Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2019-11-09  2019-11-11>



Mera Rose  4:51 AM
The vote to accept the Ohio River Valley Chapter (Cosplay United) ends tonight at 6:51pm EST.  Please go to the pinned posts in the Slack #boardofdirectors channel to cast your vote.


Mera Babineaux


Bruce Mai  8:33 AM
I'm still trying to get up to speed on Slack.  I'm not finding that pinned post.

7 replies

Last reply 2 years agoView thread


Judy Mitchell  12:20 PM
Ok, I have some questions (that should surprise no one!). I applaud the creation of the Motions channel, I think ti's a marvelous idea to help keep track of things. However I find I keep wanting related info that isn't there. Is it possible for Mera to add to the motions who the originator was, and when the pertinent dates are? The same for any amendments? I find my head spins trying to keep track of what is active and taking precedence.


[1 reply Last reply 2019-11-10 1:27 PM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I will do my best to go back, find and add on these, and will make sure to do so in the future.


Judy Mitchell  12:25 PM
And speaking of that, regarding motion 11-6-2019-1, my amendment regarding the original motion on creation of 3 policies, I can't really tell from the way it is listed in Motions, is my amendment actually in play? because a) if it is I believe it stops the clock on the original motion (per Kevin answering my q on Pierre's explanation of motioning) but I don't know what the time frames are regarding my amendment.


[1 reply Last reply 2019-11-10 1:30 PM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
So, I’m working on a way to make that work.  The clock stops on the original motion, but since it was technically a friendly amendment on that one Pierre suggested a 2 to 5 day objection period, and if no objections then we would amend the motion and restart the clock, but that is presenting a bit of an issue with tracking.  I’m looking at a calendar app to install in Slack to track these, but haven’t found one that seems to be easy enough to read.  Bare with me, I’m trying.  I’m open to any suggestions.


Judy Mitchell  12:52 PM
I will do my best to watch for updates and clarifications, but my viewing may be spotty right now: Ralph was ambulanced to the ER yesterday morning in respiritory arrest (breathing badly, not NOT breathing) and is sedated and intubated, they're having trouble keeping his BP up to reasonable - and the hospital is an hour away from me. so.... I'm doing the best I can travelling and watching. This is all very important to me, please bear with me as I juggle.


[1 reply Last reply 2019-11-10 1:33 PM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I’m so sorry to hear this Judy.  I’ll light candles for a full and speedy recovery here.  We’re having some medical issues here as well, so I may be slower to respond while dealing with them, but will do what I can.  If you need to catch me by phone for any reason (just want updates and don’t have wifi, or whatever) please feel free to call or text.  804-467-5636.  You can also catch me on FB messenger.  Feel free to send me a friend request if you’d like.


Mera Rose  4:06 PM
The motion to accept the new chapter petition for the Ohio River Valley (aka Cosplay United) Chapter carries:  14 yes, 0 no, 1 abstention.