Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2019-11-21  2019-11-23>



PollyAPP  9:09 AM

What day and time work for you for a board of directors meeting by conference call?
You may vote for multiple options


1: Sunday December 1st - 7pm EST |  15% (3) @Byron Connell, @Dragan Rose, @Mera Rose

2: Friday December 6 - 9pm |  10% (2) @Jacalyn Boggs, @Mera Rose

3: Saturday December 7 - 12pm |  10% (2) @Jacalyn Boggs, @Mera Rose

4: Saturday December 7 - 4pm |  10% (2) @Patrick, @Mera Rose

5: Saturday December 7 - 7pm |  10% (2) @Elaine Mami, @Mera Rose

6: Sunday December 8 - 4pm |  15% (3) @Byron Connell, @Dragan Rose, @Mera Rose

7: Sunday December 8 - 7pm |  30% (6) @Lorien Fletcher, @Byron Connell, @Bruce Mai + 3 more


Total Votes: 20


Owner: @Mera Babineaux (Mera Rose)  |   Closes: Nov 29, 2019 at 9:09 AM  |  Responses are Non-Anonymous


Mera Rose  10:13 AM
Also - if you have ANY questions that you want to ask on the members survey that haven’t already been submitted, please send them to me ASAP.  I really would like to get it out tonight.


Judy Mitchell  11:44 AM

While it is obvious from my original post to postpone indefinitely that my intent is not to kill the idea of the positions but merely to split things out so they can be detailed sufficiently for voting, and since there seems to be debate on grammar vs legal (I maintain that a multiple subject clause is not the same as a single subject clause and therefore things should be allowed to be split in two separate motions and not be considered the same subject as a multiple) but I am not the final say on that. So.....


I withdraw my motion to postpone 11-7-2019-2 indefinitely and move to amend the motion 11-7-2019-2 to read “I move the board create a committee chaired by the corresponding secretary and filled with no fewer than five chapter presidents and other members appointed by the President or a written request of at least five board reps.  This committee will explore the issue of chapter contact with the ICG and the board and prepare a report with a plan for remedy to be presented to the board at its annual meeting in Montreal"


Jeanine Swick  11:45 AM

Seconded. Jeanine Swick,  SiW, ICG TREASURER


Mera Rose  12:57 PM
Ok.  I’ll get in touch with Pierre again on this, because this is kind of a different motion subject...  I think it might actually be it’s own motion, not an amendment...  as this one doesn’t really amend the subject of creating the positions of ombudsman and chapter coordinator, but creates a committee to investigate relationships between the ICG and it’s chapters, right?


Mera Rose  1:35 PM
I’ve consulted with Pierre, and as long as there are no objections to the motion to withdraw by 4:30pm on 11/24/2019, then it will be considered withdrawn.


[1 reply Last reply 2019-11-24 2:06 PM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
The time period to object has passed, the motion to postpone indefinitely is withdrawn.  No new language has been given on the motion to amend at this time, and so, as it does not address the same subject matter (creation of positions) but instead speaks to creating a it is a separate motion appropriately seconded by Jeanine and 


Mera Rose  1:36 PM
As to the other part, Judy, I’m sending you a message here in Slack regarding it and my convo with Pierre.  I’m not sure if it will alert you, but if you log in and see this, please check the message.


Mera Rose  1:49 PM
As to the motion to amend, it has to wait to see if someone objects to the motion to withdraw, so if no one objects a motion to amend can be done after.  So there’s a couple of days to work out wording, make clarifications, dates, etc.


PollyAPP  3:53 PM

Motion #11-7-2019-1: Motion for The ICG Board to task the finance committee to solicit three quotes to find appropriate liability insurance for the corporation to be in place by 1 January 2020.


Yes  |  79% (15) @Dawn McKechnie, @Robin Egger, @Antoinette De Alteriis + 12 more

No  |  11% (2) @Randall Whitlock, @Jeanine Swick

Abstain  |  11% (2) @Patrick, @Betsy R. Marks


Total Votes: 19


PollyAPP  3:56 PM

Motion #11-7-2019-3 Motion for us to move all communication to our voting platform, Slack, to simply things as two communication streams is confusing.


Yes  |  43% (9) @Mera Rose, @Robin Egger, @Antoinette De Alteriis + 6 more

No  |  38% (8) @Patrick, @Randall Whitlock, @Anne Davenport + 5 more

Abstain  |  19% (4) @Vicky Assarattanakul, @Dawn McKechnie, @Vicki Warren + 1 more 


Total Votes: 21


Owner: @Mera Babineaux (Mera Rose)  |   Closes: Dec 7, 2019 at 3:56 PM  |  Responses are Non-Anonymous


[5 replies Last reply 2019-12-08 7:26 AM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
@Elaine Mami


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
@bod here is the second poll to vote in. Hope this helps! :)


Mera Rose  2 years ago
@Henry Osier , @Patrick , @Crescentia , @Dawn McKechnieplease cast your vote in this poll ending at 6:56pm EST.  If Slack/Polly are not behaving correctly for you, you may email your votes to me and Vicky A and we will get them recorded for you.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Henry voted no by email at 5:30pm.  I was delayed at a holiday event with the kids.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Motion fails with 8 yes, 9 no


PollyAPP  3:58 PM

Vice Presidential Election:


1: Kevin Roche  |  52% (11) @Patrick, @Dawn McKechnie, @Vicki Warren + 8 more

2: Jacalyn Boggs (Lady Ozma)  |  38% (8) @Antoinette De Alteriis, @Lorien Fletcher, @Carrie Vaughn + 5 more

3: Both  |  10% (2) @Vicky Assarattanakul, @Randall Whitlock

4: Abstain  ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢   |  0% (0)


Total Votes: 21

Owner: @Mera Babineaux (Mera Rose)  |   Closes: Dec 7, 2019 at 3:58 PM  |  Responses are Non-Anonymous


[12 replies Last reply 2019-12-08 7:28 AM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
@Elaine Mami


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
@bod tagging you in the vote for VP! Hope this helps! :)


Anne Davenport  2 years ago

Is this for Interim Vice President AN


Anne Davenport  2 years ago

Is this for Interim


Anne Davenport  2 years ago

Is this for Interim Vice President AND President?  It just says voting for Vice President.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Just interim Vice President.  The bylaws do allow for more than one and there are two candidates, so I had made the suggestion of having both be elected.  Sorry for the confusion.


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago

@Henry Osier votes for Kevin Roche.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
@Vicky Assarattanakul , @Crescentia , @Patrick , @Dawn McKechnie please cast your votes in this poll or include them in the comments.  If Polly/Slack is not behaving appropriately, you may also email your votes to me and Vicky A.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
This poll closes at 6:58pm EST today.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
@Dawn McKechnie


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Patrick O’Conner has emailed his vote for Kevin Roche


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Kevin is elected 13 to 9 (counting “both”)


Mera Rose  4:03 PM
@Byron Connell polls are here.  Sorry for the delay.


Mera Rose  9:07 PM
Please use the following link to fill out the 2019 survey of the members. This survey will be open until December 1, 2019. The first field is the name field, and must match the name on your membership for your answers to be included. This column will be removed from the spreadsheet of responses and sent to Jeanine Swick, ICG Treasurer for verification. Once verified, only those rows in the spreadsheet found not to be members in good standing will be removed, and the names will be permanently removed from the spreadsheet. The remaining data will be posted in Slack in a new channel #2019survey for review. You may access the Google Survey Form here:


[1 reply Last reply 2019-11-23 1:49 AM]


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago

From Yahoo:I just want to say the following:  That having filled out this survey, there should ALWAYS be an option to leave a question blank, it is wrong to require answers to all questions, as the answer may require more than the YES/NO options usually given.Lisa A