Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2020-01-13  2020-01-15>



Jeanine Swick  6:08 AM

Elected officers also vote and I do not have the ballot. I am mostly off line this week dealing with family matters.


Mera Rose  6:43 AM
You were included in the initial email, as were all elected officer emails, but I have resent it to your icg-treasurer email.

[Image from iOS.png]


Judy Mitchell  6:50 AM

I'm not president of Northern Lights currently, Susan Smith is! I'll check my email and if its there I'll forward it to her.


Judy Mitchell  6:50 AM

I'm the rep, but not pres.


3 replies Last reply 2020-01-20 4:56 PM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I had you on a list as President.  Apologies


Judy Mitchell  2 years ago

I was for a few years. But as if our meeting at last Costume-Con, Susan Smith (who was treasurer for years) stepped up to the presidency. I forwarded the appropriate email to her so she should have the ballot.


Mera Rose  2 years ago

Thank you.