Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2019-10-13  2019-10-16>



Jeanine Swick  6:49 AM
There is currently 8 chapters who have not provided full member information and this will be going out to all of them. It will go to the Treasurer, President, BoD Rep and Membership Coordinator if the chapter uses one. The Standing Rules and By-Laws state the information is required. So if it is not going to be provided those persons should to be removed from the ICG roster. There again it is Social Club status if it won't be provided.


I do not know of any organization where you pay membership dues that lets one get away with NOT providing full mailing contact information. Phone and email are generally optional but not an address.




Following are the ICG requirements for a person to be a "Member in Good Standing".


Standing Rule #7

Each chapter shall send to the Corporation Treasurer monthly, by the 7th day of each month, an updated list of the names and addresses, (where provided) electronic mail addresses and phone numbers of all new and/or renewing members. The chapter shall remit the dues set in Standing Rule 3 for all new and/or renewing members included with each monthly update.


By-Laws Article III Membership

Section 1, Becoming a member. Persons become members of the Corporation by becoming members of one or more of its chapters. Any person who has paid the dues of the Corporation and, if applicable, the local chapter shall be a member. The local chapter shall promptly inform the Corresponding Secretary of the new member’s name and address. The local chapter shall present to and review with each new member the By-Laws of the Corporation.


If the missing information is not provided by the end of the next membership reporting date. The following members will be removed from the ICG roster and the dues refunded to your chapter.

Member Name     Member Code   Missing Information


Thank you,
Jeanine Swick
ICG Treasurer


[25 replies Last reply 2019-10-15 4:31 PM]


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
Starting the Yahoo group response thread here, as it makes the most sense since Jeanine started the conversation:


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
Thank you, Jeanine. This looks to be in order.


I agree with your interpretation of documents in question.


Betsy R. Marks
SiW President, ICG BoD Rep.


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
Why would we want to kick out members who want to be part of our organization simply because they don't want to give us their mailing address? Unlike when the ICG was founded and the original standing rule was written, we aren't physically mailing anything to them when they receive the newsletter via email. We have no need to keep their addresses (which may change regularly due to changing apartments, school, etc) on file. Furthermore, this appears to be a purely retaliatory act when I responded to you this past month that several of the NoVA members prefer to keep that information private. This hasn't been an issue until now when memberships without physical addresses have been on the books for years.




Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
Then you are in fact saying that the ICG does not need to follow the By-Laws and Standing Rules in any form. Plain and simple that is a violation of them.




Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
That's a ridiculous statement. Thankfully, we have mechanisms in place to update our standing rules as necessary. We can resolve the issue with a motion to modernize the outdated rule with relevant requirements and privacy policies to protect the personal information that our members do entrust us with. I'll get that drafted this afternoon..




Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
WOW! Talk about retaliation! It has become a 2 person show of Marianne and Mera making all the decisions.


In case you have forgotten they were the only ones who worked on the 5 Year Plan or the Guidelines recently. No requests went out to either the BoD or the general membership to take part in either project.




Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
Mailing addresses are far more reliable to reach members for important matters. Most organizations have them and a written policy and system to follow to keep that information secure. Email companies change, bought/sold and email address change just as often if not more then people moving.

We aren't asking for birth dates, SS#, or even telephone numbers. Mailing addresses and email addresses are not a big ask to be a member of an organization. Members should have a preferred communication option with the other as a backup.


This does bring up do we have a privacy policy for the information we have (names, addresses, and email)?




Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
If we don't, we should.




Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
I privacy policy should be written or at least reviewed by a privacy specialist or lawyer before it is voted on by the board.




Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
The only ones who see the full membership list are the treasurer, newsletter (for obvious reasons) and corresponding secretary who currently gets it as being part of the newsletter group it is not sent a second time, if things change then that will change. I have no idea of how secure any of the others systems are. I have multiple in place.


Chapters get a copy of their roster once a year in Dec to cross check that the information I have is current with what they have. The list also includes any member who expired and was removed from the active list that year.




Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
And most members have no problem giving their mailing addresses. Are we really going to tell the ones who aren't comfortable giving their mailing addresses (for whatever reasons) that we don't want them as members at all?




Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
There is nothing stopping them from being members of the chapter.


Rejecting the ICG's rules means they shouldn't be counted as members of the ICG..


It says that chapters are responsible for reviewing our governing documents with each member. In theory, they understand those documents.


Sorry, but until the rules are changed, that's how it must be. Either they provide that information or they are removed from the rolls.


It's been that way for over 30 years, since before the ICG's incorporation.



Speaking from institutional memory as well as a chapter president and BOD rep.




Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
May I suggest that where no address is provided, the default mailing address for a member is the business address of their chapter?  That way ICG has the help of the chapter secretary when someone needs to be found.


Back when I was doing an active renfaire merchant, random strangers would sometimes come knocking at my apartment door, apparently clueless that I did mail order and event sales only. That's when I took out a PO box.


Later, when I became secretary for my chapter, that PO box became the SWCG official address. This address has remained active as I have moved from one officer position to another and from one dwelling to another.




Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
Meant, "Back when I was an active renfair merchant." Kinda sounded like I was over-sharing about my personal life.  Bad text editing, not Freudian slip.




Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
This address requirement dates back to PYMWYA (sp?), a now defunct Pittsburgh area chapter which existed solely to vote on the guidelines during a previous discussion.


Only one address was ever provided to the treasurer, who then was unable to verify the memberships. It was as if someone wanted to stuff the ballot box.


Unsurprisingly, the chapter evaporated immediately after the Guidelines vote was taken.


I'm sure that isn't the case here.


However, if we let chapters arbitrarily choose which rules to follow and which to ignore, how do we enforce anything?


Furthermore an auditor WILL look at our governing documents and compare what we require with what we actually do, and discrepancies like this could lead to deeper investigations of our chapters, which I'm reasonably sure none of them want.


Your mileage may vary.




Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
Personally, I love Randall’s suggestion.  There’s no reason that shouldn’t be allowed.

Mera Babineaux


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
It is a requirement of membership. So it is the responsibility of ICG and their chapter elected officials to let them know that it is part of their membership obligations as well as why, who, and when it would be used. It falls into it should have been stated when they joined. If it is presented in a positive light and with transparency it should be no issue.




Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
A part of any policy is just stating what is collected, why, how it is used, and where it is stored. You just provided most of that. It doesn't have to be too complicated, just enough to be compliant with basic privacy. Which countries our members are in can also determine how detailed the policy would need to be.




Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
Hard to imagine anyone today feels motivated enough to try to manipulate such a vote.


Still, I take your point about membership verification if the chapter contact is the one trying to manipulate things.




Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
Again, as Marianne and I suggested back in March and again last month, it’s time to update the standing rules to include privacy and non-discrimination policies.


No worries, draft language is already in process. We’ll post it for review shortly.

Mera Babineaux


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
As a member who holds more than 1 restraining order in more than 1 state, against more than 1 person, I would prefer that my information, and my children’s as that order covers them and they are ICG members, not be in any directories.  This is why our address is our business address, and is a locked and gated property.  


That said, not everyone who has issues with stalkers has that option for many reasons.  In this day and age, it’s very common for Cosplayers to have stalkers.  It’s also not unheard of for them to be doxxed if they offend their competition (name, address, personal details released online publicly).  This is a common issue in Virginia, and I’m sure that’s why NOVA members are, understandably, nervous, especially since they witnessed the release of information (which should have been kept confidential) for two of their members publicly on Slack by our treasurer within the last month.


Privacy is essential.  We must have a strong policy on privacy and we must have options in place that permit the member to control their own information, whether that is updating information, removing information, or how the information is used.


The standing rules and bylaws must be updated immediately to reflect the changes in culture, privacy laws, etc.  Merrily is absolutely right that we must take other countries’ laws into account as well.


Mera Babineaux


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
What personal information was released, other than that they are not members in good standing of the ICG? There is NO public database of ICG members, there is NO accessible member directory.


From my perspective I am seeing a small group of individuals attempting to manipulate an entity to serve their own goals and purposes.


Elaine Sims
Cattails Bookkeeping Services, LLC


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
Which is exactly why any membership directory should ALWAYS be opt-IN, not opt-OUT.As was the case in the 1990s, the only members with contact information of any description were those who provided a questionnaire that authorized publishing the info they provided for the purpose. The directory is part of the Archives, by the way. The database is gone, but that part remained.




Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
Personally, my name, name, address, and email are for the membership rolls, they are NOT for any public directory. These are 2 separate issues. Any public directory should be an opt-in. Opt-in is typically the safest way to comply internationally (again, not a lawyer, just work in the legal department of an international company who has lots of member, customer, and other interaction).

Why are we talking about a pubic or even member2member directory? Do members want one? We should survey members to see if this is even an issue. If we do anything like that it should most definitely be opt-in with option to have alias information pubic with real information visible to a select group of ICG officers or appointed representative(s).




Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
The ICG does not maintain a public directory anywhere nor as far as I know there has never been one.


There are a lot of things being pushed to be approved that had never been presented to the membership in general to see if the members were interested.  The big issue with the plan is that it was made by only 2 people without any representation from the general membership. No survey was done to see what members wanted to see as benefits before starting the process either.  


The membership needs to have a chance to have input into and be involved in any planning before one is created. We have 17 active chapters so there should have been representation by at least half of them.


Making a Power Point "pretty" by putting colored text in colored blocks turns many off as it is too difficult to read. It would not surprise me than many gave up on reading it due to eye strain.




Mera Rose  7:06 AM
Ok - so if we’re taking this mindset of “be damned who we piss off” with our chapter reps, then why was this whole mindset of “we must soften our language to avoid making people mad” on the guidelines?


I really think jumping to attack chapter reps to force them into compliance is a bad idea.  I think if we improve the options for their submission process through an automated option on the website including a membership database and then prompt ALL chapter reps to use it and send reminders electronically and then we will see more compliance.  I’m from the south, and well, we have that saying “you get more flies with honey...”. And it’s totally true.


I hope you won’t send out those emails and risk alienating 8 chapter reps.


[11 replies Last reply 2019-10-24 9:07 PM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
It does seem a little harsh.


Lorien Fletcher  2 years ago
Time Travelers Costume Guild, TTCG (Portland Oregon) often has members who pay dues on our online square account or at a meeting and then do not fill out our online google membership form in a timely fashion.


FYI this is what we have devised: NEW Membership Form (change contact info):


We do our best to follow up with these people who do not fill out the form- especially those who have dropped off our roles and then "renew" and do not fill out a new form...and get their full information, including street address and send in updates monthly . If we are not fully in compliance, it is not willful omission-- just that our volunteer board is busy with their personal lives and costume activities.


Additionally since none of our members receive he ICG newsletter or any other info by mail, we are unconcerned about having their addresses, Since all communication is by e-mail, we try to report that info.


Additionally, our treasurer has been very ill and I have been doing her job as well as keeping  a very active  and I believe the largest ICG chapter going. We hold over 50 events a year. We will always err on the side of spending our time there and not chasing paper work.

I will be doing my best to follow up with thank I do not have addresses for by our annual meeting on November 16th.I am very happy to see the move to SLACK, and receive too many e-mails to participate in a list serve. SLACK is the superior choice


Time Travelers Costume Guild

Join our non-profit 501(c)3 TTCG group for costume events! We are multi-genre cosplayers, fantasy, historical, vintage and creative thrift costumers in the Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, WA Metro area. Please fill out online membership form at:


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Nova also does stuff online. It is just so much easier to take care of things using Google and PayPal (and etc) than anything else. I know with Starfleet and the American Sewing Guild, I update everything on their website and then I just go to whatever local groups I want which is so very easy. Thank you for sharing how you guys do things!


Lorien Fletcher  2 years ago
Of course. I'm happy o help anyone set this up , if they would like to copy what we do. I shared the method of creating a membership card in Mailchimp with Phil G.
BTW: PayPal is heinous. We love dealing with square!


Happy to say that we are now (as of 10/18) only missing one street address for our members and will send off update on Monday to ICG . I have a daughter getting married this weekend!


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Omg you do the wedding! That’s way more important and fun! Nothing is going to break if you wait till after the wedding. But send photos to the random or general!


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I prefer Square too.  We took all of our business transactions off of PayPal because of the issues with fees, holds, and weird errors in  transfers.  Haven’t had a single issue with Square in 2 years of using it.And congrats on getting a new family member!  Weddings are awesome.  


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Nova uses PayPal and has square. I always send my dues friends and family to avoid fees. Query: is there any benefit to these things for nonprofits? Might be able to avoid fees that way.


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
By the way it is now Oct 23rd and there is nothing from TTCG in hand yet. I hope the wedding went off with out a hitch. Pun not intended.


Lorien Fletcher  2 years ago
Sorry Jeanine. Have been gathering addresses for you. Report and new member payment coming soon!


Also sent to the channel


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
Banking regulations have been tightening up on how often you can make transfers between accounts and it will get worse going forward.


Lorien Fletcher  2 years ago
I'll send a check.


Mera Rose  7:10 AM
Perhaps something like this instead:  “Your chapter reports have not been received since (date).  We are contacting you to offer any help or assistance in ensuring that your chapter is brought up to date with the ICG and your members are able to continue accessing the benefits of being ICG members including our and Spoonflower discounts.  Please respond as soon as possible and let us know what is preventing the reports from being sent and we will work with you to remedy this issue.  Cordially, blah blah blah”


[1 reply Last reply 2019-10-15 8:58 AM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
This does sound a lot better. I would definitely prefer a more polite and helpful tone in communications.


Elaine  7:15 AM
Speaking as non- voting GEL admin assistant: They have been ignoring the requests for months already.  This isn't new,  i have to deal with the same BS for certain GEL chapters as well.  They know when the information is due.  If they stayed on top of their responsibilities,  this reporting would not be an issue.  Instead,  they force it to fall to the individuals who are expected to keep the 501(c)3 status in order,  and you're saying that she's being too harsh?


Jeanine Swick  7:17 AM
They have been reached out to and no replies are received or I am told members don't have to provide it if they don't want to. That is against the By-Laws and Standing Rules and this has been a problem for years.


Jeanine Swick  7:24 AM
If we can't follow our By-Laws and Standing Rule or be bothered to made sure all chapters are following them are we going to be putting the Non-Profit status in jeopardy?


Elaine  7:55 AM
non-voting member observation: there are only five individuals participating in any conversation. That speaks volumes as to the participation of the various chapters and board members.


[1 reply Last reply 2019-10-15 8:21 AM]


Elaine  2 years ago
Oh grow up and stop with the cutsie emoji responses.


Jeanine Swick  8:19 AM
Slack reports I receive state the following BoD members are inactive:  Martha Eby, Robin Egger, Elaine Mami, Vicki Warren
I don't know it "inactive" means they turned off notifications or they left. Either way it means their chapters and no longer represented here.


Marianne Pease  8:23 AM
It just means they haven't participated in the past two weeks. (edited) 


[1 reply Last reply 2019-10-15 8:27 AM]


Elaine  2 years ago


Jeanine Swick  8:36 AM
Thank you, that information was not possible to be found.



Hi Jeanine,


Thank you for reaching out to us.


I'm not sure if it is required for you to list it on the Personal Property Return. I recommend reaching out to an accountant.


Let me know if you have any more questions.


Thank you,

Kelsey HolmesMaryland Resident Agent LLC
5000 Thayer Center Suite C
Oakland, MD 21550





A question has recently arisen about computer and AV equipment the ICG
owns but is not kept in the state of MD. The equipment is in the hands
of our Archivists who live in other states. Are we required to report it
one the Personal Property filings as fixtures?  I have included the list
they compiled earlier this year after I had completed our last filing.


Thank you,

Jeanine Swick
ICG Treasurer


Jeanine Swick  8:45 AM
I did send the file of equipment listing so there would be not questions about what was being asked about reporting.


Mera Rose  9:46 AM
We need to contact the Maryland Department of Taxation for clarification


Betsy R. Marks  10:19 AM
Why should we have any rules at all, if chapters decide to simply ignore the ones they don't like?


Silicon Web is up to date and has turned in all of the required data and funds for its members. If our chapter (the largest in the ICG) can do it, with a Treasurer who is dealing with serious personal issues at the same time, why can't other smaller chapters?


This is exactly why the ICG Newsletter was a hard copy document mailed via USPS at bulk rates, to every member of the ICG. It served as a reminder that we exist, put expiration dates in the hands of our members, and reported when chapters fell behind in reporting. I believe it was a serious mistake to convert to an electronically delivered version, because now we have chapters over a year in arrears, members who may have no idea why they no longer receive their newsletters, who could easily assume we just stopped publishing altogether


[3 replies Last reply 2019-10-15 10:49 AM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Perhaps it is time to update the standing rules. We no longer need to physically mail anyone anything. I get nothing but junk mail and packages.  Literally anything not a package gets dumped in the shredder at my house.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
If the value of our newsletter is worth instant shredding, then no wonder our chapters aren't renewing.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
I don’t get one mailed to me. I’ve never had one mailed to me. It’s on the website. That’s how we read it. Now we should be releasing that as actual content on the website instead of trapping it permanent as non SEO optimized  PDF but that’s a whole other discussion.


Jeanine Swick  10:29 AM
I highly doubt that most members read their newsletters.  If they did they would know when their membership expired. It is the chapter's treasurer or membership coordinator to remind members in a timely fashion before their membership expires.


Then again there are the members who have paid their dues to the chapter on time but the chapter does not send it in  in a timely fashion. That then screws up the membership expiration dates. If a member has been expired more than 3 months they get a new expiration date one year from the last day of the month that the check was written.


I also know of one member who renews for multiple years at a time but the chapter does not report the extended expiration date it on the rare occasions a membership report  or dues are submitted.


Marianne Pease  10:42 AM
These are all very good arguments for modernizing our membership system to allow for more personal accountability by our members!


[2 replies Last reply 2019-10-15 1:18 PM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
I agree.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I do also


Jeanine Swick  10:45 AM
The majority if left on their own with no reminders to do something like pay their dues to the chapter, they won't do anything. It is the nature of people.


One chapter sends in renewals and new members that span several months at a time and do not bother correct the expiration dates on the roster to match the month payment is finally made.


Jeanine Swick  12:29 PM


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Jacalyn Boggs  12:33 PM
Please use threads. It helps keep things organized better and aids in people reading later.  Also, if you are posting multiple pictures, you can post at one time.


[1 reply Last reply 2019-10-15 12:40 PM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago

How to start a thread in Slack:


Mera Rose  1:21 PM
Thanks for sending all of these, though threading them would have made it much simpler.  Can you please also add the 2015 - 2019 bank statements as requested?  Thanks!


[1 reply Last reply 2019-10-15 1:40 PM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
And threaded.  Please threaded.


Jeanine Swick  4:30 PM
Sorry but I want file folders.


[7 replies Last reply 2019-10-16 10:57 AM]


Elaine  2 years ago
That would make past finding files so much easier.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago

Using Google Docs and Slack Together:


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago

Sharing Files in Slack


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
Threads are not files.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
If you want folders with files in it for easy searching please see the helpful videos above to learn how to effectively use this feature of Slack for ease in searching, posting, and more.


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
Says the person who can make Yahoo work.

Also sent to the channel


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
As I said at the meeting in March, yahoo groups is dying. My contacts on it at AOL had told me that they were aware of the issues with many users accessing yahoo groups.  At that time yahoo was not letting anyone without a yahoo email even access groups anymore and that the project was no longer going to be supported and that it was only a matter of time before yahoo groups was completely and totally shut down for good. 


Yahoo groups is fickle. Sometimes it allows me to log in, more often than not, I cannot. Thankfully we took a vote at the meeting in March to move ourselves from Yahoo groups to Slack before yahoo groups became unusable for all people or shut down.  You were there and you voted yes to move. The only person who didn’t vote yes was Byron, who abstained.


Elaine  5:39 PM
Can we please stop with the technical condescension?