Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2020-01-22  2020-01-24>



kevin.p.roche  9:42 AM

While we are examining the report from the P&P committee, Mera reminded me offlist that we have more than one time-sensitive projects underway.

I am inviting @Andy Trembley to report on the status of the gSuite/Google Groups project.


4 replies Last reply 2020-01-23 3:35 PM]


Andy Trembley  2 years ago

I've been buried in a project to make sure our account management and legal hold/discovery needs aren't crashing together in a bad way, but my portion of the reporting on this is done. But on to the actual information...


Andy Trembley  2 years ago

The "" email domain is set up and working, including email authentication.


Andy Trembley  2 years ago

I need to create and document the group "" and the administrative procedures. I'll need to engage with the secretaries on a bunch of this.


Andy Trembley  2 years ago

I'm going to suggest we start roll-out of the new service while the online board meeting is in recess before the annual general meeting. It will be least disruptive because no official board business may go on at that point, and directors can just use the tool to chat and experiment for a little while.


kevin.p.roche  10:20 AM

Two important points of information
(While I am not a lawyer, I did some diving into our documents as well as resource libraries for non-profits, and these points are fairly simple):

  1. If we need to amend our bylaws, it requires a vote of the full membership, with 45 days written notice of the proposed changes. 45 days before the 2020 General Meeting is next Tuesday, January 28th. I do not believe we can be prepared to meet that notification deadline on these particular issues.
  2. HOWEVER -- Bylaws do not trump Law. In this particular question regarding privacy and personal information policies, there are now numerous state, provincial, national, and international statutes which apply to broad swathes of our membership. It is reasonable and appropriate to develop and implement a policy in line with those statutes, while correcting the out-of-compliance portion of our bylaws in parallel by the prescribed amendment process.


I had to do this for another club with multinational membership; we opted to use the strictest rules (the European GDPR) to govern our privacy policies for all members regardless of citizenship.


kevin.p.roche  4:50 PM

BTW, if you did not notice @Andy Trembley’s reply about the google groups, it's threaded off my post here:


Betsy R. Marks  4:50 PM

Missed it completely. I hate burying real content in a Slack reply.


3 replies Last reply 2020-01-23 6:34 PM]


kevin.p.roche  2 years ago

Threading is good for holding things together, but Slack is not great at making their existence obvious.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Never truer words


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago

It has been said many times before by others and myself.