Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2020-02-13  2020-02-16>



Mera Rose  6:44 PM

Dear Members and Board of Directors,


Attached to this email you will find a link to the Google Doc for the annual meeting agenda.  


Please contact Kevin Roche with any additions or changes that you feel should be made.  As there are discussions to be had on changes to Standing Rules and Bylaws, with possible votes occurring on changes or additions to the Standing Rules, it is imperative that each chapter’s Board member is either present to vote, or assigns their proxy to someone who can vote in their stead for the annual meeting.  Members who wish to have someone carry a proxy for their vote may do so as well.  The proxy form is available at


At this time, the online Board meeting is recessed.  No motions may be made or voted on, or new business brought before the Board for consideration until the Annual Meeting at CostumeCon 39, March 13, 2020 on or about 9am (date and time subject to final scheduling confirmations from the CC39 ConComm).  If any so choose to attempt to attend through online communications, via Skype, Zoom, Slack, etc., please contact Kevin Roche to determine what platforms and methods may be available.


Your current slate of candidates for elected officers at the 2020 Annual Meeting are:
President:  Kevin Roche
Vice President:  Jan Price
Treasurer:  Jeanine Swick
Corresponding Secretary:  Ann Ware
Recording Secretary:  Anne Davenport


There will be discussion at the Board of Directors’ Meeting, and a possible vote, on whether the Standing Rule regarding candidate nominations should be amended to take nominations from the floor.  If the Standing Rule is amended, please be prepared to make any additional nominations at the time that they are called for in the Meeting of the Members, and also let Kevin know in advance of anyone you may wish to nominate so that he can prepare a contested ballot in advance of the meeting, should the Standing Rule be passed.


Please also bring copies of any materials that you wish to discuss during the meeting in sufficient number for the expected number of attendees.


As I am unable to attend CostumeCon this year, and my ICG membership expires on 2/29/2020, Kevin Roche will assume the role of President Pro Tems.  Please treat him with all the respect that you would give the office of the President normally.


While I know that there will be much discussion of what has occurred over the last year, I hope that everyone will fight the urge to scapegoat individuals or gossip over rumors that have been created during this most tumultuous time period.  I would strongly urge that the members and Board of Directors focus on a path for the future of the organization and address those issues that require updating to ensure the solvency of the guild moving forward in its educational mission.


I appreciate the opportunity to have served the organization.  May your seams be straight, your designs be inspired, and your costumes be perfect reflections of your creativity.


And to the candidates running for office, buy some flame retardant Kevlar, get out your cat herding wands, and may the odds be ever in your



Mera Babineaux
Former VP/Acting President/Target Practice


5 replies Last reply 2020-02-16 2:40 PM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago

To clarify, I have a typo there - it’s CC38, not CC39.  Lol.  Apologies

Also sent to the channel


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago

How do we get permission to access the file for the agenda?


"You need permission
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You will receive an email if and when your request is approved.
Find out more about this topic at the Google Help Center"


Mera Rose  2 years ago

I approved it a couple of hours ago.  Let me know if there’s any issue with accessing it.  It’s supposed to allow anyone with the link to access it, but it’s sent me emails on a couple of people.


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago

Thank you.


Mera Rose  2 years ago

No problem.  Hope I did it justice.