Ward [2024-2025]
  • Ken Warren [2024-2025]


Publication related activity including the ICG Newsletter.

  • TBD [Newsletter Editor
  • TBD [ICG Press Editor]
  • Kathe Gust [Public Relations Representative]
  • Philip Gust [2024-2025] (Chair)
  • Betsy R. Marks [2024-2025]
  • Patrick O’Connor [2024-2025]
  • Kevin Roche [2024-2025]
  • Jeanine Swick [Treasurer]
  • Randall Whitlock [2024-2025]
Technology and Web

Technical and web iniatives such as the operation of this web site, Google and Zoom accounts, and the ICG International Costumers Gallery.

  • Philip Gust [Webmaster] (Chair)
  • Leslie Johnston [Gallery Webmaster]
  • Nora Mai [Gallery Administrator]
  • Patrick O’Connor [2024-2025]
  • Pierre Pettinger [Archivist]
  • Kevin Roche [2024-2025]
  • Jeanine Swick [Treasurer]
  • Andy Trembley [2024-2025]
Guidelines Committee

Evaluate the current ICG Guidelines to Ensure Fair Competition, seek input from the costuming community, and propose revisions to the ICG Board of Directors.

  • Betsy R. Marks [2024-2025]
  • Kevin Roche [2024-2025] (Chair)
  • Andrew Trembley [2024-2025]
  • Vicky Warren [2024-2025]