Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2019-12-10  2019-12-12>



kevin.p.roche  10:05 AM

@Jacalyn Boggs I think you are right about the proliferation of possible chapters (Mera and I had a long conversation about exactly this yesterday).As originally imagined, ICG chapters were the center of our activity; we were mostly communicating in person, by mailed correspondence, or in person. The pastime has grown so dramatically over the last decade and our current way of inducting new chapters doesn't match the explosion of new fan cosplay and costume groups.  We tried to address some of this by adding the special interest groups (activity-focused rather than geographically) but it hasn't been enough.


That said, because of the federal requirements of our 501(c)3 Group Exemption, new chapters do need to have a certain business structure (their own set of officers) to qualify as voting chapters. I have been persuaded and agree with you and Mera that the different groups from Virginia should ideally be their own chapters, but they also needed to be ready to each have that minimum set of officers, which I understand they did not yet have.
I think we need a new way to bring in existing groups that are interested in chapter status -- perhaps first, relatively quickly, as an affiliate group, with an ICG member as a sponsor, who can help them then complete the process of building the required business structure to become a chapter under the Group Exemption Letter.


[3 replies Last reply 2019-12-11 10:57 AM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
You are misinformed about the leadership of the three potential chapters, but otherwise I think there’s a lot here to discuss. I have spent my time on the BOD trying to build up the ICG name and talked to people in this country and outside of it trying to encourage chapter growth. It is not surprising that the state in which I live would see the most successful attempt with three potential chapters attempting to gain entry. I live here and can work more with people here due to the frequency of seeing them. 


There is absolutely no reason why the guild could not be everywhere. Some metropolitan areas can easily support multiple groups population wise. Given other concerns (Ex: extreme traffic), it would actually prove advantageous to recognize multiple groups in a metro area. This is simply a metro area, not even discussing a state.  Once you get outside of the US there’s other things that should be considered. We do call ourselves International, we should be working to be international. 


Virginia is hardly unique, but it does have a multitude of costuming bases covered just due it’s nature. Costuming is an everyday occurrence in some areas between historical sites, re-enactments, and the multiple conventions in our state across what is really four very distinct and separate regions.  I have lived and traveled across this country and through half a dozen countries with contacts in half a dozen or so more.  Costuming/cosplay has become so mainstream with the con glut going on, that it is nothing to see people dressed up on any random Tuesday somewhere. And people just wear whatever even if it’s not pertinent to the event. The Redcoats standing near Robin Hood seen at the Viking festival in Stockholm just before Easter this year was my personal fave


Given this, I definitely think we need to discuss how we perceive potential chapters and onboard new groups. This is beyond SIGs. We need to continue to make on boarding easier, finding reasons for people to join, and more. My goal has always been to increase membership and have chapters everywhere possible. If we do not grow, we will die.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
To clarify on the 3 potential chapters and their structure:The chapters had an initial elected structure for temporary officers so that the placeholders (me and Jacalyn, and Dustin) could train those interested in the positions prior to their official election at the Con associated with each chapter:  BRCS was Big Lick ComicCon, CI was RavenCon, and ODCG was MarsCon.  The bylaws, AI, and standing rules all used the ICG templates from the website with some minor tweaks.  They were already voted on and adopted.  They were ready to go just pending the final official election for a year in office of those members to take over for placeholders, which was mostly done to protect them from potential issues that could be created if everything wasn’t followed to the letter on reporting in the beginning.  There were potential members and members on the rosters who were intended to step into those positions with training prior to their January, February, and April conventions.


I really wish that things had been addressed differently.  Had people felt comfortable contacting us about their concerns on the chapters and their structure, I don’t think that whole mess would have occurred.  That is why I sent out personal apologies after, as I did not want people to feel as though they could not contact us with concerns.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
@Mera Rose it is most unfortunate that the situation wasn’t handled better. :/


kevin.p.roche  10:08 AM

An affiliate program as a path to voting chapter status might even be achievable via properly worded Standing Rules, versus a full ByLaws rewrite. Members of the affiliate group could hold ICG membership via one of the other primary chapters (or perhaps even the "T-Chapter") so they have individual membership status and representation to the board as the chapter completes the path to full voting status.


[1 reply Last reply 2019-12-11 11:07 AM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I think this is a possible fix, but I also think there might be a more advantageous way to handle this.


Instead of a chapter coordinator or ombudsman or whatever, we could create an outreach position as a part of the PR committee or as it’s own committee.  When a potential chapter reaches out to create a chapter, the outreach committee or coordinator could help the chapter understand the process, documentation, structure, etc required, and help make sure that they have everything ready BEFORE submitting their application for affiliation.  Then, once the outreach coordinator or committee has reviewed everything, they can help the chapter submit the application, with the 5 day objection and 5 day voting period, and then once the chapter is voted in, continue aiding them for the first year in making sure that anything else they need or have questions about, or getting them to submit reports in a timely manner could be done through outreach.


It doesn’t require a lot of changes to the bylaws and works within the existing structure, but ensures everything that needs to be done is understood and handled up front in the beginning of the process, instead of after an application is rejected or approved.Just another suggestion for the pile.  Lol


Jeanine Swick  10:41 AM

Kevin that is a very sensible way to fix the issue.



Jeanine Swick  11:34 AM

Any new chapter neds to have a basic understanding of how thing operate within the Standing Rules and By-Laws before becoming a full fledged chapter. The majority of the chapters that joined still can not properly send in a membership report or dues in a timely fashion. One will sit on dues for up to 3 months before submitting them. Then there are the lnes that have reformatted the spreadsheet for the membership report and I have to spend time fixing to to add the information to the list. The way it comes in it is not a simple copy and paste but removing and rearranging the columns to the right position. 


Each chapter also get a copy of the roster at the end of the year/beginning of the new one to verfy that member and officer information currently on hand is correct. It also includes any members that expired during the current year. A grand total of ZERO chapters reply back even saying yes all the information is correct. So chapters do not understand how we are supposed to operate.


[3 replies Last reply 2019-12-15 3:22 PM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I think this might be one reason that there was so much support for an online membership management system...  can we have a discussion about that at some point?  I think it would help simplify things for the chapters, and maybe for you too?  There are WordPress plugins that can be used relatively simply to help manage it.  @kevin.p.roche showed it to me at CostumeCon, and while it’s different than what I had coded for ICGOnline, it looks really helpful.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Support in the survey, that is.


Randy Smith  2 years ago

I would agree, an online database would solve this issue. I have worked with one for years with the Amtgard LARP group, called the Online Record Keeper (ORK).It solves many issues.


As for reformatting the spreadsheets, we personally don't use Excel, we use "Numbers" the Mac Equivalent, as we are Apple users. Use of different software may cause issues like this.


Merrily  11:59 AM
@Jacalyn Boggs @Marianne Pease  the nova chapter was your pet project. I was just a number to help you fulfill headcount so that you could get it started. You had knowledge of ICG basics. What challenges did you have? What were the challenges for trying to recruit members, finding meeting space, and getting volunteers?


Marianne Pease  11:59 AM
was added to #boardofdirectors by Merrily.


Mera Rose  2:01 PM


I have asked VP Kevin Roche to handle comment moderation on the BOD channel, acting as "sergeant-at-arms" for our continuing business meeting in Slack.  To all members: please remember that if you are not the BoD rep for your Chapter or SIG, or otherwise invited by the BoD to speak in the meeting, you are an audience member.  This includes alternate BoD reps unless you are currently acting in place of your regular representative.  


As such, you are asked to send your comments and concerns to your bod rep or an elected officer so that they may be introduced here properly, and you can be recognized and given the “floor”.  Please remember to keep all discussion relevant to BoD business and civil in tone.  General commentary may be posted in the #general channel, and there are other channels for posts of “other” natures. We can also create more channels as we need them.  

Please work with us to ensure this Slack space is utilized efficiently to prevent confusion.


(Our old BoD group had posting settings that made it possible to have readers vs posters automatically, but at this point our Slack workspace does not. We ask for your cooperation in running the channel this way.)