Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2019-11-10  2019-11-12>



Judy Mitchell  6:45 AM
Ok, Mera, I'll repost my amendment to make it easier for you to find from the backlog. I have boldfaced the 2 parts that I am amended from the original main motion, to make it easier to see what the actual amendment is.


[1 reply Last reply 2019-11-11 7:19 AM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Thanks.  This thread did get very confusing.  I appreciate it.


Judy Mitchell  6:46 AM
Amendment to Motion 11-6-2019-1 should be reading:  I move that the vote be changed to investigating the hiring of a MD based international lawyer to provide a) A Code of Conduct b) a non-discrimination policy c) an Anti-harassment policy with  a minimum of three (3) quotes to be compared before voting on which lawyer to go with to be received ........(continuing to the rest of the motion unchanged)


40 replies Last reply 2019-11-14 2:53 PM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
@Jacalyn Boggs this was the proposed friendly amendment.  Good with the changes?


Judy Mitchell  2 years ago
@Mera Rose could you (or the recording secretay) please change to the proper wording for my amendment over on the Motions channel? It is still incorrect.



Mera Rose  2 years ago
Ah, I had changed it to the friendly amendment wording that Jacalyn gave...  do you want to a proper amendment instead?


Mera Rose  2 years ago
In other words, sorry, tired and that isn’t phrased well - do you want to propose your wording as an amendment instead of doing a friendly amendment?


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Mera take the wording that I gave the other day. Then it will hopefully make betsy feel better too. I am amendable to that as a friendly amendment to try and please everyone.


Judy Mitchell  2 years ago
Yes i do. Thank you.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
I’m really tired and haven’t felt well today. I have tried to take it easy.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
But there’s no reason to derail the entire thing with people making constant amendments, especially since the ICG handles this so bizarrely.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Ok - before I get confused - Jacalyn, are you ok with using Judy’s language above as a friendly amendment?  Would you like to rewrite your friendly amendment to include Judy and Betsy’s language?


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Whatever that thing was I posted Saturday. I don’t even remember what it said. I honestly cannot even focus because of how bad I feel. I’m just going to go to bed and hope for a better day tomorrow.


Judy Mitchell  2 years ago
Sorry you're not feeling well. But the motions channel seens to be where the official wording is, so it really should show the actual amendment.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Would you happen to have the rewording Judy?  Or is this the rewording in the first message in the thread?


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Want to make sure it’s correct


Judy Mitchell  2 years ago
Its at the top of this thread.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Who was the second on it?  Or was it done with Jacalyn as a friendly amendment?


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
I amend my motion to: I move that the ICG finance committee solicit three quotes to hire a lawyer, with non-profit and international law experience and licensed in the state of Maryland to draft a. A code of conduct b. A non-discrimination policy c. An anti-harassment policy.  The quotes must be received and the least expensive will be chosen by November 30, 2019, with the drafted policies to be received from the attorney no later than December 31, 2019 so that a vote can be completed by January 31, 2020.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
This was a combination of what was offered by Judy and by Betsy. Make this a friendly amendment.  I’m good with it


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
I went and snagged it from the pinned post.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I’ll go back through the thread and find all of this in the morning and clarify.  Sorry, small one out of bed with a nightmare.  Need to manage her.  Post here or tag me in thread so I can find it fast in the morning please?


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
I really want that part about how to select a lawyer. Though I would be curious how much that non profits lawyer group you talked to cost because I think that might be a good option and I bet they could handle this. If you got any info on that group and could share, let us know. If it is like the services in Virginia like that, they rock and are quite affordable and I’m happy to make a motion to go with them for legal needs or whatever. Thanks. I’m going to bed because honestly I just can’t even anymore with this day.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
But Mera look at my text for the friendly amendment. If Judy doesn’t like some random word and drops it in here I will look at it in the AM to see if I will accept it or not. I just don’t want to do anything else tonight.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Maryland NonProfits is $100 annual fee, which is based on our annual income and budget and the benefits do include access to their attorneys and they have a lot of resources on their site so it may be worth it to investigate those because they may actually have what we need or something that we can make a few changes to and have their attorneys review pretty cheaply.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Wow that’s even cheaper than I expected! Holy moly why aren’t we using them (or something like this)?


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I don’t think anyone knew they existed until Dragan found them.  I was floored by how helpful they have been in free consultations on Friday and in my discussion with them yesterday.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I have messaged you, Betsy, and Judy to see if your friendly amendment wording works for everyone and asking that if it doesn’t y’all try to work something out that does.  If it doesn’t look possible then I’ve asked for each of you to send amendments so that they can be appropriately stacked as amendments to the amendment to the motion and then I’ll suss out the clock on them and we’ll run it as a 5 day objection on each amendment until we have a motion finalized.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Judy, I have your amendment as above if the friendly amendment does work out so no need to resend it, and your amendment came before Betsy’s so it will be your amendment to amend Jacalyn’s first proposed friendly amendment, and Betsy’s will be the first to be voted on because it was the last proffered.  So it will be Betsy’s, then Judy’s, the Jacalyn’s friendly, then the motion, unless other amendments are brought that stop the clock further.


Judy Mitchell  2 years ago
The short answer is No, what you have written (again) is not what i wrote. You continually drop put an important phrase "investigate to hire". That is not acceptable, it is not my anendment.
Im not gettimg into any more right niw as im still in ICU and Ralph keeps talking about wanting to die and why wont we let him (hes not hooked up to any of those machines currently anyway) its all very stressful


Mera Rose  2 years ago
So sorry you’re going through that.  So Betsy’s amendment will go to vote first, then yours, then Jacalyn’s friendly and whatever that leads the motion to be will be voted on last.  So that sets us out almost 60 days with discussion periods before a vote on the original motion.  Once I have Betsy’s text I’ll start the clock on her motion to amend.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
So wow. That’s messed up. This is worse than congress


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
I will post my amendment for 11-06-2019-1 to the main list, so that it isn't lost in this thread, as soon as the NoEL representative officially withdraws hers on the top level of the group, not nested in replies.As my previous amendment was denied, this version will contain slightly altered text, incorporating most of Judy's remarks and the NoVA representative's wording. Please advise at once if there are any issues of which I am unaware.



Mera Rose  2 years ago
Just make sure to state it’s an amendment to the amendment (11-06-2019-1a) so I can correctly label it as 11-06-2019-1a1 and it should be good to go...  as long as Judy’s good with it, otherwise hers would be 1a1 and yours would be 1a1a.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
That's fine. Sorry to have mislabeled it.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Don’t want to be a stickler, but just for clarity (because this one is obviously going to get easily confused) can you just add to the thread in that motion that this is a motion to amend the amendment please?


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Records and all ya know


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
Point of Order: If the NoEL motion is withdrawn, am I amending the amendment or the original motion?


Mera Rose  2 years ago
The amendment offered by Nova on their original motion.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
Got it.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
So it stops the clock on their amendment, begins the clock on your amendment, then goes back to their amendment, then back to the original motion.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Always fun trying to stack these correctly lol


Judy Mitchell  6:47 AM
and now I'm off to the hospital, where frustratingly they have no outlets in ICU that I can plug my charger in. so I am offline until I get home sometime tonight!


[1 reply Last reply 2019-11-11 7:20 AM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I hope all goes well.  Feel free to contact me if you need updates here in the meantime.


Mera Rose  2:21 PM
Please welcome Randy Smith, President of the new Ohio River Valley Chapter “Cosplay United”!


9 replies Last reply 2019-11-19 11:09 AM]


kevin.p.roche  2 years ago
Welcome, Randy!


Merrily  2 years ago
Glad to have you


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
Welcome! Glad you have found your way here!

Also sent to the channel


Randy Smith  2 years ago
Thank you guys, I appreciate all of the help and support. We plan on becoming very active members of the organization so I am sure you will see more of us around.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Welcome!  I would love to see you very active!!!


Judy Mitchell  2 years ago
Welcome, Randy, from Northern Lights!


Dawn McKechnie  2 years ago
Welcome Randy 


Bruce Mai  2 years ago
A belated welcome from your neighbors to the West - the SLCG (affectionately known as the SLUTS).


Randy Smith  2 years ago
Thanks Bruce!