Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2019-10-12  2019-10-15>



Jeanine Swick  8:17 AM
Oct membership reporting


[Oct 19 Update.pdf]


Vicky Assarattanakul  4:12 PM
From Yahoo:


I want to know why Marianne has not reached out and reported on former chapter MN-SOC on getting them back in the ICG like she stated a few months ago after I reported here that they still have a semi active FaceBook page that states they are still part of the ICG.

“MNSOC is a group for costumers from all over the state of Minnesota and surrounding area, whatever their area of interest. We are here to support each other in our costuming endeavors, whether it be with enthusiasm over a gorgeously completed piece, friendly advice for an unfinished one, a slick tutorial you found, or through various costuming get-togethers in the area. We're also a non-profit organization, and a chapter of the International Costumer's Guild (ICG).”

Then there is our Corresponding Secretary who was a member of MACS that is also a failing chapter did not work with them. I had been in contact with her when her membership expired several months ago. If the treasurer is incapable of doing the job why wasn't the person give the help or replaced?


Every December I send every chapter a copy of their roster of the current active members and expired members who were removed from the main list for cross checking. It goes to both the Treasurer and President or BoD rep if the president's membership has expired. This is to help them with the requirement in Standing Rule #7:Annually, on January 7, each chapter shall provide a complete list of all members of record, including all contact information as listed above, for review by the Corporation Treasurer. [Adopted 2/15/1990; Amended: 5/25/1992, 2/15/1993, 5/29/1995, 01/31/2004; Renumbered 04/29/2005]


For brevity I did not post the entire rule. And guess what? Not one of the chapters has every replied to even say if all the information was correct for their members. Typos happen and reports or USPS doesn't always get through.
Jeanine Swick ICG Treasurer


[5 replies Last reply 2019-10-13 4:13 PM]


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
For what it is worth, I did try to work with MACS and the treasurer to get things restored and repleaced. I was essentially met with excuses or silence. And then our treasurer essentially flounced this summer, along with the dues that we had paid.  I do not wish to air their dirty laundry, but a great deal of internal issues are what caused MACS membership to dwindle and eventually fold.Vicky Assarattanakul


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
On 10/13/2019 12:26 PM, Shimmer Shade [ICG-BOD] wrote:




Marianne did, 2 years ago, and this was the response.
Mera BabineauxBegin


forwarded message:
From: "Marianne Pease [ICG-BOD]" <>
Date: July 28, 2017 at 8:39:39 AM EDT

Subject: [ICG-BOD] Minnesota Chapter Dissolved


I am sorry to have to notify the board that the Minnesota chapter has formally dissolved due to financial difficulties. It is a good reminder for all of us to make sure our treasurers are keeping an eye on our local budgets so we are not spending beyond our means. I hope some of their membership will find homes in other chapters and still participate in the guild.


Marianne Pease


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
Then why do they still post that they are part of the ICG. A formal request needs to be sent that it needs to be removed from their page and followed up on that is actually gets done.




Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
If the chapter list is current on our web page then anyone that visits the ICG website will clearly see they are not a chapter of the ICG.  Short of filing an injunction in court that we can serve to Facebook, if they have ignored our previous requests, there isn’t much else that we can do.

Mera Babineaux


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
Guess what they were not asked by Marianne to update their page information, which should have been in a reply to the guild. I made contact and it has been corrected.


I knew about all the old stuff from 2017, it was what had not been updated I was questioning.

