Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2019-12-06  2019-12-08>



Patrick  2:29 AM

I will try to join this evening's conference call as an observer and in my capacity as representative for the Chicagoland (CCG) branch, but try not to take sides in any of the disputes and acrimony I've seen develop recently.  I'm saddened to see this and think of the words of the late Rodney King, "Can't we just all get along?"  Whatever perspective I can provide I offer freely.  I've seen this happen before in other organizations I belonged to but still feel sad at what I've seen...


[1 reply Last reply 2019-12-07 4:33 AM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
The call is tomorrow. :) also, I feel like most of us dislike the acrimony. Hope you have a good day and can make it tomorrow.


Patrick  8:37 AM

Oops!  SUNDAY evening's call.  I selected Saturday on something a few weeks ago and still had that day in my mind when I was awake last night...


[2 replies Last reply 2019-12-07 8:50 AM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago

Yeah.  Easy enough mistake.  I have a very stacked weekend so if it's not in my calendar at this time, it's not going to be kept straight.  Just wanted to make sure you were aware of the correct time! 



Jeanine Swick  2 years ago

The time is EST so remember to allow for your times zones!


Patrick  10:23 AM

Was looking for polls I was told I had 'missed.' I found #polls but only found one poll.  Mera told me about the 'pinned items' in the BoD channel, but I didn't even know there was such a thing as a 'pinned item,' before today.  Remember--I jumped into Slack without a users' manual, pretty much like everybody who was told Yahoo was going away.  As long as I have Yahoo mail and can use the Yahoogroup to exchange information through eMails and Digests, I would like to have both means of communications.  (Especially when I don't know how to use the NEW one...)


[3 replies Last reply 2019-12-07 10:41 AM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago

It is unclear if the yahoo groups will continue to do digests. I suppose I could find out on Monday, but I honestly don't feel like it.  Yahoo will really only be able to be used for email only after whatever day they stated that's in like a week.  Literally the only thing I have still on yahoogroups after all these years is the BOD list.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago

So I never really asked about digest.  Kind of forgot that was even a thing.  I'm not sure if my contacts at AOL would know that information.


Mera Rose  2 years ago

I'm learning it all too Patrick, so I completely understand.  We're doing what we can to try and make it easier to follow.  That's part of the discussion in the agenda on the conference call tomorrow night...  advice and suggestions welcome.


Lorien Fletcher  3:56 PM

Slack takes a little bit of learning to navigate, but having to check both Yahoo and Slack is a big NO THANKS,  for me. Plus it puts an unnecessary burden on our leadership to double post everything.


For anyone who has ever belonged to any large group "e-mail" listserves - I am one- yes, they worked in the 90's when that was all we had. 


They are also really annoying, and time consuming to follow. No way to have topics, and believe me, people will not stay on topic.


Now there are better solutions than endless e-mail threads. SLACK for one method. SLACK may not be perfect, but it is better than most.


[3 replies Last reply 2019-12-07 6:31 PM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Yeah I’m on staff for a convention and idk how we would even function with a list serv.  Praise slack. It streamlines everything. Also it makes for a better event for my secret department because we don’t need radios disclosing what we are potentially doing. We had to invent ridiculous code words and it was still nerve racking. Nothing is going to be perfect unless you build it from the ground up for hour organization. But if I have to choose between message bords on some website, email, or slack? Slack %


kevin.p.roche  2 years ago
I am less thrilled with slack for ongoing business in large groups, but HATE old style list mailservers
Properly configured, the webforum interface for yahoo groups and Google groups allows for properly threaded discussion topics, and I have found those more useful.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
I’m not sure why.  It has been a godsend for the conventions I’m on staff with.  


Just curious. Of course Mag is all tech people anyway so of course they would favor slack over anything else... but there is no way I think I could tolerate message boards or email for large groups at this point. Heck I can’t stand using message boards for my school and cheer with every class that takes us to slack. Or even Facebook even though that is a disaster for anything more than a small group.


Mera Rose  6:42 PM
Poll and election results:


Please join me in congratulating Kevin Roche as our new VP, and please join me in thanking Jacalyn for volunteering as well.


Motion #11-7-2019-1 motion for The ICG Board to task the finance committee to solicit three quotes to find appropriate liability insurance for the corporation to be in place by 1 January 2020.  PASSES.


Motion #11-7-2019-3 motion for us to move all communication to our voting platform, Slack, to simply things as two communication streams is confusing.  FAILED.I look forward to discussing communication options moving forward on tomorrow’s BoD conference call.


Pierre Pettinger  8:14 PM

Unfortunately, I won't be able to be on the call. My brother booked a flight back to Brooklyn to take care of some business he has put off. The flight is from Omaha and I'll be taking up tomorrow evening.


[3 replies Last reply 2019-12-09 5:43 AM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Safe travels!  The recording will be in the BoD channel.


Randy Smith  2 years ago

I also wasn't able to join, my girlfriend has pneumonia and we had top take her to Norton's hospital again.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
No worries!  Health is always more important than a conference call.  The recorded call is there in the #12-8-2019bodcall channel whenever you’re able to listen to it.