Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2019-12-11  2019-12-13>



Mera Rose  10:59 AM
A reminder to BoD reps to please vote on the move to a new communications platform by midnight EST tonight.  The poll is in the #polls channel in Slack.  This is the motion made during the 12-8-2019bodcall, and the recording for the call is in the BoD call channel.  Andy and Kevin have posted a lot of information on Google groups and Gsuite for your consideration in #open-discussion-communications.The move, based on the outcome of the vote, will begin this weekend.  Please inform your chapter members to be on the lookout for invitations to whichever platform is chosen in the very near future.  A reminder also that the emails for chapter and BoD reps are also on the website in case there are any issues getting connected to the new platform.  Please reach out to me, Kevin, or a member of the tech committee if you experience any issues during the transition.




Mera Babineaux


Jeanine Swick  1:45 PM

How do come up with this? It specifically states at the bottom of the poll that it closes on Dec 15th at 9:35 pm. According to my calendar today is only Dec 12th.


[2 replies Last reply 2019-12-12 2:31 PM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago

Mera stayed a closing date of today when she posted the poll.  A poll can be closed at any time, regardless of what the initial setting says. It’s easy to miss the place where you set a custom close during the creation of a poll. It’s not a big deal. 


Mera Rose  2 years ago
The day was determined on the conference call on Sunday.  It closes Thursday so that the move can occur on Friday.