Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2019-11-19  2019-11-21>



Elaine Mami  6:50 PM

The voice of the Pragmatic is welcome.  Thank you, Kevin.  As I'm sure you realize, I'm one of the less activist board members.  I pop up and get involved around CC times, then sink back into hibernation.  However, pragmatism has never been my strong suit.  I am more emotional, and though I endeavor to curb my mouth, sometimes I can't.  Thanks for your virtual hand-holding.


Elaine M.


Anne Davenport  8:58 PM

Cross-posting this to Yahoo!..................COMMENTS ON THE FOLLOWING MOTIONS
(Note: I don’t know what’s been seconded, but all of these are legitimate topics of discussion.)
Motion # 11-6-2019-1:  motion for The ICG Board to solicit three quotes and hire an international lawyer to draft a. A code of conduct b. A non-discrimination policy c. An anti-harassment policy to be received no later than 31 December 2019 so that a vote can be completed no later than 31 January 2020.


**** I think that this one should just be:
Motion # 11-6-2019-1:  motion for The ICG Board to solicit three quotes with the intention of hiring an international lawyer to draft a. A code of conduct b. A non-discrimination policy c. An anti-harassment policy.


There is no way we should commit to hiring a lawyer without knowing the cost.  I would also like to hear examples of fan organizations that have gotten legal representation for this. Fan conventions? Online groups like the Organization from Transformative Works (OTW) or the FANAC (fan history) web page?  Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA)?


I recently helped the Rebel Legion (a Star Wars costuming group with thousands of members and recognized by Disney/Lucasfilm) revise their Charter, including their non-discrimination policies, and no one talked about getting a lawyer for it.


Motion #11-7-2019-1 motion for The ICG Board to task the finance committee to solicit three quotes to find appropriate liability insurance for the corporation to be in place by 1 January 2020.


**** I think that this one should just be:

Motion #11-7-2019-1 motion for The ICG Board to task the finance committee to solicit three quotes to find appropriate liability insurance for the corporation.


I think deadlines are good; they get things moving. But there is no way we can commit to a deadline without knowing the cost and what the liability insurance covers.  What do we think we might be liable for?


Motion #11-7-2019-2 motion for the board to create and fill the positions of Ombudsman to handle complaints and allegations against the organization and its members and Chapter Coordinator to perform customer service to chapters.


This motion needs more meat on it, like specific descriptions of duties and such. Creating these positions would mean changing the Standing Rules. Hmmmmm, they don’t really fit in with what I see there, so they would likely have their own sections.  Parlimentarian is Section 23 – this proposal needs detail like that.


Motion #11-7-2019-3 motion for us to move all communication to our voting platform, Slack, to simply things as two communication streams is confusing.I think this would be better phrased as:Motion #11-7-2019-3 motion for us to move all BoD business and communication to our voting platform, Slack, to simply things as two communication streams is confusing.I assume that this is just to simplify BoD business; Yahoo! is pushing us out the door.  But do we need a motion for this?  Can’t we just agree to do this?  And also, can be get input from our Chapters about what they’re doing?  Have they found a good platform that would fulfill the needs of the BoD --- messaging, archiving, polling, etc ?


Motion #11-9-2019-1:  Motion for The ICG Board to issue a formal and public apology to a. The three potential chapters lost b. Marianne and Mera c. CosMAKTx as they cited the turmoil of the BOD as one of their reasons for disbanding.


Should this be a motion now?  I am all in favor of apologizing for not having our shit together, but since I’m behind on the latest discussion explosion, I’m not sure how this would be phrased.