Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2019-10-06  2019-10-10>



Elaine  12:44 PM
Immediately and until further notice, @Betsy R. Marks is the voting representative for SiliconWeb chapter.


Betsy R. Marks  1:44 PM
There is no requirement for--or even mention of--an annual audit in any of our documents, because Marty Gear and the other founders went out of their way to ensure that our structure would not trigger such a thing with the IRS. It's part of why membership dues were so low to begin with.


Please remember that the GCFCG, and subsequently CGW and Sick Pups chapters were all founded on the idea that sharing information was paramount to our purpose, and that until CC3 the GCFCG was largely a shell organization devoted to sponsoring Costume-Con.


Betsy R. Marks  2:34 PM
Furthermore, there's this advice:


We file a Form 990-N which indicates income below $50k total, far below the dollar amounts that would traditionally trigger an audit.


In fact, according to the last document of record (from 2014), we had under $20k TOTAL in our bank account.


I'm awaiting confirmation of the total dollar amounts we're receiving currently for our members, annually, but based on preliminary numbers and assuming everyone renews and nobody leaves or joins, we make less than $3k per year on memberships.


We have received infusions of cash as donations from estates, but those are relatively rare.


Based on my experience working with the Puppet Co, which had an audit every year because of income well in excess of $500k annually, the cost each year was something on the order of $2k. (edited) 


Furthermore, there is a space on the Form 990 for reporting an audit. Being audited will likely raise more flags than it will avoid, which is exactly what Marty strove to avoid by setting up the 501(c)(3) in the first place.


Betsy R. Marks  3:12 PM
And as Jeanine has pointed out to me, $2 of every membership goes to the Archives annually, which cuts the total available for paying for an audit by approximately 25-50%.


Meanwhile, there has been plenty of talk regarding the five year plan, but I don't recall a vote to adopt the plan, merely the presentation of it, which was shortened due to time constraints because of the meeting.


In the lapse between my taking office in May and now, did our chapter miss a vote to adopt this plan and move forward with it as presented?


Thanks for clarifying.


Jeanine Swick  3:36 PM
there has been no discussion of it.


[19 replies Last reply 2019-10-10 5:44 PM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
That’s partially the point.  Here we are again at budget time, and the 5 year plan and all of it’s information was intended to spark discussion on ALL of these things:  the guidelines, the financials, membership and chapter drives, restructuring committees, updating archives, and creating a dynamic website.


We wanted EVERYONE’S input on where the organization should focus its attention, and how to address the concerns of diminishing membership and provide more benefits to our members and to the costuming community.  We introduced the 5 year plan in the hopes that everyone would talk about it on the forums for the next year and come up with proposals and ideas and get involved.


We have been met with hostility and outright rage from the same individuals at every attempt to have a conversation.  It keeps the conversation from occurring.  This is not a failure of communication technology, it is a failure of communication efficiency.  We should be discussing the things that are concerns for the organization and it’s members instead of rehashing grudges and issues that should be left in the past so that we can move on with a vision for the ICG’s future that continues the legacy of community, archiving, costuming excellence, and fairness that the organization is known for.


We are now at budget time again, looking at spending monies on the same maintenance items for the organization instead of looking at how those funds could be utilized to help the organization grow.  


Where does this organization and its membership want to go?  That’s the question.  And on the way to where we are going (or, where we are stagnating if no one wants any of these proposals or wants to suggest any others) we need to protect the organization and it’s future by ensuring that our governing documents and financial documents are up to current standards and best practices and include financial solvency and transparency.


Why is this a problem?  Why should these conversations not occur?


BTW, it’s a little disingenuous to say that Marianne and I are being unreasonable or attacking or blackballing or stonewalling when, in fact, we have never attempted to silence anyone’s opinion, and have taken every opportunity to hear every opinion including moving the guidelines back to committee to discuss them further.  


Moreover, we have not silenced anyone’s voices by removing their access to any group on Slack or Yahoo to ensure that EVERYONE can participate.  Blackballing or stonewalling would require that we take that form of action.  Nothing that has been approached has been an attack, though I can understand where someone may have taken our attempts to discuss change as an attack.  Change is hard.  We get that.


As for “retaliation”, I have NO idea how requesting an audit could be retaliatory towards Silicon Web.  There hasn’t been much discussion in that group for at least 2 weeks as far as I’ve seen and I’m not certain that a discussion about changing communication methods would spark some form of retaliation?  If silicon web wants to revert to carrier pigeons, I would be concerned as it’s the web based chapter, but I’ll go with it...  my barn cats might eat the pigeons but that’s their nature, not retaliation, I promise.  I am thrilled that there are 3 new chapters working on forming here in VA and look forward to being involved with them as well, so if Silicon Web needs me to go away then I can do that if it suits their leadership.  I am NOT a fan of confrontation and am frankly horrified and aghast at how many of these communications quickly become confrontational.  I’m thrilled that this is not occurring in the guidelines committee and wish that was the case for the BoD.  It’s exhausting living it, so I can only imagine how exhausting it must be to read it for those who have not chosen to engage in these threads.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I hope you have a good evening...  I’ve got spreadsheets to create and data to parse.  Thanks for posting all the financial info to Yahoo Jeanine!  It will be very helpful in seeing where the trends are...   Oh, btw, I’m offline until Monday when I head to bed this evening (probably within the next hour or so).  I’m not ignoring anyone, I’m just enjoying my 19th anniversary with my hubby with my family.

Also sent to the channel


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
To get EVERYONE in on the discussion it need to be presented in its entirety in the newsletter and the Yahoo ICG general discussion list (of which not ICG members are on) in an open forum so all can participate. Both of which has not happened. So you need to come up with a way to get it to the entire membership.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I was under the impression it was being put on the website and posted to both lists once it was up.  I provided a copy to Ann on her Zip drive at CostumeCon so that could happen.  I did not realize it had not?  It is on the website, was it never posted to the groups that it was available?  I have issues with yahoo and do not always get the emails...


Mera Rose  2 years ago
It’s been on Slack since July 3

Image from iOS 


Description automatically generated\

Also sent to the channel


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
Not everyone is on Slack or do some want to be.  So this is not the best option at this time.  We have more than one member with little or no internet available.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
It is in Slack. I’m assuming that our secretary, who put this on slack, also put it on yahoogroups (which I once more cannot log in to).  What BOD member is still not in slack and I would postulate that servicing a BOD member with little or no internet available is not going to be functional on any internet platform.  Unless we are going to begin having regular teleconferences that said member can access, then no solution will work.  However, we have voted to move to Slack and so we need to just live with that and stop harping on some belief that someone is not here. Even Byron is here, despite his making it clear he did not want to be and abstaining from the vote. Heck, he’s been nothing but polite and accepting of the vote he abstained from in this regard than others.  Honestly, the constant harping on a voted on move is not helping get anything done and has grown wearing.  If you want to find some new forum for us to test out, submit it to the tech committee.  But, until such time as a different method of communication is found, we have slack.


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
This discussion for the 5 year plan needs to involve the ENTIRE ICG Membership not just the BoD as it was presented at the general meeting. It is our general membership we are supposed to be serving. Many of them had questions that did not get answered as the presentation took way too long and many did not get to speak or were overlooked.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
In a quick search on Slack, I found that Betsy put the 5 year plan in the general (open to all members) channel for people to comment on.  So not only has this been available for discussion, it's been available to the entire membership. Betsy had one comment listed in the file about the mission statement that was a fair conversation point. If you haven't seen it, I recommend you check it out now. It would be something at least worth discussing.


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
People need to be poked to get any feed back. This is a hobby not someone's main focus in life.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Meanwhile, I have PDF files that I posted to Slack, on July 3rd. So you can either go comment on Betsy's Google Drive, or you can view the pDF in slack natively and join a threaded discussion on any of these posts. At any rate, there's multiple copies in multiple formats here in Slack for the GENERAL membership to view and discuss.


Merrily  2 years ago
Can the 5 year plan be posted with the newsletter on the website so every member has access? Can it be presented in a way which is asking for input rather than a final solution? The current 5-year plan looks like it had been discussed by the BoD and voted on. Membership needs to know this is not the case and their input is valued.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I would LOVE  it if this could happen!!!


Mera Rose  2 years ago
It is on the website in the general meeting minutes area but if we can circulate it EVERYWHERE that would be great!


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
The 5 year plan presentation is on the website. It’s in Slack. And I believe, for those who can still get logged in to yahoo groups, it might be on yahoo. That’s every method of access possible short of showing up on someone’s doorstep with a computer screen to show it on.  Hopefully this helps! There’s some good information in the five year plan and I definitely would like to see some of the movement forward found in it. It was a lot to process at the general meeting, but after having reviewed it several times since we got the presentation this summer and some discussions with people trying to expand knowledge about the guild, I am excited to be looking forward. This guild has the potential to offer so much to people, we just have to be open to new people and new ideas.


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
Guess what I still can't find your files here on Slack.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Go to #general and put the cursor in the search box at the top, then put “5 year plan” in the box.  It should come back with this:

Image from iOS 


Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated with medium confidence


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I also sent it to you from Jacqueline’s 2nd file upload on that list (as that is the full and accurate presentation) in a direct message.


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
I happened to have downloaded it previously from the files.  After you wade through a bunch of other non relevant stuff someone will find it. Personal photos need be kept seperate from the official business files.


Marianne Pease  5:47 PM
The BoD tends to be light on discussion, and heavy on reactionary comments more than anything.  Mentions of modernizing how we track membership becomes a falderal about needing lawyers and changing the Bylaws, and a tangental mention that the IRS has looked more closely at small 501c3s in recent years, and that we should make sure we have our house in order is somehow interpreted as an attack somehow? Furthermore, as a corporation it is our responsibility to be responsible stewards for the organization. Our goal shouldn't be "avoiding" the IRS but serving the ICG to the best of our ability.


Betsy R. Marks  5:57 PM
If there's a question of our house being in order, asking questions is a great way to discover and resolve those issues, determining how to approach the questions should be a group effort. Dropping a major plan and assuming 20 distinct organizations will simply go along with the plan sans discussion is, in my opinion as a chapter president and founding officer is a problem.


This forum should be discussing the issues yuh ou see as problems and working out a solution based on an agreement that what you see as problems are the same thing other chapters also see.


My contention is that we are still suffering from a communication problem, and until we solve that to every chapter's satisfaction, we won't get past this.


You are welcome to disagree with both my concerns and approach,


[4 replies Last reply 2019-10-10 5:17 PM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Please see my comment on Jeanine’s thread copied to the main thread.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
We’ve asked questions, Betsy, and we have talked to a lot of people, you included.  And we have tried to spark a conversation to discuss these things with people who have not spoken up yet too.  If the response is to immediately become confrontational then no one else will want to participate.“I like chocolate ice cream.  Do you?” “STRAWBERRY IS THE BEST!  No other ice cream will do!  We can’t have chocolate because it must be strawberry and the last time we went out for ice cream people left because they didn’t like chocolate so we can NEVER do that again!  STRAWBERRY OR NOTHING!!!”And so people leave or don’t join and those who want ice cream are stuck with strawberry whether they like it or not.


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
Somethingthat massive should have been broken down andposted by section and someone taking point on it. Then provide a synopsis of the discussion points to work on any revisions needed, before moving on to the next section.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
Yes, exactly, Jeanine. Which, by the way, was what I was trying to communicate back at Costume-Con. Dumping so much data, with an incomplete presentation, and expecting everyone to either absorb the results or provide useful feedback was extraordinary. The vast majority of the ICG's membership think of this organization as a hobby (at best). If it held higher priority, the Treasurer wouldn't have to fight every month for reports which should be provided monthly because that's what our Standing Rules require.


You don't solve problems by shoving an entire encyclopedia at a group this diverse and saying "Okay, let's vote!"


Furthermore, providing the material on the ICG-BOD email list never happened until we said there was a problem, and because fully one third of the Silicon Web's members weren't on board, there was no way to present the information to them until that problem was fixed.


Feedback is possible if you put the content in as many places as possible and provide the easiest methods for everyone to reach them.


Assuming a level playground, especially when half the country is still stuck on dial-up, is ludicrous.


Jeanine Swick  6:01 PM
Ever think you threw way too much at one time? People do not like being broadsided which is what is happening here? You want to know the big spender of the budget? it is the archives and always has been. All the information will be in multiple places.
by the way I just came back from helping a family who just lost everything in a fire, including 2 pets.


[4 replies Last reply 2019-10-10 4:34 PM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I’m sorry for their loss.  We just dealt with a fire as well (much smaller, thankfully) so I completely understand how horrible it can be.  I’m glad you were there for them.


And yes, perhaps it was too much.  We wanted to put as much as we could out there to see what actually sparked discussion and where the interest was.  We thought it would be great to have committees form and discuss and address these areas and that we could all communicate for a year on it and then talk about it more next year and so on and so on.


No one intended to broadside anyone.  We just want this organization that we are very passionate about to be active and engaging and dynamic and involved.  The costuming community is booming and such a big thing this is a great time to capitalize on it for growth.


And the archives should be our biggest budget item.  I’d love to see it doubled.  I joined this organization because of the archive because I believe it is so important to create a visual archive of costuming art.

Also sent to the channel


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
If you want to see the archives budget doubled, you better have a plan to fund it.  The portion of the dues dedicated to the Archives does not cover the yearly expenditures with out dipping into their savings account. Once that is spent, every expenditure will have to be approved by the board to come out of the general funds.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Well, I do...  lol.  It’s in the part of the 5 year plan presentation I didn’t get to present.  Essentially, if we do membership drives and streamline becoming members, joining chapters, and creating chapters through updates to our website, then the additional dues would effectively double that part of the budget.


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
That is why it needs to be presented in sections. 35 minutes for that amount of information that you knew wloud raise questions was very poor planning. Not to mention the select committee of 2 who created it, there should have been more people involved in the process. All this secretive work going on being done by only 2 officers and no one else raises a lot of suspicion and you wonder why there is resistance?


Betsy R. Marks  6:35 PM
Two hour-long heated conversations by phone calls (which I received over the last several weeks), containing threats and accusations along with warnings not to divulge or otherwise communicate the details of said conversations doesn't strike me as a nonconfrontational approach to anything.


I am happy to discuss modernization and I really object to the implication that by asking why these steps are suddenly necessary we are rejecting or refusing change.


As for being blackballed, it didn't escape the attention of several members that I made a good offer to participate in the Guidelines committee, but I was passed over without explanation. I trust Kevin's judgment completely, and haven't pushed to be added to the committee, but that choice was pointed out to me by several people who were surprised that I wasn't included in the group, which now operates in a completely different private space from the one the ICG already had.


And with that, I will bid everyone a good night.




Mera Rose  6:53 PM
Please ask them to present their questions any way that they can, by email, in slack, or in yahoo groups.  We are happy to discuss it and will cross post questions and answers to make sure everyone is involved.


And the presentation was slated for 35 minutes and was timed out well.  We should have just presented the entirety of it without allowing questions during the presentation and then moved discussion to the forums going forward as intended.  There was no vote intended on this presentation, it was simply a presentation to give ideas and get input.