Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2019-10-15  2019-10-17>



Mera Rose  6:29 AM
Good morning to all ICG members.  As you can see, and have probably heard, the treasurer, Jeanine Swick, her daughter, Elaine Sims, and the new SiWeb President, Betsy Marks, have taken issue with the idea that any of the guild’s documents might need updating, including the Guidelines for Fair Competition, ByLaws, and Standing Rules.


The Guidelines update was pulled from the motion to vote made in September because these 3 individuals were upset and felt that there wasn’t enough time for discussion.  There is now a committee working on the Guidelines again in the hopes of having another draft out by the end of the year.


As many of you who compete and engage in Masquerades around the country have seen, and informed ICG leadership of, there is are issues in the costuming community that include sandbagging, discrimination, and issues surrounding inclusion.  Additionally, as there are concerns regarding privacy, the use of individuals personal information, and the measures taken to prevent its accidental or intentional release, including doxxing.  Marianne and I take these issues seriously and have sought to address them.  We have been drafting language for the board to review.


No action has been taken on the part of your President or Vice President that would change anything regarding the ICG without a vote of the board as required, so Jeanine’s statement is wholly disingenuous.  If we were changing them to suit ourselves in some wrong way, then there would be cause for concern, of course.  We are drafting language for the consideration of the board, which is completely within our job duties, based on the suggestions of members or on those things which are outdated and have not been brought into compliance with current laws and policies.


The suggestions that are being used to draft these proposed changes are:

1.  Giving members control over their own personal information and how it’s used.
2.  Including a non-discrimination statement to promote inclusion and prevent discrimination based on protected categories.
3.  Including a harassment statement to bring the ICG current with the existing “Cosplay is not Consent” movement and to define expected behavior for ICG members in relation to that movement.


Additionally, the membership should know that the treasurer is reacting to continued requests for financial documents that should have been released to the website as required since we are a 501(c)3 and these documents are required publicly.  In the last week, many Maryland State tax filings dating back to 2003 were added to the website.  This stems from a discussion about whether we are filing the appropriate forms for our business assets as fixtures in the State of Maryland.  Jeanine and her daughter Elaine have been very upset by this, obviously, as all of the issues with this routine business discussion of updating policies and documents has suddenly become a point of contention with these individuals.  We are still awaiting the financial documents, primarily bank statements, from 2015 - 2019.  


Additionally, you may have heard that Jeanine has threatened to remove 8 chapters and 20% of the membership (including paid members with active memberships) because the chapter representative has apparently not sent in enough information (including addresses in some cases).  This is very disturbing, and so Marianne and I stress to any chapter Representative or member who is being intimidated with language regarding removal that we are happy to help and will do what we can to work with you or your chapter while these issues are resolved.  Thank you for your patience while we resolve these issues.


***Above posted to #general channel, then copied to BoD***


Betsy R. Marks  6:53 AM

Merriam-Webster Dictionary: Definition of LIBEL


Merriam-Webster Dictionary: Definition of SLANDER


Mera Rose  6:56 AM
Neither is the case Betsy.  I basically recapped everything that has occurred, but didn’t clarify the issues surrounding the guidelines well.  I have remedied that.


[1 reply Last reply 2019-10-16 7:42 AM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
There has definitely been libel/slander, but from other elements.


Mera Rose  6:57 AM
To be very clear:  Betsy Marks is not involved in the financial issues described above.  She was very upset regarding the guidelines, and was the primary reason I chose to pull the motion to vote that I had made on the guidelines revision so that it could go back to committee to be discussed.  Betsy has stated in many emails and posts that it may be necessary to update the standing rules and bylaws, so I apologize that I was not more clear in my statement at the beginning to explain who had those issues and what had occurred.


Betsy R. Marks  7:09 AM
Mera, to miscategorize me as resistant to change is the basis for my extreme objection to the comments published here, on the general ICG thread and on the ICG BOD mailing list.


I would remind you that the very definition of change is the amendment, and I have sponsored the bulk of those included in the Standing Rules over our thirty year history.


I would also remind you, and anyone else reading these comments, that I find the inability to acknowledge our governing documents as the go-to  authority in any situation to be frustrating at the very least. Those documents and every amendment contained within are there precisely because our organization will not function without them.


Change is necessary but as I have said repeatedly, both at Costume-Con 37 and since then, without buy-in from EVERYONE in a democratic process, which is the way this organization is supposed to operate, you cannot move forward.


That is precisely why the entire membership is supposed to be polled for any change to the By-Laws, and why it is vital to ensure that all members and chapters are up to date with their dues and contact information.


This is not a hard concept to understand, but over the last several months since I came on board this space and the Yahoo Group list, I have witnessed both a flouting of existing rules and nonchalant dismissal of anyone who lacks either the equipment or technical savvy to use whatever communication methods exist, and I find that ageist, discriminatory, and abhorrent in an organization that should be working to welcome everyone, regardless of age, ability, or location.


I leave it to the rest of the ICG's members to determine the correct course of action for this abuse of power.


While the ICG President and Vice President have put forth reasonable ideas that should be discussed, they should not ever assume that silence equals assent, especially in an electronic forum where it is possible that the other members of the Board might not see them.


Furthermore, I strongly recommend that before anyone says anything else in this forum, you ALL go read the Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, and Standing Rules.


Betsy R. Marks  7:15 AM
I've read all three in the last week, which is why I asked the ICG Treasurer for a summary of the members in each chapter and how many were Household or Individual members and how many were Members of Households. This data is published monthly, but I wanted the most recent form of the list.


Finding that chapters haven't paid dues indicates that there are problems with the chapter. The six month grace period before moving to deactivate the chapter allows for plenty of time to get the chapter out of arrears and back into good standing. Deactivation is only appropriate for THREE chapters at this time, which (IF YOU LOOKED AT THE CHART I SUBMITTED) would have been obvious.


I am most angry that things have gotten to this point because an abusive ex-husband convinced me that my work with the ICG wasn't worth his time to support. I believed him and then was forced to walk away because of my own personal issues with separation and divorce.


But let me make this absolutely clear: This isn't just any organization. It's my family. And I will not just sit idly by and watch it taken over in such a way that the existing members and their organizations are tossed aside because their representatives don't meet current standards of communication savvy.


I've said my piece.




Betsy R. Marks 
President, Silicon Web Costumers' Guild

First Treasurer, former Corresponding/Recording Secretary and founding editor, The ICG Newsletter


Mera Rose  7:29 AM
We have read the standing rules and bylaws.  They are out of date and need updating.  Suggestions are being discussed with the BoD list as they’re done.  The draft language will hopefully be posted today.


The 2019 survey is being finalized.  It’s going out to members within the next week.


Dropping 8 chapters and 20% of the membership with no notice is basically attempting to destroy the organization - especially when LACE, Sick Pups, and GCFCG are 3 of those targeted and have been here the longest (including two founding chapters).


Yahoo doesn’t work, and slack has options for allowing communication by email.  The best option is to host our own majordomo/email lists through our domain and web host, but those capabilities are still being assessed.  No one is trying to remove anyone’s ability to communicate.  


And I was asked to post this email that I just received from Betsy.  There are a LOT of intimidation tactics being used in these discussions.  I’d like the board to form a committee, bereft of those currently involved in this discussion, to draft a code of conduct for board members.  I’d like that code of conduct to be written and released by Nov 1.  I propose that Pierre or Byron chair it and appoint the members of the committee.


[1 reply Last reply 2019-10-16 8:06 PM]


Merrily  2 years ago
Why is GCFCG not in good standing?


Mera Rose  7:31 AM

Image from iOS 

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated


[1 reply Last reply 2019-10-16 7:49 AM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Omg this type of bullying, blackmail, and abuse should not be allowed. I’m so sorry that anyone has to deal with this level of awful. You and Marianne have been trying to do so much good. You aren’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but at least you are trying and not showing this sort of toxicity.


Betsy R. Marks  7:33 AM
Absolutely correct, Mera, including two calls from you, asking (if not begging) for me or anyone else to call for a vote of no confidence to recall the ICG President.Conveniently, since those were phone calls, no such record exists. I imagine, however, that those who know me won't question my veracity in mentioning this.


Save it.


I have NO patience for back-room politics. None.


Jeanine Swick  7:36 AM
If they came to a cell phone there should be the date and the number the call came from.


Mera Rose  7:37 AM
I have no interest in recalling the president, as Marianne and I have worked together very hard to try and come up with updates and ways to help the ICG including the 5 year plan.  I wouldn’t want to be the target that any of you have tried to make her.  Not to mention that both of us are exhausted from all of this and have considered stepping down.


I called Betsy.  Marianne and others know that, because I discussed it with them before and after the call.  I wanted to see what could be done to figure out how to take the guidelines back to committee.  There’s no hidden agenda there.  And it was taken back to Committee.


Betsy R. Marks  7:41 AM
I'm not going to continue the conversation, Mera. The calls I received from you were threatening and you already intimated to me during the calls that you would deny what you said if it came up. Which you have done. As there is conveniently no proof of the things you told me, we should probably leave it at that.


Marianne Pease  7:50 AM
I've been accused of lying, being a dictator, and the nastiness I've gotten is unacceptable. I've always been very clear and open about my goals for the organization. I've laid it all out and gotten nothing but vitriol back. The attempts at gaslighting, blackmail, and threats that Mera and I have received make me seriously wonder why I'm even bothering at all. The last thing I want to do is step down before my elected term is over but it's getting to that point. 


Mera is not the one who's trying to 'stab me in the back' with backroom politics. Frankly, there's nothing that we as officers can force upon the organization. Everything goes through the Board of Directors, as is appropriate. Everything must be voted on, as is appropriate. It's nonsensical arguments like the one that is ongoing that is filibustering the normal board processes and preventing the Board from exercising its authority to discuss and vote on actual issues.


[1 reply Last reply 2019-10-16 7:57 AM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Amen. And I called this out last month. I cannot believe the sheer vitriol of the last month perpetrated mostly by one person who has managed to drag in others in their vendetta against you. You haven’t been the perfect president, but you have been trying to do some good for this organization.  You should not have to deal with all of this. 


I would not blame you for stepping down. But I would really like to see you 1. Not have to continue receiving nonsensical slander/libel and threats. 2. See the negative and abusive behaviour stuff ended. 3. See the end to the filibustering for this is not Congress, and a return to sensible discussion towards building up this organization instead of an attempt to burn this ship to the ground.


Mera Rose  8:01 AM

 I intimidated and threatened you?  Ok.  The bulk of the conversation involved the methods of pulling the motion to vote on the guidelines.  Your statements are quite obviously penned specifically to make me look like some sort of dictator in waiting...


Is everyone that doesn’t agree with you against you?  Of course I deny what you’re saying.  There isn’t a person who knows me who would ever believe that I threatened you.  That just isn’t who I am.  For the record, I’m the co-founder of the Virginia Anti-Bullying and Discrimination Action Network.  I was bullied terribly from the time I was 5.  


Every part of how you have acted towards us is an attempt at bullying, almost text book in definition.  We have tried to ignore the most personal assaults, but this whole mess has gone too far.  The aggressive tone and accusations are uncalled for.  This is normal business for a board.  Policies are reviewed, language is drafted, the board reviews and suggests changes, or, if none are made (as in the guidelines) then it is motioned for vote.


None of this needed to be made into this personal attack.


Jeanine Swick  8:03 AM
As I have already said. The entire membership has to be involved and given the appropriate notice to become involved and have the time for input during the development process not after the fact. Then there probably would have been fewer problems with the entire issue.


[3 replies Last reply 2019-10-16 9:25 AM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago

Jeanine - we presented everything and got it up in March.  Everyone should have had access to it and we thought they did.  We asked for comment.  When no one made any comments, we motioned to vote.  When y’all got upset, I withdrew the motion and Marianne put it back in Committee.  How are we supposed to discuss it if no one is discussing it?  You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.  You can put materials out there but you can’t force people to comment.


These were ideas.  You have attacked us for presenting ideas.  You did not attack the ideas, you attacked us for presenting ideas AT ALL.  WHY???


Elaine  2 years ago
This should have been presented to the general membership  BEFORE a plan was drafted


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Have you ever been a member of a non-profit board, or any board, before?  Generally, the leadership presents ideas, then committees are formed to discuss them (as proposed in the updates to committees section) and then the committees make recommendations, get materials out to the stakeholders involved (members here) to review, wait about 90 to 120 days for public comment from members, then refer the updated documents or information back from committee to the BoD where last drafts and changes occur, and then a vote is motioned, seconded, and occurs.  Material voted in the affirmative is added, those voted down are either abandoned or referred back to committee to go through the process again.

The plan is the ideas we wanted to present.


Now we’ve spent a couple of months trying to hear what people might have to say because everyone decided to finally get involved, but no one has said anything about the actual info in the plan yet.


If that is because you can’t read it, no worries, I’ll have a less colorful pdf for you soon.


Marianne Pease  8:12 AM
The Guidelines are back in committee. There are 11 people on the committee.


Jeanine Swick  8:13 AM
Thank you for seeing to that.


[3 replies Last reply 2019-10-16 9:37 AM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
You’re welcome.  I even invited Elaine, but she didn’t want to be involved.  Input to the guidelines is welcome.  Just send it to me or any member and we will share and discuss it


Elaine  2 years ago
No,  i didn't want to be on it,. O don't have the time, energy, or patience to deal with the volatility and bullshit. I am tired toof the direct attacks,  first on Betsy when she asked questions, now on Jeanine,  who HAD ALREADY SENT EVERY PIECE OF INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR PUBLIC DISCLOSURE ON A 501c3 TO THE WEBTEAM, N and now you're attacking me???


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Marianne and I aren’t attacking anyone.  We asked your Mom for financial documents that aren’t on the website.  I’m sorry that offended you.


Marianne Pease  8:13 AM
We are currently writing up a survey for the members. We've asked for input on questions to go on the survey.


Marianne Pease  8:13 AM
I haven't received any from you. Perhaps you've sent them to Mera?


[5 replies Last reply 2019-10-16 1:03 PM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I haven’t received anything beyond what was on the BoD list.  I’ve included all of those in the google document


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
Because I have been trying to get an answer on the property tax filing question.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Ok.  Have we called the Department of Taxation yet?  I think that may be the only place we can get that answer at this point.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
And please, when you have a moment, we really need to have the bank statements from 2015-2019.  Thanks!


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
They are being posted. By the way Slack is only allowing 10 statements to be posted to each thread by year in the channel.


And I am waiting for one more reply on the filing question so everything can be posted together together. so all the information stays together.  But so far it has been no we do not need to report it. Once I have the last reply all will be posted.


Betsy R. Marks  8:17 AM
What is the goal of the survey? Are you asking for input from the members based on the Five Year Plan? If so, then the questions should already be there. If you want a list of the questions to be asked based on that, I would be happy to develop some for you, but based on the current tenor of the threads here, I don't believe my input will be either valued or welcome.


[15 replies Last reply 2019-10-17 10:44 AM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
The goal of the survey is to see what our members want from this organization.  That includes tons of questions on everything from what they like to what they don’t, where they want to see us go, benefits they’d like as members, opinions on our website and social media presence, and a large block for suggestions from each member.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
And Betsy, no one has ever silenced you, even when you’re raging at us.  And we won’t, because we listen to everyone.That’s our jobs.  But we also won’t be misrepresented or mischaracterized, and we will clarify when that occurs.  Please submit any suggestions you have just like every other member of the BoD - there’s an email thread and a Slack thread.


Elaine  2 years ago
No but you sure have tried Mera! You asked for her to be banned from the channel.  Then you tried to have Pierre removed when ALL HE DID WAS POINT OUT THAT PARLIAMENTART PROCEDURES WEREN'T BEING FOLLOWED.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I asked for Pierre to be removed as parliamentarian when he exceeded the authority of a parliamentarian by attempting to “FREEZE” the conversation.  I did not ask that he be removed from the board or discussion.  If he is truly an unbiased parliamentarian, which I believe he is, then even he knows that what he did is not acceptable or within the purview and authority of a parliamentarian.


And, as you’ll remember Elaine, the BoD channel is for board members, and at the time that the request was made, she was not the voting board member and was not following the guidelines that had been set for this channel of having her comments go through her representative.  You remedied that by making her the voting rep for the chapter, and so that step was no longer necessary.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
And, Elaine, just as a reminder, she is now the rep, so, according to how everyone agreed on at the onset of the new BoD channel which was made public, comments have to go through your BoD rep on this board.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I mean, that was how y’all wanted it set up, so I guess anything else at this point would need to be a motion.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
She represents the GEL, not the chapter.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
Which is why she prefaced her comments with "non-voting" member.


Elaine  2 years ago
Add a non-voting representative if the GEL committee,  i am eligible to comment on this list.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I did not know that you represented the GEL committee.  Apparently the information I have there is also outdated.  We need to make sure updated information is on the website for all committees.


Elaine  2 years ago
Every single monthly checkin of mine has included both SiWeb and the GEL committee.  Maybe emails should be read. (edited) 


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Ok Elaine.  We get it.  You think we’re idiots.  You think we’re bitches.  Or maybe it’s just me you hold those beliefs about?  Open hostility isn’t helpful at all to any part of this process.  What do you want at this point?


Pierre Pettinger  2 years ago
Mera, regarding the issue of having me removed. No, I do not agree that I was exceeding my mandate. Two motions had been made and seconded regarding the main motion to adopt the new guidelines. By both  Roberts and our own procedures, once those seconds were received discussion on the main motion ceases. Just as it does if an amendment is moved and seconded.


As Parliamentarian I generally wait for someone to ask for an opinion. However, that does not imply that I am only passive. If I see a parliamentary issue I will address proactively. I have in the past.


Pierre Pettinger  2 years ago
I take no position on the new guidelines. My only concern is the proper procedure. Stopping debate on the main motion after new motions are moved and seconded is required.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
Thank you, Pierre.


Marianne Pease  8:21 AM
You have been the one controlling the tenor of the board this past month, Betsy. If you have helpful and productive input to offer, I would be glad to hear it.


Betsy R. Marks  8:22 AM
The above was a question, not an accusation. Please read it again.


Marianne Pease  8:22 AM
Yes, and my response was an answer to it.


Marianne Pease  8:28 AM
The purpose of the survey is going to be to try to get an overview of our members interests and goals as they relate to the organization, where they would like to see the organization going in the future, and anything else that we think could be useful and relevant information.


In the meantime, I am still struggling with an ongoing and unidentified illness, and am going to go make lunch for my girl and take her out to play. I will be offline until later this evening.


Betsy R. Marks  8:40 AM
This is the summary of the Five Year Plan.


Update Mission Statement • Double the number of active chapters • Double the number of active members • Expedite Chapter Onboarding • Increase the benefits of being a member of the ICG
• Increase earned revenue and donations and
maximize expenditures to meet goals
• Improve Committee Structure, attract
volunteers, and run more efficiently
• Increase content of value for the newsletter, ICG
Press, Social Media, & Website, and update our
tech infrastructure to automate access to
archives and member services
• Update and create new guides & info and create
connections with conventions
• Perform more community outreach through
community service


NOTE: Throughout the document, there is a repeated section called "Reconciling Discrepancies" that appears to be zero in every single place. What led to including something that appears to be a complete non-issue?


There is also this summary of suggested changes:




This section is separate and would require complete revision of our current membership structure (from Chapter -> ICG to ICG -> Chapter), an idea that has been proposed and rejected repeatedly in our history because chapters prefer to maintain control over their membership. And given the current conversation, I would say that this hasn't changed at all.


ICG OnLine Member & Chapter DB
Allow members to control their membership info & pay dues online
Allow Chapters to submit reports & payments and request reimbursements online


This part, however, is the most worrisome by far:


ICG OnLine Directors Portal
Directors can request international recognition online
Portal allows submission of pictures of costumes to the archives with contest results
Directors can download publications, resources, panel packets, and access lists of judges & panelists


I do not believe the ICG should be in the business of accrediting individual costumers


Finally, there's this:


Increase Content on ICG Press
• Provide the option to have hard copy editions of the archives printed on demand
• Increase membership benefits through discount and advertising incentives with businesses that provide goods & services
• Continue to increase membership and chapter organization through outreach, advertising, and convention fan tables
• Use new social media on ICGOnline to allow for chapters and members to communicate, organize,plan events, and upload their costumes and workmanship albums
• Use new social media and ICGOnline functions for masquerade and convention directors to facilitate ICG assistance to conventions and masquerades, provide judges and panelists
• Create Monthly Contests on In Progress, Finished Costumes, & Photography
• Create an Annual Award “The Golden Needle” for the costume judged the “Best Costume of the Year” by a panel of workmanship judges based on archives submissions for the year


If this is the question to be addressed in the survey, there should also be space for members to say what they like and what they do not like about the organization. This should include all of the ways they engage in our communications (what ways do they find our information)? All of the various tools we already use should be included there, without limitation. In addition, there should be questions regarding what methods (if any) they would be more likely to use, and what things they would expect us to provide (not through the chapter but directly from the main organization).


If that seems like a lot, it all came from the presentation.


Mera Rose  8:53 AM
Um - where did you come up with the idea that we would be accrediting Costumer’s?  That’s not even close to what is written.  Lol


Betsy R. Marks  8:53 AM
I would suggest narrowing these issues down and asking our members what THEY want.


Mera Rose  8:58 AM
Thank you for posting the plan information again, Betsy.   Please share it often!


Yes, everyone, there is a plan that we wanted y’all to look at and there is a survey coming out that we want you to answer and let us know what you want.   Thanks!!!


Betsy R. Marks  9:00 AM
I'm sorry. Obviously I wasn't clear: These issues ARE the questions that should appear on the survey.  If the members don't want these things, then they should be removed from the plan. If they do want them, then we should move forward. The survey should have come before the plan, in my opinion.


[1 reply Last reply 2019-10-16 9:03 AM]


Elaine  2 years ago
Thi, so much of this


Mera Rose  9:03 AM
The plan came first to prompt a discussion.  That way people could think about what they wanted out of the organization.  The survey will tell us what they think.  And then there will be a formal plan (remember all of that plan says DRAFT, it’s even saved that way in the doc title) with a timeline developed so that committees can be created and content, documents, etc, put together and submitted to the board for vote.


[16 replies Last reply 2019-10-16 9:46 PM]


Elaine  2 years ago
Half the chapters can't even read it! It's a colorful 32 page PowerPoint,  not an easily readable and downloadable pdf!


Mera Rose  2 years ago
It has been out since March, and the first mention of issues reading it came yesterday from your mother.  It takes time to change charts into print friendly formats.  I’m working on that.In the future, asking instead of yelling and accusing works to get what you want much faster.


Elaine  2 years ago
Actually,  i have from another BoD rep that it is basically unreadable to the majority of their chapter because of the colored PowerPoint (edited) 


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I wasn’t made aware of it before yesterday or I would have started working on it earlier.  Either way, it’s being adjusted.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago


There has been a PdF for months. Here’s the link on the website, updated when I realized it had not been put on there. But PDF was uploaded by the secretary to Yahoo and Slack over the summer.


Merrily  2 years ago
I had asked for a word document to share shortly after the presentation. We have it now.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
@Merrily is it in the channel?


Merrily  2 years ago
I’m not sure which channel or where


Elaine  2 years ago
If slack is going to be the new (at least semi-) permanent home for the board,  can someone please create a shareable group folder for documents?  This will resolve Jeanine 's issues with getting the requested financials uploaded,  as well as providing an easier to find repository for files like the presentations. I already use Google drive,  so i can do it if people want,  but in light of today's events,  I'd prefer that a non- involved person do so.  That way noone can be accused if abuse of power.(Edited,  going to be,  not found to be.  Stupid mini keyboard) (edited) 


Elaine  2 years ago
And semi- added since there had been additional notes of, etc. Not an attempt to dredge that canal anymore


Merrily  2 years ago
I had posted a copy with my edits several weeks ago.


Merrily  2 years ago
Sorry it’s late. I’ve read so many post catching up I may have confused dictionary


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
@Elaine, We have google drive enabled. Jeanine should be able to utilize that for making folders.  @Merrily did you post yours in a folder or what?


Elaine  2 years ago
Is it something that each person links their own drive file,  or is it a shared directory?  I don't have anything to share, other than GEL filings, which Bruce had already submitted,  it's about 'how do we do this'?


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
This is the information for using Google Drive in Slack.  If this is not what's wanted please let me know what to look for:


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
But if you look at this link, you can see there's a wealth of apps that can be utilized for file management so we should be able to find something that hopefully everyone can agree on: 


File Management Apps for Slack


Mera Rose  11:00 AM
Cross posted from Yahoo:


That’s what everyone was informed of in January when Yahoo made the decision and why we discussed it at the annual meeting and held the vote to move to Slack.  I understand that you are not a fan of Slack, as others also seem not to be, but at the moment it is the only approved option we have.


I have another suggestion that was in the 5 year plan presentation as part of the tech plan that has gotten no discussion at this point.


If everyone wants to be able to still use email, we could add email hosting on our web host plan and create our own listserv on our own domain.  This would allow anyone who currently uses email to continue using email and would allow us to maintain our own email archives on our domain.  We can even set up chapter lists and a Slack email list so that Slack can post those messages on the board there to a separate email list (like Slack-post@costume. O r g) which people who do not wish to be on Slack can use to keep up with the posts there.  


I would recommend a members@costume . Org for the new D list, bod@costume . Org for the new BoD list, and then chapter and sig lists for each chapter and sig.  The initial set up will take a couple of days, but can be done pretty quickly.


For those that are familiar with the Camarilla, White Wolf’s World of Darkness Live Action Fan Club, this is how we did communications starting in 1991 using a tool called MajorDomo as the list serv.  There are newer and more updated list serv apps that can be installed and managed through the CPanel on the website very easily, even for those with limited tech experience, many of which are FREE.I would greatly appreciate it if this suggestion could now be discussed by anyone interested.


Mera Babineaux


On Oct 16, 2019, at 1:28 PM, 'Betsy R. Marks' [ICG-BOD] <> wrote:


Hello, all:


In the course of looking for other material on Yahoo Groups specifically for my chapter's communication issues, I found this:


We no longer have the luxury of choice for changing how we communicate as an organization. Whether we like it or not, Yahoo is dismantling everything on the platform except email. I am in the process of attempting a "download" of my group data, but it is unclear whether the download will include everything in the groups I own or manage, or if it will only include those posts and uploads I made to my groups. (There are 13 in all, including the Silicon Web's main list and admin group.) I reached the download option here:


I am aware that a vote was taken on Slack regarding abandoning Yahoo
in favor of Slack, and much has already been discussed concerning
preferences, accessibility, and practical issues.


We have until the end of this month before we are locked out of adding more content to what's already there, and the end of November before everything that's already there is deleted.


I'll let you know what happens with the download I requested.




Betsy R. Marks
President, Silicon Web Costumers' Guild


--Betsy R. Marks


Posted by: "Betsy R. Marks" <>
Reply via web post    •    Reply to sender    •    Reply to group    •    Start a New Topic    •    Messages in this topic (1)
This message sent via the International Costumers' Guild
Board of Director's Mailing List.The contents of this message are the responsibility of poster. YOUR GROUP
Yahoo! Groups • Privacy • Unsubscribe • Terms of Use


Betsy R. Marks  11:04 AM
My apologies for getting that voting information wrong.


And I am really tired of the categorization that I personally object to moving here.


I am much more concerned that there are not enough chapters represented in these conversations, and that lack of representation will lead to MORE chapters abandoning the ICG because of a refusal to assist with migration aside from endless posts of YouTube videos and How-To pages.


Yes, all of that information is available online, but when you force chapters to remain unrepresented because of these choices, you will lose more members as a result.


Ageism is also discrimination.



[20 replies Last reply 2019-10-16 12:42 PM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Who is guilty of ageism Betsy?  The proposal I just made should work for anyone currently using Yahoo groups.  It’s the same email list style as Yahoo and has the added bonus of us being able to add a Slack list for everyone who DOESN’T want to be on Slack to receive the updates from Slack by having Slackbot send copies of all Slack messages to an email list that they can then subscribe to so they still see everything here and can respond to it there and Slackbot will post it here.That’s literally the most INCLUSIVE option for everyone currently using Yahoo groups.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
I am referring to the NoVa rep.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
The Nova rep committed ageism?


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
By excluding the NJ/NY Chapter Rep, as well as others who are unable to use Slack, as witnessed on  the BOD Yahoo Group list. Thankfully, Vicky has stepped up to provide summaries of the activity here for those chapter reps.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Slack has options to use e-mail with Slack. Meanwhile, I would point out the NJ/NY rep 1. Didn’t vote no to the move, he abstained 2. Is actually in this channel so can use it and is choosing not to and 3. Due to his choice had stated he will have another BOD rep appointed if he becomes president after elections.  This proves that he knows how to accept a problem, offer a solution, and enact a solution. 


We understand you hate Slack. That is OK. As I’ve said previously, If you want another form of communication to be considered, offer it. You have not offered another viable solution. You can continue to blockade real and productive conversation with your complaints about Slack or you can actually try to let the BOD get back to actual business and be a force of good instead of causing so much negativity and chasing people away.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
I do NOT hate Slack.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
I have offered it as an option for my own chapter to use while we discuss our communication migration plans. I am tired of being told what I do and don't like based on your heavily biased filters, and defending my statements and actions because they don't meet with your expectations.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
If you can't be polite, please don't pull me in.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Jacalyn helped Byron get the info in Slack as emails, and no one is keeping anyone from being able to use email functions in slack to both receive and post.  In fact, Jacalyn has been posting help forums for everyone so that they can get set up however they would like to engage, either by email or slack.  I’ve been cross posting between email and slack for the guidelines committee members that aren’t on Slack also.  No one is attempting to limit communications.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
Character assassination without repercussion is offensive, and all the emojis in the world will not change this fact.I have tolerated this bullying behavior for weeks. I object.Unless the NoVA rep apologizes right now for her misstatements, I will formally request that she be censured.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
As I have stated elsewhere, email is not going to be an option in the very near future, on Yahoo. If we plan to maintain an email option, then we need to come up with a solution to that problem or we need to get ALL chapters to accept this as a permanent platform change.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
And as I have said repeatedly, that decision should be made by all chapters in good standing with the ICG.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
My ONLY objection to Slack would be the same objection regardless of platform, if the resulting choice cuts out chapter representatives because of issues with access. There are, by my count, three chapters at least with representatives who do not have complete or easy access to Slack. Those issues were raised at least a week ago on the ICG-BOD mailing list.


Mera Rose  2 years ago

Image from iOS 

Graphical user interface, text

Description automatically generated with medium confidence


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
Even in my own chapter, there are members who have limited access to anything other than email. That is why a wholesale move to another platform without making sure everyone on board is problematic at best.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
As for the lovely image above, you may notice I'm using Slack right now. On my laptop AND my phone, depending.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
I also use, in no particular order: Gmail, Yahoo Groups, Discord, Facebook, WordPress, Google Docs, Twitter, Instagram, and a bunch of side apps depending on what I need to do and where I need to go.


That doesn't mean I expect everyone to have the same level of savvy as I have.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
And, Mailman, Usenet...shall I go on?


Mera Rose  2 years ago
We have heard you loud and clear.  Jacalyn asked for you to be censured.  You’re still here.  You’re asking for her to be censured, she is still here.  Civil conversation requires that everyone stop attempting to subvert the conversation to “win” points or one up someone else.  So - from here forward all conversation will be civil.  Period.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Thank you @Mera Rose.


Betsy R. Marks  11:05 AM
I belong to six different Slack channels and I have it installed on my laptops and my cellphone. I am not the average computer user.


Mera Rose  11:14 AM
Also, listserv lite is free, although we may not need an app if our current host offers a CPanel that already has the Mailing List software.  If it doesn’t, there are other web hosts that may be the same or lower cost that we could migrate to that would have that functionality already in their CPanel and include emails and email lists in their pricing if our current host does not.


[1 reply Last reply 2019-10-16 11:28 AM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
It has been a while, as far as I know, since the Tech committee looked at Webhosting.  It’s probably time to take a look and see if it is worth our while to stay with our current hosting or move to another web host.


Betsy R. Marks  11:19 AM
I invite the NoVa Rep to show where in this document a final official vote to move ALL conversation to Slack took place.I see three references to Slack in the minutes, including one after the Board reconvened (where I was not in attendance as I was not the BoD rep at the meeting) that shows that "votes" can be moved to Slack and that the platform be a temporary (not permanent) solution.


The actual discussion regarding where the BoD should reside electronically was tabled by the same Rep during the general meeting.


Betsy R. Marks  11:21 AM
It is not my imagination that I don't recall the conversation because it was held after the meeting ended, when my chapter was not represented.


[2 replies Last reply 2017010-16 12:03 PM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Keep reading. It was tabled until after the general meeting.  But here’s a screen capture to take job right to it:

Text, letter

Description automatically generated


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
Again: I was not present and my chapter was not represented when this vote took place.


Elaine  11:28 AM
non-voting rep: it shows RIGHT THERE IN YOUR SCREENSHOT 'TEMPORARY VOTING platform'


Not discussion platform, not mailing list platform, VOTING platform.


Betsy R. Marks  11:28 AM
Key words: TEMPORARY and a reminder that I was at the General meeting as a member, but not at the Board meeting because I was not representing the chapter.


Please do not continue this conversation.


Elaine  11:29 AM
non-voting rep: SiWeb had NO voting member at the BoD meeting due to travel problems


[19 replies Last reply 2019-10-16 1:24 PM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Did SiWeb not have one of the multiple members at the event attend with a proxy ballot as is customary? If not, how come?


Elaine  2 years ago
SEE ABOVE: TRAVEL PROBLEMSKevin was supposed to be there, but weather cause him to not actually arrive in MA until late on Friday and therefore missing the meetings.This was an unforseeable event, and since he held the proxies, there was no workaround to be had.


Also sent to the channel


Elaine  2 years ago
For someone who keeps telling people to read what's been made available (no matter how hard it is to find), I see a whole lot of not reading happening.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Yes - let’s read.


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Mera Rose  2 years ago
There were many of us, including Betsy, who had volunteered to carry the proxy and vote for SiWeb in place of Elaine, and once Kevin was found to be delayed, many of us were already there and could have done it if we had been asked.  Either way, one chapter not present doesn’t stop the quorum or the vote.


Elaine  2 years ago
All from 2+ weeks before the event.  And your point is?  Kevin was supposed to be there. He planned to be there.  The weather had other plans.


Elaine  2 years ago
Nor does it change thr fact that out its plainly stated that it was a vote to move to a temporary VOTING platform.  Not discussion, not mailing list.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
The point is that there was a quorum of BoD members and the vote occurred.  Only 1 member abstained, none voted against.  SiWeb wouldn’t have changed the vote.


Elaine  2 years ago
The vote would  not have changed, but this does not change the fact that was not a vote to move all conversation, it was a vote to move the voting platform, and it was not disseminated to chapters. Not by you, Miss ICG VP, nor by anyone else. And since you are a member of our chapter, and KNOW we had no representation, you could have been so kind as to include this information>I was eyeball deep in the most stressful tax season I have ever managed, and the ICG was the lowest priority for my limited time and energy


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Can we please return to some civility, please? Negative attitudes really are not helpful and are distressing to the membership.


Elaine  2 years ago
Neither are all the personal attacks, but there you have it. I woke up this morning to a vomiting child and a massive borderline migraine, plus having all of this crap to disseminate.


People keep bringing up undiagnosed illnesses. Know what? We all have our struggles. I've been fighting to get a diagnosis for 5 years. In that 5 years I've had 4 different surgeries, been on 6 different medications, had my family fall apart, had my boss die leaving me to handle his practice at the busiest time of year, took over part of that practice, had the sale of the remainder of the practice almost fall through because of massive computer failures, and now I am dealing with massive structural issues in my home which lead to my office flooding 3 weeks ago.


All of us have issues. All of us have problems. All of us are HUMAN. We make mistakes, we have lives, we don't live 24-7 on the internet.


These discussions are only being made worse by the fact that only 6 people are actively engaging, and thus tempers flare, and the ship continues to list.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Elaine - obviously you have a problem with me, and as I’ve never met you, I have no idea why.  If you would be so kind as to bring personal issues to me personally, I would appreciate it because no one else needs to hear the negativity.  


Now, as a member of our chapter, I assumed that chapter leadership had taken it on themselves to ensure someone was there for the meeting in your place.  No one ever posted that Kevin was the decision.  If they had, then when I didn’t see Kevin I would have said something.  I figured Betsy was our rep as she was at the meeting and talking.  Also, keep in mind, until CostumeCon I hadn’t met most of the guild in person.  I don’t put faces with names well online, so trying to figure out who was who was very interesting, as your mom will tell you I mistook her for Merrily until I was introduced to her at the meeting.  Now, I understand stressful tax seasons.  Completely understand how that goes and started dealing with it at 6 years old.  I don’t fault you for not being there.  There was miscommunication, which happens.  


I am not attacking you.  I don’t know why my words are constantly being taken as an attack and why you feel the need to retaliate against something that isn’t being said?  No one is upset with you.  I’m sorry you’re going through all of that.  I’m sure it’s very stressful and difficult.  I understand more than you can possibly know.  


Seriously, sending hugs.  You don’t have to take them, but I’m sending them anyway.  All of this has gotten ridiculously out of hand.


Elaine  2 years ago
hugs are always accepted.


Elaine  2 years ago
I just can't anymore. And Kevin was the stated rep, as he was President and default alternate rep. Yes, communication could have, and should have been better.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
Not to mention repeated use of hyperbole and attacks rather than valid questions and answers to same. Civility works both ways and this group has been nothing but hostile to my chapter vice president and me since I joined here in May.


My chapter members have observed these discussions but not the ones in the now-archived private BoD channel for almost five months.


I am horrified that simple questions are perceived as hostile negativity, noise, and more.


As the president of the largest ICG chapter on record, and as a founding officer, I find these threads and accusations to be the antithesis of why this organization was founded.


Yes, we do have a problem and we have wasted months discussing how to discuss it.


As I said earlier, time's up.


I recommend that the tech committee report their findings, will happily move to make a permanent change based on their report, and would hope that the President will find some way to ensure that all BoD members have the opportunity to respond in a timely way so that we can move before we lose access to our subscriber list and almost two decades of our history on the ICG-D list.




Betsy R. Mark's
President, Silicon Web Costumers' Guild


Betsy R. Marks  11:30 AM
Correct. Our chapter was unrepresented.


I was not elected until the beginning of May.


Mera Rose  1:01 PM
These are the two votes relative to moving platforms which occurred 2 years ago:


Should motion 2017-09-2017-2 (Creation a Slack group with themed discussion channels. ) be passed and implemented? Only officers and chapter representatives may vote.




October 12, 2017


Closes on October 31, 2017


Yes: 94% (16)

No: 6% (1)


Along with: 

Should motion 2017-09-2017-1 (Creation a Closed (but not secret) Facebook group for the ICG) be passed and implemented? Only officers and chapter representatives may vote.




October 12, 2017


Closes on October 31, 2017

Yes: 87% (13)

No: 13% (2)


Voted on in Yahoo


Elaine  1:02 PM
Non-voting rep: still not a vote to move platforms for all discussion, just a vote to create the platforms


Mera Rose  1:06 PM
Yes, as backups.  You and Jeanine both voted yes.  Even Byron voted yes.  

Yahoo Groups will no longer be accessible - as in YAHOO is terminating it, not us, on Oct 21, 2019.


6 days.  Can we please stop arguing about how and why and start discussing where we want to go?


The fastest option is to create a listserv on our own costume. Org domain.  We need quick discussion on this so that we can make a decision.  And @Philip Gust  and @kevin.p.roche  and @Jacalyn Boggs  and whoever else is available on the Tech committee - we need to download and back up everything in the yahoo group ASAP


[3 replies Last reply 2019-10-16 5:55 PM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
The fastest option is to use what we already have. To accept this is our platform.  But yes. We should stop worrying over what happened 7 months ago and focus on moving forward. As was discussed at the meeting, yahoo groups is not viable no matter how much anyone wants it to be so.  We can either continue to waste time or we can move forward.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
We have a viable platform. We need to let the dust settle and reassess what is important for the BOD to be discussing at this time.  As Mera is the only person coming up with any alternative to Slack, I suggest it be put on the agenda, and everyone go take some deep breaths for a few days and let their emotions calm down. 


We have a guidelines committee that needs to focus on guidelines.  We have people that may still need help in getting on and learning about slack, which we have had set up for two years. Most of all we need to help Byron, especially, figure out what he wants to do for the interim with Yahoo Groups being such an issue. His chapter elections are next month, I believe, and he needs to know he can be a part of anything we are doing until he knows what is next for his chapter.


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
They are terminating the files and stopping the ability to upload. The email function will still be there. The focus right now needs to be getting all that information downloaded and moved to a different location.


Marianne Pease  1:14 PM
We knew two years ago that Yahoo Groups was on the way out. We didn't know when it was going to be closed, but it was in its death throes. Slack and Facebook were introduced as forms of 'official' communication so that when Yahoo Groups were shut down, we wouldn't be scrambling to find a way to communicate with our members. For two years, Yahoo Groups and Slack have co-existed. At the annual meeting, we voted to officially move our voting platform from Yahoo to Slack this summer, essentially making Slack the primary official (but not only) method of communication for the ICG.  The annual meeting vote is official and binding, even if Silicon Web wasn't officially present. There were travel difficulties, which is unfortunate but still doesn't negate what was done at the meeting.


Jeanine Swick  1:27 PM
And we still do not have a proper voting platform available to be considered.


[5 replies Last reply 2019-10-16 1:59 PM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
We Have slack. We voted on this. You voted yes. Please stop. I just can’t take it any more.


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
To investigate it. No sample of how voting would happen has yet to be presented.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
We have told you, there is polling in slack.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
I just made a sample poll for you though. :)

Also sent to the channel


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
If anyone wants to know the fastest way to make a poll, here’s how:


Jacalyn Boggs  1:58 PM
/poll “Sample Poll: Can We Get Back To Sewing and Sharing Cool Things?” “Yes” “No”


Jeanine Swick  2:07 PM
Names should not be visible to the public


[3 replies Last reply 2019-10-16 6:32 PM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Says you. I think this should be voted on.  I will always happily make my vote public however. It’s not like I want to hide anything from my chapter.


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
People need to be able to vote and not get harrassed, otherwise they won't vote.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Well non-harassing of board members should be against the unspoken code of conduct. Sadly, it seems like we need to make an actual code of conduct since the last few weeks have seen an abandonment of civility.  I’m adding it to the list of future business I want to bring up.


Marianne Pease  2:13 PM
/poll "Polls Can be made anonymous easily enough" "Purple" "Monkey" anonymous

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated


[1 reply Last reply 2019-10-16 2:14 PM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
I voted purple. Because it’s my fave colour. Lol


Jeanine Swick  6:18 PM
I will be mostly off line til next week as I have major events with other organizations I am involved in starting tomorrow. It may be in our best interests for everyone to step away  for a bit and all of us work on getting our heads together and figure out an amicable way to work on things going foreward. If you really need to reach me email. 


Merrily  8:47 PM
May I suggest we prioritize the immediate issues. We can’t do it all at once. We don’t have a paid office full of people to make this happen like most boards do. We can’t survey people we cannot reach. If we break it down we can deal with one thing at a time and hopefully be less overwhelmed and make some progress. I suggest...


1) It appears we need to resolve the issue of communication first. 
a) What can be saved from yahoo should be before it vanishes. It appears Betsy is in this.
b) Make sure we have a way to communicate with all current members with a primary and secondary system, including a hard copy (newsletter and membership status notices) mailed for those who want it. This should be something we can easily do now, not a total website upgrade to handle it. That is for a later discussion. 
c) ? 


2) Make sure our current members and chapters are in good standing. What are people having issues with complying? How can we communicate with them to resolve this? 3) Survey current members to see what they currently like/dislike , feelings about items listed in the drafted plan, what they would like to see happen?4) Review documents and prioritize which current documents need updating or creation. This includes the masquerade guidelines. They should have some changes but non discrimination, privacy, etc might need to take priority


[19 replies Last reply 2019-10-17 4:12 PM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
1. I agree. We have got to either just accept we're on Slack now or we have got to whiplash find something else. But there's a reason why Philip was looking for a new place for us to go. Yahoo Groups is simply no longer viable and we have to accept that as they are forcing us.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
I've been spending the last month trying to find an effective way to mail every single message in slack to someone's email. Apparently that's literally not a thing that seems wanted by anyone out there since apparently no one has polled certain members of the ICG Bod. I can find ways to use email to send messages to slack, but outside of getting private messages and mentions sent to your email, there's nothing else for outbound. I've poured through add ons and more. I'm still working on it so I can hopefully help Byron and anyone else, but I'm just not sure it is possible. If things can remain calm like they used to be before September, maybe I can make some headway. Unfortunately, I'm beginning to think it's simply not possible.  Slack is very robust and offers  everything we want except the ability to do everything in email as best as I can tell.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
4. We have a guidelines committee formed.  There should be discussion there.  I don't know about anyone else, but the angst in the BOD channel has kept me from being able to even remotely focus on the guidelines. These guidelines have got to be finalized though, because as you said, we need to ensure there's the updates to non-discrimination language if nothing else.


Elaine  2 years ago
(Non- voting) I don't necessarily think that everything needs up be done in email, it would just helpful to those individuals who can't use slack (for whatever using). Thanks for looking into what options there might be for them.  Seems like you're far more proficient with the platform.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
But I def think that while the board is waiting on the Guidelines Committee, there can be a focus on looking at and possibly updating the Bylaws/Standing Rules to include privacy language, a code of conduct, and anti-harassment language.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
@Elaine, I don't know if anyone wants everything in email with the exception of maybe Byron, but I've been really trying to find a way to make this work.  He's pretty open about finding someone who can handle BOD stuff if need be, but if I can find a way to keep him in this forum, that would be great. He's an invaluable resource, a great guy, and frankly I like having him around so maybe it's a little personal to me to find a way to keep him actively involved.


There's a lot that Slack offers.  I've been more than willing to help people learn how to use the platform better. Honestly, if people gave it a chance, I think they would see why we began a migration to Slack two years ago after quite a while looking at multiple options out there.


I don't even know how to do half the stuff Slack has to offer. I just know that it can do so much and if we allowed it, it could really streamline things for the BOD.


Merrily  2 years ago
Thanks Ozma for looking into that.I was trying to like/acknowledge each of the responses to my statement and don’t see how. Is there a way I’m missing? I had intended the 4 items be in order since there is so much overlap in contributors. Overload can cause undo stress, less listening, and passions flaring.  The example of the guidelines committee being too divided between that and all this and not much attention being focused there. This includes myself.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Yeah, I'm still going through a lot of add on's to see if I can find one that will shove everything to email. I can find all kinds of things to bring email in to slack, but not to shove everything to email. I understand why, but with users who may want to live in their email program, that's not helpful.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
You can thumbs up anything but hitting the icon with the face and a plus sign. You can give it whatever response you want.


Merrily  2 years ago
Not on the ones you posted last night. I can add to the thread but not thumbs up


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Are you talking about the polls?


Merrily  2 years ago


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Then where?


Also sent to the channel


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
I have no problem with receiving email.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Is it sending you every message? The only base setting I can find is what tags you or a private message.


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago
No I didn't find any secret setting. I am just stating I have no problems getting email for working on things or getting information. I prefer it over texting and instant messaging. Those are fine for alerts and quick messages but not really good for serious business related items. Everyone has their preferred form for doing stuff. I use a lot of color coding and colored file folders to keep stuff sorted. I used to get teased by a friend in girl Scouts about how scary my color coded calendar was. Between 2 kids and all my stuff it was the only way. The pretty wall calendar was replaced with a large desk blotter one to have enough room for everything.


Merrily  2 years ago
Found the magic thumbs up spot, thanks


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Great @Merrily!


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
@Jeanine Swick I’m trying to find a way to have every single message in Slack sent to email for Byron and anyone else. Due to my OCD I totally understand colour coding. However, having learned Slack, I can see why it is the preference for businesses now.  You can accomplish so much more in Slack as a team than relying on email.