Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2019-11-13  2019-11-18>



Judy Mitchell  2:16 PM
(Will be crossposted on yahoo)
Although the acting president appears to have erroneously assumed  that because I rejected the posted re-write of my amendment, which made it not my amendment anymore, that it implied that I automatically was withdrawing the amendment. That was not the case at the time I objected. However, now I will say that I do officially withdraw my amendment, 11-6-2019-1.


[1 reply Last reply 2019-11-11 2:37 PM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I didn’t assume that you withdrew Judy.  I commented on the thread where you restated the language that I needed the text of Betsy’s amendment which she said would be forthcoming when she had time because it comes before your amendment and Jacalyn’s friendly amendment as the last submitted.  I can see how it’s getting confusing though.  The amendments have to be handled in the order they were submitted.


So, if you could please clarify for me:  Are you withdrawing it in support of Betsy’s or entirely?  Wondering if you’re also still seconding Betsy’s.  I’m working on getting the motion calendar installed and running on Slack so we can get the amendments in with their appropriate dates.  Still working out the kinks here on the tech side and making everything clear and easy to follow


Betsy R. Marks  2:17 PM
Pending acceptance of accepted withdrawal of Motion 11-06-2019-1a:I move to amend Motion 11-06-2019-1 to read as follows:


"I move that the ICG Board direct the ICG Finance Committee to solicit no fewer than three (3) quotes (including expected retainers for the work) from lawyers licensed to practice in the state of Maryland to investigate the hiring of a lawyer, with non-profit and international law experience and licensed in the state of Maryland, to draft language for the following: a. A code of conduct, b. A non-discrimination policy , and c. An anti-harassment policy applicable to a non-profit international organization, with the intention of adding said policies to our Standing Rules.  The deadline for quotes to be compared before voting on approval of awarding such contract shall be January 31, 2020.  All quotes for services rendered and required retainers shall be presented to the board and the membership for discussion on February 1st, 2020 and voted on by the ICG membership at the ICG Annual meeting in Montreal, March, 2020.”


31 replies Last reply 2019-11-14 7:15 PM]


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago

Jeanine Swick, SiW
ICG Treasurer


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Moving things out so far is not wise when we are clearly in dire need of it to keep people from making unfounded and libelous accusations and bully members.  Also, If you read why the acting president posted, there may not be any need to push things out if we use Maryland Nonprofits.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
@Betsy R. Marks Will you accept this as the motion to amend the amendment 11-06-2019-1a? 11-06-2019-1a1 motion to amend the motion to amend 11-06-2019-1a to read as follows:


"The ICG Board directs the ICG Finance Committee to solicit no fewer than three (3) quotes (including expected retainers for the work) from lawyers licensed to practice in the state of Maryland to investigate the hiring of a lawyer, with non-profit and international law experience and licensed in the state of Maryland, to draft language for the following: a. A code of conduct, b. A non-discrimination policy , and c. An anti-harassment policy applicable to a non-profit international organization, with the intention of adding said policies to our Standing Rules.  The deadline for quotes to be compared before voting on approval of awarding such contract shall be January 31, 2020.  All quotes for services rendered and required retainers shall be presented to the board and the membership for discussion on February 1st, 2020 and voted on by the ICG membership at the ICG Annual meeting in Montreal, March, 2020.”


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
I will. Thank you for recognizing the Motion.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
There appears to be a weird snippet in the middle of the text. The text SAYS:


"... from lawyers licensed to practice in the state of Maryland to investigate the hiring of a lawyer, with non-profit and international law experience and licensed in the state of Maryland ..."


and it should say:


"... to investigate the hiring of a lawyer, with non-profit and international law experience and licensed in the state of Maryland ..."


but as I am unable to edit the text, please consider this a friendly amendment to the language of the motion, to correct the grammar error.


Betsy R. Marks
SiW President


Mera Rose  2 years ago
As I haven’t posted the amendment and motion number officially yet, I’m willing to add the substitution in place if you don’t mind posting the full text as it should be?  


Mera Rose  2 years ago
@Betsy R. Marks


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
11-06-2019-1a1: a Motion to amend Motion 11-06-2019-1a, which amends Motion 11-06-2019-1, to read as follows:


"The ICG Board directs the ICG Finance Committee to solicit no fewer than three (3) quotes (including expected retainers for the work), to investigate the hiring of a lawyer with non-profit and international law experience and licensed in the state of Maryland, to draft language for the following: a. A code of conduct, b. A non-discrimination policy , and c. An anti-harassment policy applicable to a non-profit international organization, with the intention of adding said policies to our Standing Rules.  The deadline for quotes to be compared before voting on approval of awarding such contract shall be January 31, 2020.  All quotes for services rendered and required retainers shall be presented to the board and the membership for discussion on February 1st, 2020 and voted on by the ICG membership at the ICG Annual meeting in Montreal, March, 2020.”


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
I think this fixes the error.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
That has a redundancy causing a contradiction.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Redundancy is the name of the parliamentary game...


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Lol there is definitely some redundancies found in parliamentary procedure.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
Thank you. I fully approve of such an investigation and of adding the language to the Standing Rules. The only question I have is regarding the lawyer to review the language, considering the number of lawyers already present within the organization itself.


Should none of them prove to be suitable, then by all means we should pursue someone with the correct legal status to protect the ICG. But the answer to that question is for the rest of the BOD to determine.

Also sent to the channel


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I’ve added the text to the motions channel.  No commenting in the motions channel, but if anything should appear incorrect or should anyone have any additional motions or comments on these motions please state so here.  Thanks!


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
Not seeing the text on the Motions channel. Have I missed something?


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
Ah. It's nested in replies.


Point of Information:


Would it be possible, for the sake of visibility, to avoid nesting motions this way? Doing so makes finding them impossible unless we know specifically where to look. I believe that all motions, whether amendments or main motions, should be at the top level of the channel. This avoids confusion and makes it easier to compare amendments with the original motions.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
The motions channel was made so that anyone that wants to see the plain text of the motion could do so without digging through the channel to find the original text as threading is not always being followed at the request of other members.  The text of each amendment is also on this channel, but may be commented on.  Motions is just to view the text on the floor.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
Thanks. I understand the purpose of the channel and it makes sense, but it took me over half an hour to figure out where the motion was posted, and I'm an experienced Slack user.I am suggesting a structural change to the Motions channel to make it easier to find the text for anyone whether experienced or not.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
It’s in the public channel list.  What would you like to change?


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
In the Motions channel, please don't nest amendments as replies to the original.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
The text was also added to the pinned post of the original motion in the board of directors, but for whatever reason didn’t send when I originally posted it so I have sent it again.  #%£> rural internet lol


Mera Rose  2 years ago
It’s threading. The amendments are threaded to the original motion for tracking purposes.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
I understand how threading works. I am saying that threading such things makes them hard to find. And pinning them outside this channel also means people have to know where to look to find the motions. Considering how much hand-holding some of our members require, I believe this makes it difficult for them to find the text.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
I'm an internet professional. and I use this tool for work. I don't assume others have my level of experience.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
So far many have said it was easier for them...  I’ll keep your suggestion in mind if that changes though.  I think using the threading feature seems to be helping with clarity at the moment.  The long strings of text without threading are difficult to follow at times and can lead to confusion.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
This makes the amendments (including the NoVA rep's) invisible to the inexperienced viewer.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
That's why I was unaware that there were amendments already in place.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
It shows the replies at the bottom of each post, and so people can click on them to see them.  I know you’re very busy so you probably missed a few of these convos.  That’s one of the reasons why I’ve implemented temporary rules for communications, to make sure everyone has time to catch up on Slack because of how quickly communication occurs on this forum.  I’ll tag you in the post momentarily.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago


Mera Rose  2 years ago
No problem!


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
I appreciate the threading Mera! It keeps things so much easier to understand in the flow.


Betsy R. Marks  2:17 PM
Very respectfully,
Betsy R. Marks
Silicon Web president
Representative, ICG Board of Directors


Crossposted to Yahoo.


Judy Mitchell  2:19 PM
Mine are done. Byron said something but ib dint v know what. Tyres comoany in the room and my battery is low.


Eant me to wait until tonight to second?


Betsy R. Marks  2:21 PM
I hope R is feeling a lot better tonight, Judy!


Judy Mitchell  2:24 PM
Yes, they're moving him out of icu


Betsy R. Marks  2:25 PM


Mera Rose  2:39 PM
Ok.  Now that I have Betsy’s text and Jacalyn’s I just need a clarification on Judy’s - did you still want to withdraw it?  Does Betsy’s cover what you wanted to submit as an amendment?


7 replies Last reply 2019-11-14 3:08 PM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago

It doesn’t have her wording of “investigate” but I’m going to assume since it pushes the timeline out, it suffices. I really think they need to look at what you told us about Maryland nonprofit because it might just need a friendly amendment based on that information instead of a derailment of the voting timeline because the ICG restarts all clocks with amendments for some odd reason. 


I really think before amendments are made, some acknowledgement of what you told us about the capabilities of the Maryland nonprofit needs to happen.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
It’s ok.  This is what process is for.  We will get there sooner or later.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
"... to investigate the hiring of a lawyer..."


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Well it is just an unnecessary postponement of something desperately needed which is just sad. Especially since there are options to move forward presented that barely anyone is commenting on. shrug but I was just here to lead the horse to water and do that which many people have asked for and said needs to happen sooner rather than later.


Judy Mitchell  2 years ago
Yes, I am withdrawing my motion in support of Betsy's version.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
Thank you, Judy!


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
And thank you, Mera!


Mera Rose  4:23 PM
I ask that everyone now give some time for all to catch up on Slack before posting anything more on this motion and topics.  Thanks!