Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2020-01-15  2020-01-22>



Mera Rose  5:26 PM

Dear Board of Directors,Please forgive the slight delay in presenting this document, as there were medical issues amongst some of the committee members that delayed the finalization of this document. Please visit Slack, in the Board of Directors channel, to view the PDF. I've asked Kevin to get you access to view the Google doc, but as it may take a minute to have that done, I didn't want to delay getting this out to you as quickly as possible.


Mera Babineaux


[Policy & Procedures Manual 2020.pdf]


kevin.p.roche  6:00 PM

Here's the viewing link for the Drive document.
This is still a draft document, so consider this a polite request to not distribute it outside the ICG.


Mera Rose  6:03 PM
Thanks Kevin!