Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2019-12-08  2019-12-10>



Jeanine Swick  9:08 AM

Dec reporting




Mera Rose  11:53 AM
Motion 11-9-2019-1 has passed.  The motion carries 12 yes, 3 no, 3 abstained.


Aurora Celeste  12:27 PM
I refuse the offered position of PR director offered minutes ago  by someone who only five hours earlier accused me of making the ICG look bad in a public forum and also took a private email requesting no personal contact outside the ICG and used it as a public attack.  I cannot and will not operate any kind of PR campaign under those conditions or with the kind of person who thinks that is the proper way to conduct ICG business.


[12 replies Last reply 2019-12-11 12:23 PM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I’m sorry you won’t accept it.  I think you’ve done a great job with the Facebook page and that’s why I recommended you for the position.  That said, as I was informed in conversations this morning, that ensuring that facts are made known to the BoD regarding the allegation is part of my responsibility, so that they are aware of the what happened in the pr channel (followed by personal email which was also sent to the corresponding secretary) and can consider that.  I do now, after that conversation, see the concerns pointed out regarding your public Facebook comments also, as the BoD is offering you a position as social media director, without knowing that you were the one who had made those public comments.  I apologize for the offense that you’ve taken to my sharing that information with the BoD.

Also sent to the channel


Aurora Celeste  2 years ago

Your message was an awful excuse for a "report" if that is what you intended it to be.  However, if that is what you want, I can do it for you.  Please note that, contrary to the President's "report", I did not start this post.  I was only involved in trying to manage the numerous inaccuracies in the initial post in as neutral a manner as I could based on the facts as I had seen myself.  This was done as a member of the ICG, prior to being asked on the PR committee to help out. 


I'm only on the PR committee because I started the ICG facebook page, not because I ever intended to manage things like this as more than an individual.  Also contrary to the "report" the poster, Lisa Hertel, comments that she is NOT a member of the ICG.  Perhaps that is false, I don't know, I don't have access to any membership lists from November.  But she posted believing she was not a member.


These postings were made on the JoF closed group on facebook.  It is a group for conrunners, mostly centered around WorldCon although it tries to branch out where it can.  Lisa is known for posting barely-relevant posts that are maybe commented on a bit and mostly noted or ignored.


Rather than posting a summary that is biased and incomplete as was done before, I've attached 31 screenshots of the entire conversation taken for me by a moderator so there are no "hidden" comments or whatever the accusation was.


After the bombardment of comments "correcting" anyone who said anything contrary to her point of view I did block the President and Jacalyn Boggs on facebook because I was afraid I would reread their comments and start a campaign of fact-correcting myself.  Having them already come in and try to comment down anyone who disagreed with them was not a good look for our organization, and I chose to disengage rather than participate in making us look worse.


I am also attaching the referenced personal email and the attachment I refer to in that email so people can see it.  It was only forwarded to the Corresponding Secretary because I used "reply all" on the email that was sent to me, and I did not want to be seen as ignoring it.


[JoF01.jpg] [JoF02.jpg]

[JoF03.jpg] [JoF04.jpg]

[JoF05.jpg] [JoF06.jpg]

[JoF07.jpg] [JoF08.jpg]

[JoF09.jpg] [JoF10.jpg]


Aurora Celeste  2 years ago

[JoF11.jpg] [JoF12.jpg]

[JoF13.jpg] [JoF14.jpg]

[JoF15.jpg] [JoF16.jpg]

[JoF17.jpg] [JoF18.jpg]

[JoF19.jpg] [JoF20.jpg]


Aurora Celeste  2 years ago

[JoF21.jpg] [JoF22.jpg]

[JoF23.jpg] [JoF24.jpg]

[JoF25.jpg] [JoF26.jpg]

[JoF27.jpg] [JoF28.jpg]

[JoF29.jpg] [JoF30.jpg]


Aurora Celeste  2 years ago

[JoF31.jpg] [Email1.jpg]



Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago

You blocked me and thought you would have to fact correct me on a statement about Virginia? There ARE 8.5 million people in Virginia.  The Appalachian mountains run through the west side of the state, the Chesapeake bay separates the mainland from the peninsula.  This isn't hard to confirm with a basic understanding of geography  and the ability to google "Population of Virginia" can verify these things.


There are numerous articles about the traffic problems in the Northern Virginia region. My house is in Fredericksburg, VA.  I am 55 miles from Washington DC and the southern fringe of Northern Virginia.  I am 55 miles from Richmond, Virginia.  These two regions are vastly different.  Meanwhile there is a tunnel to get across the bay to Norfolk and the Williamsburg/Norfolk area has a lot of conventions.  That is 1.5-2 hours away IN GOOD TRAFFIC from Fredericksburg.  Roanoke is literally across a mountain on I64 and then down I81 between mountains.  My son lives in Buena Vista where his wife attends Southern Virginia University and he owns an ice cream store. This is also easily verifiable information.  It takes me about 2.5 hours to get to his house, and it's still another almost hour to get to Roanoke. I don't go near Richmond to even do that.


There is absolutely no reason we could not support a multitude of chapters in a state with four distinct regions for conventions that are not exceptionally close to one another and has a multi-faceted costuming approach between our historical things (Most famously Jamestown, Williamsburg, and Fredericksburg) and our conventions, and a population of 8.5 million people.


We had three new chapters that wanted to form. This sort of attitude is exactly why they withdrew.  Frankly, we could have a couple dozen guild chapters in the Commonwealth of Virginia.  I would support as many chapters as wanted to form.


To be honest, the fact that we have not grown, in 30 years, to have chapters dotting every state in this country as well as across the globe is ridiculous.  There is no state or country anywhere that couldn't hold multiple chapters.

Also sent to the channel


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago

I'm sorry, but your statement just absolutely baffles me.  I know you recently moved to Virginia.  You should know this.But it's OK.  The problems of this Board being so nasty is causing NOVA to leave. I'm not sure if the members are going to try to find a new chapter when their dues run out, that's their business.  I just know there is little desire to remain.  Meanwhile, the would-be three chapters?  There are some who would like to be ICG, but given this horrible attitude that maybe they should just drive 5...6...7 hours because "one chapter is enough" or being called fake members or someone's specious claims that it's some sort of attempt at a coup?  Yeah, I can't blame them for questioning re-applying.


This is an attitude I recommend the ICG BOD really consider heavily and decide if it's something you actually want to continue with or not. I highly recommend inclusive environments, and considering how many different chapters can actually benefit the ICG tremendously.   Cosplay is huge.  Cosplay is here to stay.  We should be excited about this.


Aurora Celeste  2 years ago

I blocked you because I don't want to see your comments on facebook anymore.  Is it now BoD policy to regulate the facebook friending of ICG members?  I don't know how many times I can state it, but I DON'T WANT TO ASSOCIATE WITH YOU OUTSIDE ICG BUSINESS shouldn't be up for debate.  Stop inventing conspiracy theories you think I'm involved in, stop inventing attitudes you can pretend I have so you can attack me, and leave me alone.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago

You saw ONE comment from me, in something that was minor and factual, and this is your response? You don't see this as extreme?Look, I don't care if someone I wasn't friends with on Facebook wants to block me after I see ONE comment in a Facebook group from them.  You do you, hon.  Just you know, be factual about it and don't try to make it seem like there's some ongoing thing or something to people.


Aurora Celeste  2 years ago
I’ve read all your comments here.  I’ve talked to you in person.  If you need to tell yourself it was all about one comment, and not a pattern of behavior, go ahead.


kevin.p.roche  2 years ago



In Robert's Rule Terms: POINT OF ORDER.


Aurora, Jacalyn:
This argument is out of order in our business meeting.

Please stop.


Note: this is not a comment on who is correct, who said what, or who is to blame.  It just has no place in our BOD meeting, which is what this channel is for.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Thank you, Kevin. I appreciate it.


Mera Rose  1:58 PM
Motion 11-26-2019-1: motion that the BoD amend the approved 2019 budget (Dec 31, 2018)  to add $100 to the new line item Legal and Business fees to pay for a membership in the MD Non-Profits organization.The motion was withdrawn during the BoD call last night with no objection.


Apologies - I copied the wrong motion - the above motion is still on the floor.  I’ll update the correct one momentarily.


Motion 11-27-2019-1A Motion to amend the 2020 budget to include the $100 annual membership fee to Maryland Nonprofits as a line item entitled “legal and consulting services” in the general expenditures section.Discussion period ends 12/12/2019 @10:44am, voting period ends December 30, 2019 @10:44am, adjusted for holidays.


This is the motion that was withdrawn and the budget was passed on the BoD call last night.


Jeanine Swick  2:04 PM

To the BoD reguarding the FinCom getting insurance quotes.

First of all I have never been appointed as the chair of the group, nor do I want it. The chair is Bruce MacDermott as listed on the ICG website.

Secondly Etienne was added to it here without his knowledge and is not interested in serving. I think it may be the same situation with Dawn as nothing has been heard from her.

We will be working through direct email or another more user friendly platform than this. At this time the committee stands as Bruce as chair, Elaine and myself. If Dawn replies and is interested she will be added.


Jeanine Swick, Treasurer


[1 reply Last reply 2019-12-09 2:08 PM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Thank you.  It was sent to me as you, Bruce, and Elaine but you as Chair.  Certainly if Bruce is the chair, that’s fine.  If the committee doesn’t need any more members, then I’m fine with it continuing with the 3 of you.


Mera Rose  2:15 PM
Motion 12-8-2019-1 Motion that the 2020 budget be amended to add a line item not to exceed $500 for memberships  in such professional/community organizations as the board deems necessary for better execution of the ICG’s chartered mission.This amendment to the 2020 budget was offered and passed on the 12-8-2019 BoD call.


Mera Rose  4:30 PM
I’ve asked Andrew and Kevin to post the info on Google Groups to #open-discussion-communications so that everyone can access and review it.


Elaine Mami  7:12 PM

I apologize for not making the conference call.  I had a desk disaster involving water and many bills. Details are not necessary, but I may make a costume, that I assume would be a reproduction.


[3 replies Last reply 2019-12-10 9:27 AM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
No worries!  Having been there with coffee, multiple types of paperwork, and cats, I can sympathize...   Never would have thought to make a costume out of it though!  


The recording of the call is in the #12-8-2019bodcall channel.  There is a new motion in the polls channel about moving communications to Google Groups or because YahooGroups is apparently losing most of its functionality by the end of the week.  Kevin and Andrew are going to post some info on Google Groups soon in the #open-discussion-communications channel so that there is information to consider there.  I’m working on transcribing the call also.  There will be a summary with the transcription available soon.  


Oh, and the BoD did get the budget passed and got an amendment done for funding for memberships to cover joining Maryland Nonprofits and whatever other orgs might help with ICG needs.  Super brief highlights wrap up.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Oh, and that poll is in the #polls channel


kevin.p.roche  2 years ago
Minor clarification (I’m dealing with this in several nonprofits): yahoogroups is being reduced to just an email list service, with no web interface or files functions, and any existing uploaded image/file content will be deleted when the change takes place.