Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2019-10-09  2019-10-11>



Mera Rose  5:17 AM
In other ICG news - we have 3 chapters submitting documents to be approved this week:  Old Dominion Costumers Guild covering the Tidewater section of Virginia, Blue Ridge Costuming Society covering the SouthWestern VA Blue Ridge from Lynchburg to Bristol and down the 220 corridor to the NC line, and CosInternational covering Central Virginia from Williamsburg to Lynchburg and up to Richmond/Fredericksburg area.  


I have also been working with members of an online group known as CosAbility and several members of fan based groups from DragonCon who would like to form their own chapters as well.  The CosAbility members are interested in forming a chapter that allows members from all over the country who focus on disability accommodating costumes.  I discussed a Sig with them, but they would prefer not to be an “interest group” but a chapter open for international members as they’re existing group currently functions.  Currently, they have over 3,000 members online and there are about 40 who have expressed interest in joining the ICG.


Also, the other group would be based out of Atlanta but would take members from any locality as they would like to call the convention their home area.  The vast majority of those interested are centered in GA however and share a love for a certain carpet pattern, which is how their groups have founded.  I’d like input on these other two chapters before I help them with their documentation, as they’re geographic areas are loosely defined.  Currently, there are 120 members who have expressed interest in the ICG, and their online membership totals around 7,000 people.


Mera Babineaux (edited) 


Jeanine Swick  2:08 PM
The reason why there has been no discussion on things until recently is becasue there were no reminders sent out to get anyone on board  or to take charge of starting one. The 5 year plan should have been presented one section at a time for discussion. Something that large can not have a sensible or reasonable discussion when presented as one huge mass. One section at a time with a synopsis of the points brought up whould have made a heck of a lot more sense, before moving on to the next. Don't club the members to death with something unwieldy. Make it manageable.




[9 reply Last reply 2019-10-11 10:58 AM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Hindsight is 20/20. I agree the five year plan was a lot and dropping it all at the meeting was too much. At the very least the Board should have had it for review.  It was a lot to take in and it took me some time looking at it this summer to truly understand what was going on.  There’s actually some really good stuff in there.  


While the elected officers didn’t make topics of conversation, given the method of our communication, any of us could have started a discussion at any point. There were things I wanted to discuss and was just getting around to putting it together when we had the motion to move forward on the guidelines (which was one of the things) and for whatever unknown reason that causes certain elements decide to attempt to start Armageddon.  


Spend some time with the five year plan. There’s important information in there and it’s a solid idea to have a plan if we want this organization to grow instead of languish and die. Having no plan means haphazard growth at best if not allowing for more attrition and eventually collapse.


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
Asatown meeting attendee, the presenter has to speak to it first and the discussion. And as I said it should have been presented in sections so people could take it in in manageable amounts. It is not too late to to that and mayhelp smooth things a bit. (edited) 


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Then maybe we should do that. I was loathe to do anything with certain elements completely obscuring what should have been a solid discussion on the guidelines for 15 days so we could have voted. There was too much negativity and filibustering to attempt to start any other conversations as far as I was concerned. But if you think taking the 5-year plan being broken up in to chunks, bring it up.  Marianne would likely agree to that.  Have you thought to ask her seeing as though she’s president and the originator of the plan?


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Well, the original presentation was designed to be done in a flow that stacked nicely and made the info palatable in 35 minutes. It got derailed quickly because we wanted to make sure questions were answered, although we initially expected that people would hold questions to the end.


We had hoped there would be discussion on ANY part of the plan...  And we still hope that occurs.


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
If you didn't allow for questions that was poor planning on your part. Did you think folks would just sit back abd say yes?


Mera Rose  2 years ago
As I stated above:  We expected that people would hold questions until the end, allowing for an hour of questions AFTER the material was presented.  That’s not poor planning, that’s actually typical presentation protocol.


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
Except there was not an additional hour available for that before the room went to con scheduling. Poor planning.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Well, there was a 3 hour block actually, between the BoD and members meetings, so you’re correct that we expected it to run according to the agenda for the BoD meeting, with questions from the BoD beginning at the end of that meeting, then providing a slightly shorter brief to the general members in addition to the other info so that they could ask questions and get involved, then go back to the BoD meeting, confirm the vote and answer or consider as many more questions as we could for the time remaining in the room, then move the discussion to the online forums for at least 6 months or more to see what proposals would develop.


Again, this whole process was derailed, and has been ever since, by the idea that Marianne and I have some ill intent.  Our intent is pretty simple:  recruit members and chapters, provide resources and benefits, get people more active in committees, improve communications and tech, and make sure we stay financially solvent so that we can support the archives.


I’m not sure why that’s been deemed as malicious, but we really didn’t intend it that way.


Now, I think it’s probably time to move on to the actual business of trying to get some of that done instead of debating how it should have been presented.  Lesson learned...  let’s discuss what’s in the plan.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
I do remember we ran out of time and decided to just give the whole presentation to the general membership instead of going over it as a board first. 


I agree. Hindsight is 20/20 and we can keep harping on the mistakes of how this presentation was given or we can move forward with actual productive conversation and implementing good and positive changes for the future.  I’m one for discussing moving forward.


Jeanine Swick  2:18 PM
Just so you know I am still waiting for the Tech budget request.


The same thing happens every year with different committees. It is not like the budget request is a new thing for the committes.  Plus multiple reminders go out stateing it is due by Sept 30th every year. 


And you wonder why you can't get a discussion going on something with a large group of people?  I can't even get small select groups to respond to the annual requests for their budget line item.


[5 reply Last reply 2019-10-10 4:25 PM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
I’m trying to find out what’s going on with that. Technically I’m not the chair of it so my hands are kind of tied. Can you tell me what we normally get and what expenses we usually have? You can message it to me if it is too much for the channel.  I know we have some things we need to do, but I don’t know if we can get that done or not. 


I wish this was an easier process but honestly I don’t have an answer on how to fix it since I’m just a member of committees. I am feeling like we are worse than congress and that is just not cool.


Also sent to the channel


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
It is the website hosting, domain name renewals as they come up and the occasional web design program upgrade. Never more than $500 in a given year. 


Who about when the first announcemnt goes out try starting the discussion about it. You don't  have to be achair to start a discussion and keep it moving.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Well the problem with the tech committee is I literally have zero idea what anything costs. I also don’t even really know what our web hosting package includes. So it’s hard to even know where to start with helping with the budget creation for the year. I’ve been on this committee for a number of years and have no idea.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
We have a bigger problem on our hands, statistics for which are coming in about 10 minutes.


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
I have the Tech budget request!


Jeanine Swick  2:42 PM

It is the website hosting, domain name renewals as they come up and the occasional web design program upgrade. Never more than $500 in a given year. Who about when the first announcemnt goes out try starting the discussion about it. You don't  have to be achair to start a discussion and keep it moving.


Betsy R. Marks  4:20 PM
Jeanine, before I submit the report I'm working on, have you received any treasurer's reports not included in the data I requested last night? Thanks!


Jeanine Swick  4:24 PM
No new updates. And I have a budget request for Tech!


Betsy R. Marks  4:49 PM
Thank you.


Betsy R. Marks  5:10 PM
The attached report represents a complete picture of the ICG's membership by chapter, broken down by Individual/Head of Household, Member of Household, expired and non-primary members. It also shows when the chapter last reported to the ICG Treasurer.


As a reminder, ALL chapters are supposed to report their members to the ICG on the first of every month.


The figures at the bottom represent the income received annually per ICG member, whether I/HH or MH.


Furthermore, for each member, $2 is set aside for the Archives per membership year.


That breaks down to 25% of I/HH memberships and 50% of MH memberships ($546 + $162 = $708 earmarked specifically for the Archives)


Without donations, which cannot be counted as regular income, the ICG cannot afford to spend the money on an annual audit.


Claims that this is necessary are both extravagant and questionable, when the paperwork required to be filed with the IRS is readily available, as are the bank statements.


Furthermore, there are chapters which are so far in arrears, action should have been taken to warn the chapters of impending deactivation, and three of those chapters should already have received final warnings that they will be deactivated for failure to meet reporting and membership requirements. Roughly one-fifth of our memberships of record have already expired off the rolls.


While it is especially exciting to see the interest in our organization in the form of new chapters, I am wondering whether these potential chapters are aware of the reporting requirements and are prepared to step up with the required payment and monthly reports to the ICG Treasurer.


Having served in that capacity for over five years, and as Corresponding Secretary for additional years where such notices were required prior to deactivation, and having lived through the formation of the T-Chapter and the exits of both CGW and the GBACG, I am concerned that these organizations might have questions regarding what they will receive in return for their memberships.


I would LOVE to see that discussion played out in full before inviting new organizations to the ICG because this is a very old issue and it remains just as problematic as it was almost 30 years ago.


I am truly interested, in particular, in the opinions of our Canadian members, since as Dawn pointed out, the IRS umbrella is not useful to their members. We lost chapters in the UK and Australia, as well as chapters in Canada over the same question of what an ICG membership gets them.


At $6 per person per year ($2 for MH), what are members hoping to receive, aside from the knowledge that they are supporting a worthy cause in the form of our Archives?


I intend to forward the 5-year plan to my chapter members tonight, now that I am reasonably sure everyone who should be subscribed to our chapter list is on board. I will open the conversation and set a time limit of the end of October for feedback from the chapter members.


If you have questions concerning the attached report, please let me know. I've reviewed the numbers with Jeanine Swick, ICG Treasurer, so I know they are accurate as of today.


Thank you.

Betsy R. Marks


[ICG Membership by type.pdf]


[1 reply Last reply 2019-10-10 7:38 AM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
With $33in our bank account, an occasional audit is not an “extravagant” or “questionable”.   It simply needs some open and honest discussion, research to find what it will entail, decision on what level is desired (if at all), and then funds appropriated to it. 


If anyone is interested, here is a helpful link on different types of things that can be done, with the “Audit -Highest Level of Assurance” being the most expensive. 


I hope that this information proves useful for the members of the Board.


Jeanine Swick  5:16 PM
What we really need to be doing is working with the current chapters who are in trouble to get them reactivated and active before doing a big push for new chapters that won't get the support they need either.


Betsy R. Marks  5:18 PM
Yes, exactly my concern. I can't count the number of chapters who "joined" only to discover there wasn't actually interest at the local level, and never bothered to pay their dues as a result.


I know that data is in the Five Year Plan because it flew by. A deeper analysis isn't possible because the paperwork that was collected is gone, thanks to years of treasurers who couldn't be bothered to pass on paperwork. We've been lucky to have Bruce and Jeanine involved in the last ten years, because they've been able to restore a great deal of what was lost in California.


Jeanine Swick  5:24 PM
In the consideration of a person as a Member in Good Standing. Do they need to have complete contact information (full mailing address) on the chapter's membership roster? There are a number of members with that information missing. It would be good to have that cleared up once and for all. (edited) 


And before anyone goes off on why the grand total of members is different. There are many with multiple NP memberships. If a person so desired, they could be a NP in every remaining chapter after they join a Primary chapter.


Betsy R. Marks  6:28 PM
Standing Rule 7: Each chapter shall send to the Corporation Treasurer monthly, by the 7th day of each month, an updated list of the names and addresses, (where provided) electronic mail addresses and phone numbers of all new and/or renewing members. The chapter shall remit the dues set in Standing Rule 3 for all new and/or renewing members included with each monthly update.


Effective January 1, 1995, all new members whose dues are received by the Corporation Treasurer will be assigned a membership expiration date which shall be the last day of the month, one (1) year after the dated payment. Renewing members’ expiration dates will be extended one (1) year from their current expiration dates, unless the membership has lapsed more than three (3) months, in which case the member will be assigned a new expiration month, in accordance with the new member policy as stated above.


Such updates shall also include changes of names and addresses, (where provided) electronic mail addresses and phone numbers, and any changes in membership status of existing members. Annually, on January 7, each chapter shall provide a complete list of all members of record, including all contact information as listed above, for review by the Corporation Treasurer.


[Adopted 2/15/1990; Amended: 5/25/1992, 2/15/1993, 5/29/1995, 01/31/2004; Renumbered 04/29/2005]


The "where provided" comment is for email addresses.

...and phone numbers.


(I was responsible for drafting the original, as well as assisting with the language in 1992, 1993, and 1995.)


Jacalyn Boggs  6:30 PM
Excuse me, under what authority was it decided to send Betsy what sounds like possibly the personal data of everyone in the guild? I for one am not comfortable with this being done without the president or board discussing it?


Betsy R. Marks  6:31 PM
There was NO personal data, Jacalyn. Only numbers. The stats. Head counts.


Please back off. Or certain elements will report the bullying behavior. You could have asked for the same data at any time.


Jacalyn Boggs  6:33 PM
That’s not how that read and it was greatly disturbing as that sort of data should not be breached. We had already discussed this.  As for bullying behavior, a query in concern about people’s private data is hardly bullying. That sort of thing is taken very seriously.  However, your constant attacking of people really needs to end. Please start responding in a more courteous fashion.


Betsy R. Marks  6:33 PM
"Jacalyn Boggs [9:30 PM]
Excuse me, under what authority was it decided to send Betsy what sounds like possibly the personal data of everyone in the guild? I for one am not comfortable with this being done without the president or board discussing it?"


Perhaps you should try reading it again.


I quoted directly from the published Standing Rules located here:


I am not the one flying off the handle here.


Mera Rose  6:37 PM
Ok!  That’s enough for tonight!  Everyone stop typing and take a cool down.  Tensions are high and its best to walk away and come back later.  There is nothing emergent that MUST be conveyed tonight that can not be given a cooling off period.


[1 reply Last reply 2019-10-10 6:38 PM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Thank you very much, Mera! I appreciate this!


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Everyone just take a breath and get some rest.  It will still be here tomorrow.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
It is clearly needed. I’m going back to working on a baby quilt! :) it’s all good and snuggly and I’m getting excited about.


Jeanine Swick  6:43 PM
All that was sent was the same information on chapter counts and last reporting that is regularly posted to the BoD list. Not my fault if you don't pay attention to my report.  The only chapter information she has is SiW's as chapter president.


A full report has not been submitted yet as there are checks in the mail and until they are received a person is NOT a new or renewed member. Dues have to be in the treasurer's hands first. 


And don't go on about a need for chapters to pay dues electronicly. PayPal was in place as a form to make payments well before I became treasurer. 


That was written in the Standing Rules ages ago and passed by the Board long before our time here. Addresses are required for all members. The Standing Rules state it.