Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2019-11-14  2019-11-19>



Judy Mitchell  9:59 AM
(This has already been cross-posted on yahoo)  Northern Lights met yesterday (this past Sunday) and went over all the Motions currently on file. There was great concern about the many motions and discussions regarding spending monies that are not budgeted for.They want to know exactly why the NoVa rep seems to feel there is such a rush to buy insurance, hire lawyers, and join lawyer groups, when to the best of the Bod's knowledge, and the general membership's, there is no emergency or reason to not follow our normal routine of budgeting and voting at the general meeting. They are not saying that none of these are worth considering, just that they are not happy at the 'emergency' rushing. And telling them that the NoVA rep felt her chapter considered it important, with no explanation why, was not an acceptable reason to bypass our usual routines.


We have members in different time zones, different countries, and different amounts of online availability. There are reasons why out procedures were set in the manner they were: its called fairness to all.


There are votes coming up soon involving the spending of monies that have not been approved in our annual budget, i ask the other reps to keep this in mind when voting.


12 replies Last reply 2019-11-19 8:09 AM]


kevin.p.roche  2 years ago
I can say (having gone through this with Worldcon) that the time to price and obtain B&O* liability insurance is before you need it.
*Board and Officers. It is a policy designed in particular to cover claims resulting from mistakes (as opposed to malfeasance) on the part of said parties doing their best to fulfill their roles.


kevin.p.roche  2 years ago
However -- like any other policy, it is something that should be shopped for, reviewed, and then purchased, rather than rushed into.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I guess I’m confused as to how it’s a rush?  She made motions and we’re in a normal 15 day discussion period before a 15 day vote.  Just like the one regarding policies, any amendments can still be made.  If you want to amend to change the language like the motion to amend did for policies then you can, of course.  There were concerns that were presented and she took action she had been advised was in the best interests of her chapter and the guild.  I assigned motion numbers as is standard.  They’ll be voted through or voted down, which is normal procedure.  As for joining Maryland Non-Profits, it’s a less costly option that provides lots of benefits for the guild and it’s chapters.  $100 is not an unreasonable cost for the benefits.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Yeah Maryland nonprofits is very fairly priced! Excellent find, Mera!!!


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Thank Sarah!  (@Dragan Rose ) She found them first!  Lol.  They have really great resources.


Dragan Rose  2 years ago
I am hoping to use the MD non-profit network for Costume-Con 40.



Judy Mitchell  2 years ago
I do remember that Sarah suggested the MD non-profit group to you, and they do sound like they could be very helpful. That is not the issue.


Also sent to the channel


Randy Smith  2 years ago
As was stated by Kevin. The time to buy insurance isn't when you need it... it's before it is needed. I apologize ahead of time if I come off strongly, as I know our chapter is the newest to this organization, and you have yet to get to know me or our chapter.


However, situations like the insurance and lawyers are not things to wait and take care of at a later date. These are items which should probably have been handled a long time ago, and as such, we need to rectify the situation by handling these issues with haste (though I do not propose rushing into anything blindly).There does seem to be quite a few motions on the BoD that need to be handled, and this may cause concern, but this means that things are getting done. This is a good thing and in my opinion forward progress should not be frowned upon.


It is my understanding that each chapter has an ICG representative sitting on the Board, and therefore each chapter has a say in the actions of the board, to include the motions currently on the table. I also understand the difference between procedures and routines. The latter of which causes more trouble than it does good.


I find it difficult to understand the resistance to handling issues such as these. They are something that should have been taken care of years ago, but wasn't. Now someone has had the initiative to work towards handling the problem, yet there are members of the board who would rather fall back and wait until the next annual meeting to bring the issue up for a vote... placing us in further jeopardy should an actual emergency arise.


I ask, why? Are we not all represented here? Has time not been given for discussion? Has procedure not been followed? There are things that are going to fall out of the norm for any organization, unplanned problems will always arise. Isn't that why we are here as BoD members? to openly discuss and handle these issues?


My chapter members and I are quite perplexed by this resistance, and hope that it is simply a fleeting moment of concern and not a resistance to change.


Judy Mitchell  2 years ago
(already cross-posted with yahoo)


Judy Mitchell  2 years ago
In answer to Mera's question of how things are being rushed, 5 motions that were put forth by the same single motioner within about 24 hours, that came  out of nowhere, demanding implementation extremely quickly (such as not being brought before the membership annual meeting with no urgency discussed to account for such haste) and insisting on the spending of monies without becoming a budget item (even when the archives needs something that costs less than having a lawyer draft policies, they have to submit it to the budget and wait for the annual meeting for approval) feels very rushed to my chapter. I am not denying that these motions have the proper discussion and voting period allotted, although there is one issue in which the voting period is being foreshortened.


For members' convenience, I am refering to: motion 11-6-2019-1 which was originally to be implemented  by Jan 31, 2020, motion 11-7-2019-1 which is to be implemented by Jan 1 2020, motion 11-7-2019-2 which does not specify implementation dates, and motion 11-7-2019-3 which implies immediate implementation because the motioner is confused by multiple discussion platforms. Motion 11-9-2019-1 has no implementation date specified.


And while there is no motion made, our Acting-President has stated on Nov 13 "If any BoD objects to this expenditure, please do so in the next 7 days (by 11/20/2019).  If there is no objection by this date, then I ask the treasurer to make payment to Maryland Non-Profits in the amount of $100 to become a member organization able to access their benefits for 2019, as a line item entitled “legal and consulting services” in the 2019 budget and continuing for 2020 and beyond."


It is too late for things to be in the 2019 budget, it should wait for the 2020 budget, and I believe the timing is very tight to even do that, but Jeanine Swick would best know the time table for submitting budgetary requests.


Judy Mitchell  2 years ago
In the past when similar issues that change the budget come up we have had more participation and input by bringing it before the membership at the annual meeting, or by giving a group enough time to research and return a recommendation.  It could be that a member who is caught up in something and not paying attention for a month has experience in, for example, knowing what kind of insurance we need and don’t need, or in writing harassment policies.  The motions that were made don’t allow for this participation or research, they demand altering the budget and research the best and cheapest option in weeks or a month timeframe.  It’s important, but it’s also complicated and worth doing right rather than wasting money getting it wrong and leaving us spending money on things that don’t actually cover our needs.


According to the ICG's Standing Rules, there are procedures outlined for operating in an online environment, which we have done since roughly the late 1990s. The format was determined to be best operated with a time frame that allowed for individuals to check in as needed, but that major business would be conducted at our annual meeting, held at Costume-Con each year.


Even at the peak of Yahoo's groups, many of our board members checked email irregularly, and that's still the way things are today. Many are not able to read anything during work hours and sometimes those work hours extend to weekends or evenings. A reasonably large number of our older members don't own smart phones. For them and in general, most business is conducted with a 15-day discussion period and 15-day voting period AFTER a subject has been discussed enough to justify making a motion to deal with it.


That's where these sudden motions appear to be coming from nowhere, with no apparent reason. Nobody has asked WHY it's necessary to have a lawyer review and write these issues. In fact, our founders went out of their way to use the legal profession from within, pro bono, as much as possible specifically to avoid the cost. The last time we spent a substantial amount of money on our organization's paperwork, we were dividing the ICG from the GCFCG and separating both from the organization and income from CC3.


That was some 35 years ago or so.

Why is it so important to you that these motions proceed at this moment, without waiting for the conclusions from the GCFCG's investigation into allegations of abuse? Considering there are at least five individuals under investigation at this time, I would think you would want an answer to those allegations first.


Assuming that all individuals who have been invited to join a platform are actually paying attention to it at all times is as simple as looking at little green dots on this platform.

You can't, however, see who has NEVER checked in here.

A substantial number of the members of this platform still use the Yahoo Groups system, because of the aforementioned reasons.
Those messages are posted by the Corresponding Secretary (at present, because the Recording Secretary has been out of town and away from her computer for the bulk of the last two weeks) once or twice a day.

So, yes, representatives are supposed to be paying attention, but not at the speed of chat.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Thank you for clarifying.  I appreciate your candor.


Jeanine Swick  5:12 PM
No not every BoD member is on Slack regularly for many reasons.


Randy Smith  5:33 PM
Isn't it the duty of the ICG rep to remain informed on BoD business? and isn't this the main hub of information for the discussion of the BoD here on Slack?


I may be new, so I may have a misunderstanding of this, but if you are elected or appointed as a BoD member, isn't it your duty to check in on slack regularly?


Judy Mitchell  6:34 PM
Randy, that is the meat of one of the many motions: to move all things here to the Slack channel, instead of doubling with the original yahoogroup. The problem is that there are people who do not have easy access to Slack, or don't wish to change. Slack is showing that it may not be the best option for us to use (yahoogroups has it's own issues, especially with the soon-to-happen demise of all but group postings via email) but that can be visited at a later time.


In the meantime, some of the BoD reps that don't use slack have alternates to cast their votes over here. There is also the issue that our Standing Rules require us to have member transparency even in the BoD channel - any member can read, they just can't vote and shouldn't speak up - I know my chapter has people who prefer yahoogroups for this. You see, yahoogroups allows (and will soon only) delivery by email to your inbox, which many people prefer, and it allows for an accurate saving of messages; while slack can only be viewed on smartphones, tables & web. Not everyone is able to handle that.


Betsy R. Marks  6:51 PM
This is feedback I've gotten so far regarding Slack, from the summary of the motions on the floor that I gave my chapter members last Friday. I wanted to make sure they had some time to respond before the first vote is due (this Friday):


1. Kevin Roche: "Comment: based on my experiences using Slack for Worldcon 76, while it is a very useful tool for small nimble teams (mostly in one time zone) to coordinate things, it does not work well for coordinating general business or acting as a meeting for a group distributed across multiple time zones, age, technical familiarity, and connectivity.


If you are not used to using threaded communications it can be confusing, and, more importantly, one's replies can end up unread in the wrong thread.


It also, because of it's semi-instant "chat" nature, is easily prone to amplification and flame wars.


I would recommend a NO vote on motion 3."


2. Anonymous: "No. I cannot keep track of topic conversations. Like Kevin said, while threading is helpful, it's not perfect. And it make replies easy to miss, especially if you didn't comment on the thread to begin with. (I only get a 'new' notification on threads that I've marked for following or that I've commented on). Not helpful. We've also seen the results of the chat-like presentation first hand.”


There was a documented time when the ICG-BOD list was restricted to three comments on any subject by the same person PER DAY, because of the volume of information being put forth and the difficulty with tracking said content. Three-post restrictions make the poster stop and think about what's being said, to whom, and why.


It's tempting to abuse the privilege of an always-on, always-available platform you carry around in your hand, but I have friends who still regularly ignore their email for days if not weeks at a time and refuse to use more modern platforms for anything except work, which they refuse to use for any other reasons.


Expecting those individuals to turn on a dime and change their online behavior is ageist and exclusionary. For an organization that wants to welcome everyone, we do a disservice to those of us who are not willing or interested in adopting technology, especially if it devolves into flame wars or angry misunderstandings.


At present, my chapter is leaning heavily toward either Google Enterprise (which the ICG can access for free because of our nonprofit status) or, with additional platforms for side discussions. We haven't made decisions yet because we're all working and because I've collected our archives already, so we're not in danger of losing what we had, so long as we have everyone's valid email address. Change is coming, though, and it's my hope we'll start the migration process by the end of this month, so that we're on a different platform at the start of December or at the very least, the start of the new year.


Jeanine Swick  6:57 PM
There are also members who are in areas where the service access to the web is not the fastest. Where I live we will never get anything like FIOS or similar offered., you sometimes lose when living in small towns in ruralish areas.


Judy Mitchell  6:58 PM
I had spoken with Pierre a little bit ago, and expressed my concern that maybe Slack isn't the best for us (considering that i was previously in favor of it). He also mentioned even though he wasn't familiar with it. He thinks the SLCG uses it? From the little I've seen it looks like it delivers to inboxes which could be just what we need.


[1 reply Last reply 2019-11-19 8:08 AM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago has an associated fee structure.


Randy Smith  6:58 PM
I for one, can say that I would be very much against delivery to my email. I already have enough email going in and out that I have to sift through daily and it would lead to more confusion. Yahoo Groups may have been good in it's day, but it has become outdated and is about to basically go away.  Slack is just as easy to access as yahoo groups, as both are accessed through any web browser. So I still do not understand the resistance to change.


In my dealings with other organizations I have learned that it is simple, if you are unable to handle the duties of a given position than you should remove yourself from that position and pass it onto someone who can handle the duties. The ICG BoD chose to use Slack, so that is the platform designated for use. If an ICG rep does not have access to Slack then they are unable to handle the duties of an ICG rep, as the main duty of that position is the discussion of business on this very platform.


If they simply choose that they do not want to change, then we should question why they do not wish to do their duty as an ICG BoD rep and what action needs to be taken by their chapter to insure proper representation on the Board. This is not ageism, nor is it meant to exclusionary.


Betsy, while I can understand Kevin's statement. It seems to come from not completely understanding the software, perhaps education on the software is what is required.


So what you are saying is that your Chapter is going to use a different online chat system because the members do not wish to use an online chat system? I guess I'm lost at this logic.


I think having access is the key to communication. On


[1 reply Last reply 2019-11-26 1:40 PM]


Dawn McKechnie  2 years ago

I again will state that I don't understand why we (the ICG) doesn't implement a forums based system as part of the main ICG website.
 It could have; 1) FAQ based sub-forums open to the public. 2) members only sub-forums 3) board and committee sub-forums 4) chapter and SIG sub-forums. 5 any other type really, learning, progress sharing, etc. 6) OPTIONAL subscriptions to email copies of posts.


Randy Smith  6:59 PM
Well, I wasn't finished with the post... lol


Randy Smith  7:00 PM
I would like to once again state my dislike for moving to an email based system.


[1 reply Last reply 2019-11-18 7:07 PM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Email is very old school. Mine is all garbage


Anne Davenport  7:05 PM
I've said this before on other threads, but it's worth repeating .... another non-costume group that I'm on jumped from Yahoo! to last year and have been very happy with it, especially the tech support.  It is similar enough to Yahoo! that the change wasn't too traumatic.


[1 reply Last reply 2019-11-26 1:33 PM]


Dawn McKechnie  2 years ago

That information may never be used here but it's good information to have. Thank you for sharing Anne. -Dawn


Betsy R. Marks  7:06 PM
Unfortunately, the meeting and presentation where Slack was offered as a possible option was underattended and there wasn't a lot of follow-up after the meeting, which is part of the reason why a bulk of our business on list revolves around discussion, and motions tend to be dealt with at the Annual meeting.


Not everyone is able to attend Costume-Con each year, but for issues where big changes are needed, those changes are discussed far enough in advance that the members can then provide proxy votes to the annual meeting, and then the changes can be discussed in real time and voted on there.


That's how it's been with ICG business for most of its 30 year history. And with good reason: For the vast majority of people who belong to the ICG, this is a hobby, or if it's a profession, then the people involved are costuming, not dealing with politics at all.There are a handful of people who have devoted a good chunk of their lives to the back-end running of the organization. Throwing them under the bus because it's moving too fast for them to adjust is the antithesis of what the ICG is about, and is unnecessarily exclusionary and hostile.


As for receiving everything in email, that's unnecessary with both platforms the Silicon Web is exploring. They both have online interfaces (similar to what Yahoo had before they messed with the platform), so that will still feel the same. We have a small percentage of people who don't receive email at all. For them, having a system that can be both threaded and unthreaded is important.


With the ICG, this channel (and the one that was made private in error that preceded it) are supposed to be available to all ICG members, even if only Board members are allowed to vote on it. That is also how the meetings are run at CC. Or at least, that's how they're supposed to run. Business conducted behind closed doors is supposed to be only for dealing with personnel issues, never with general business.


And unfortunately, the vote to switch to Slack was handled after the main business meeting concluded, behind closed doors, and outside of the range of the general membership.


Randy Smith  7:12 PM
I don't mean to sound hostile or exclusionary. Just pragmatic.


6 replies Last reply 2019-11-23 8:45 PM]


kevin.p.roche  2 years ago
Randy (and others) -- my comments (copied in Betsy's summary) about Slack are based on years of working with multi-generational non-profit fan groups. It's my experience that you have to have multiple communications streams to reach everybody. This became especially apparent to me while chairing Worldcon 76.


Also, something that many newer members don't realize is that the structure of ICG was originally set up as a weak federation, with most authority invested in the chapters and the BOD set up to handle umbrella functions. As an example, when we obtained our 501(c)3 status and detailed the requirements for chapters to benefit from that via the GEL process, two chapters left rather than share their financials as required with the board.


This year we've had more activist BOD officers (activist being used with no value judgement, simply an adjective) which may all in all be a good thing, but those long time members who are accustomed to a less activist board need time to not only weigh in, but to buy into the changes.


I believe that switching all communications to a new format with no provision for those members not ready for it does not serve those members well.


By way of another example, I am also webmaster/ecommerce head for another very creative club with demographics that skew strongly to retirees. Even getting them to an electronic newsletter and online sales is an ongoing struggle. Trying to shift to a more social tool like Slack would be a non-starter with them.


I think planning and developing multiple streams to reach the maximum number of members is really important (especially when we have another whole set of tools already available to us.)


Randy Smith  2 years ago
Kevin, I can appreciate your point of view.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I would still like to talk with you more regarding G-Suite Kevin...  would you be available for a call at some point?


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I’d like to be able to log in and see what you are talking about also...  CostumeCon was a bit ago and it’s not fresh in my memory.


kevin.p.roche  2 years ago

I have to see if we've got the login problems solved with


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Let me know whenever...  I can have you log in on my computer through a screen share app to show me stuff if it helps.  I remember it had a lot of options that I liked when you showed me at CostumeCon, just can’t remember what they were for the life of me.


Betsy R. Marks  7:12 PM
Also unfortunately, our chapter (Silicon Web) was not officially represented because our chapter rep was unable to attend the meeting or assign anyone else to participate in his stead, so we weren't aware of what happened until well after the meeting and the election that put me on the BOD.


3 replies Last reply 2019-11-21 9:39 PM]


Ninka  2 years ago

Non-voting member here. Just to clarify your statement Betsy, I had volunteered to attend the meeting for the chapter, more than once, but no one responded to my emails.


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago

Kevin had planned to be there but his travel plans got mucked up while in transit and he was not able to get word to anyone in time. So you offer couldn't help.


kevin.p.roche  2 years ago
To clarify, what was supposed to be a 5 hour trip became a 16 hour odyssey and we arrived in Danvers at about 2:30 am, where I fell into bed and was unconscious until well after all the meetings had long ended. I was too busy rearranging all our travel to think about the meetings during the chaos.


Betsy R. Marks  7:13 PM
It's a really good idea to read through the Standing Rules. They exist because that's what was required to make the meetings and organization function.


Mera Rose  7:13 PM
And that’s about 20 messages at least that everyone needs to have time to catch up on.Good night y’all!


Mera Rose  8:08 PM
Cross posted from Yahoo:
As Acting President, I’ve been asked to appoint the Marty Gear Fund Committee, and I am continuing the appointments as below:


Committee Chair:  Byron Connell
Committee Members:
Jill Eastlake
Jacqueline Ward
Ken Warren
Elaine Mami


Please join me in thanking them for continuing to serve and preserving Marty’s legacy.


Mera Babineaux, Acting President


Elaine Mami  8:56 PM
Betsy, I've come to the realization that the majority of this crap has been instigated by you.  I'm not willing to listen to you any longer, but I'm here and I'm not leaving.  May I respectfully ask you to shut the hell up or resign.


Elaine Mami  8:59 PM
And I will not rescind those remarks.  I just regret not making them sooner.  Now I need to get some sleep because - old as I am (77 in 2 weeks) I still go to work tomorrow.
Yours in costuming,


[1 reply Last reply 2019-11-19 8:07 AM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Your concerns are noted and I thank you for your candor.


Elaine Mami  8:59 PM


3 replies Last reply 2019-11-19 8:07 AM]


Lorien Fletcher  2 years ago
You know, I have been really quiet here, watching all of this nonsense.
1. Slack works fine.
2. The ICG needs to move on and serve it's guilds.
3. I have no interest in an organization full of people who do nothing but obstruct progress


Also sent to the channel


Lorien Fletcher  2 years ago
So in case it is not clear,  I was happy to see someone (Elaine M.) speak out against all of this obstructionist behavior.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Your concerns are noted and I thank you for your candor.