Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2019-10-21  2019-10-23>



Judy Mitchell  9:03 AM
Regarding the 3 Letters of Petition for 3 new VA chapters, I’ve been reviewing the 3 new chapter applications. Let me state right off that I think in general having multiple chapters in a state is an excellent thing as it serves the region better – although I do believe that a chapter should be able to stand on its own and not rely on half or more being existing members. And of course there is no problem with people being members of multiple chapters & sigs. However, looking at these chapters applications, and remembering a conversation at CC37 said jokingly, I’m concerned about a number of things that are setting off red flags to me.


Of particular note that is common to all is the sheer number of existing members joining each chapter, The entire Babineaux family of 7 outweighs the only 5 new primary members (Didn’t Byron say the required number is 6?) in CostInternational and similarly for Old Dominion: 7 members of all one family vs 6 new members. One might say that makes no difference, but while on an annual meeting level all members only get one vote and that through their primary chapter, but this heavy weighting gives an improper appearance to voting within that chapter which could easily lead to skewing the running and opinions within that chapter and it’s BoD support/voting. I suppose the same 2 husband & wife being president & secretary in one group, treasurer in another, and secretary in a third shouldn’t matter but I still think it just doesn’t look good (and if the appearance of an advisor who had no contact with organization’s finances being the daughter of the treasurer, albeit living in very different parts of the country looked bad….. this does too. To me anyway). And in a similar vein Old Dominion has 2 family members as president & treasurer which I always understood was seriously frowned upon.


Now we get to my last concern, which to my mind is very serious. It has come to my attention that  in the list of the Blue Ridge Costuming Society at least one new person on there was added to the group without her knowledge (let alone consent)! She believes that she was added by a friend of hers, but even so if one person is being listed as a prospective member and doesnt’ know about it, how many others might there be? And if in this group, how do we know there aren’t more in the other group that is being brought in by the same 7-8 people? To me, this should invalidate the application and cast suspicion on the others.


After the presentation of the 5year plan and the desire to see the number of chapters double, I was involved in a joking conversation (I thought) of ‘creating’ bunches of (albeit silly) chapters filled with existing secondaries and a few new ones to pass. Now it seems that possibly I was the only one thinking this was a joke although both of us were laughing at the time. With that memory in mind, these 3 groups seem to be either fake chapters being created to pump up the ‘plan’ of increasing members, or possibly some odd way of ballot stuffing by creating groups with undo weight/decision making in order to vote in someone’s agenda. I have no idea which or what, but with all these red  flags as it stands, Northern Lights will be voting NO on all of them. Thank you for your time.


Mera Rose  9:29 AM
Which member of BRCS didn’t know they were added?


Mera Rose  9:32 AM
Everyone was either added by direct contact or by a family member.  As for my family, we can remove all but me and D as we are currently place holders until they can have elections.  There’s an email that was sent to Yahoo before this was posted that I hope you will read.  It dispels a lot of these rumors, I hope.  My 5 kids will be participating at their events, and all but 2 are too young to vote, in any membership, but I have no issue with removing them if it makes you feel better.


[14 replies Last reply 2 years ago 2019-10-23 6:15 AM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
I know there’s also several people interested in CI that were trying to decide if they wanted to affiliated or not and were waiting to hear back. They were nervous because of all the negative rumors about the ICG not liking cosplayers and trying to keep young people out. I just had dinner with one after a memorial service on Sunday and she asked me again why we have a reputation of hating young cosplayers. She’s a 20-something cosplayer and just joined a burlesque group.  She knows I will support her and comes to me a lot, but had held off wanting to officially join due to the bad press. She finally agreed to join CI, but I worry about these sorts of allegations.  I know of two others that are waiting to hear back before officially joining CI.  The burlesque girl is actually hopeful to learn more and see that we are open and willing to accept her, but has about a dozen fellow cosplayers in Fredericksburg she said are likewise nervous about joining the ICG. 


Personally I want to see chapters everywhere. There are so many cosplayers our there and I know it’s not just DC and Atlanta that are heavily populated cosplay regions. We have seen an incredible explosion in the last decade with cosplay as conventions and cosplay has become so mainstream.  It is beyond me why we don’t have 100’s of chapters and thousands of members across the world. Especially when I’m in cosplay groups of multiple thousands of people. I can’t be the only one saying the ICG is welcoming. It has to be the ICG.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Mera I know your kids probably would prefer to remain in groups with other under 18 members or local to them which should include the Blue Ridge (I know of multiple under 18 there) and probably the ones based where they go to conventions in Richmond and Williamsburg and Virginia Beach. If our members can be in multiple groups, why not allow those under 18 if parents are willing to pay dues? 


It is especially important for the youth of today to meet with fellow like minded individuals and I know the conventions across central and southern VA have some amazing young people creating some great costumes.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Meh.  My kids don’t want to be involved if the other Mini Mighty’s can’t be at this point and frankly I’m so over these arguments and political moves over an art form that supposed to be part of their catharsis that I don’t blame them.  Our primary membership will change to CI if it’s approved.  


I’ve talked with Donna, and she said she did add Jess initially without talking with her about it, but Jess wants to be involved so I’m not sure where the member of BRCS is that didn’t know...  the list was taken from the group members that joined and were part of the convo on messages and FB other than Jess Dunaway, which seems to be moot.  But, you’ll remember Jacalyn, after the Big Lick Costume contest Jess (our Best in Show, Lol) came to the organization meeting and expressed interest there too...  so they didn’t realize Jess didn’t know she was in the chapter I guess.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Wait this is about Jess? She wants to be involved! She was asking me so many questions after Big Lick!!! Augh.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Meanwhile Joram and Lana really would like to be involved in the ICG, but if there’s no chapter because of an entire mountain range between them and every other chapter? That will make them and me very sad. :( Joram is a third generation costumer and I know they plan to raise their baby in the ways of costuming.


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
I do recall a conversation at the ICG meeting at CC33(?) a few years ago regarding the requirement that ICG members be 18+. I do not recall why, but this might be a part of our standing rules.


Judy Mitchell  2 years ago
WHAT? There's another person added without their knowledge? I don't care if they're costumers, no one should be listed on an application without their knowledge. Consent covers more things than sex you know. No, it wasnt Jess, privacy precludes me from posting a name without their permission though. I will happily correspond with Pierre if that would make you feel better


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Who on earth was added without their knowledge? This is getting ridiculous. I’ve been talking to these people for ages. Jess was not added without her knowledge. I don’t think anyone was added without their knowledge.


I just went and checked in the Facebook group. Not all of the kids are in the group, but every family is represented by one or both parents. 


This is really getting me upset. We have 14 people in the Facebook group.  To my knowledge the only current ICG members are me, Mera, and Mera’s husband.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Judy, NO ONE was added without their knowledge and I have messages on FB that are date stamped for each member (or parent/family/child).  That’s the point.  The only person I could think of was Jess, because Donna had confirmed on her behalf, but she has confirmed that she knew and wanted to be involved.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
I swear usually everyone is like yay new people! This is the first time I’ve seen this kind of thing going on. Makes me sad.  Makes me also wonder why I keep talking to people about the guild. :( I’m too tired and I have an early day tomorrow. Hopefully I can sleep.  I’ve just been sitting here feeling sick because of all of this.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
The last person just confirmed with me that they wanted to join and were in the group voluntarily, not added against their will or anything nefarious.  Anyone who would like to confirm this, I’m happy to send you screenshots of the conversations.  So Judy, I don’t know who could have been the person you are talking about, but all of those individuals listed on the Blue Ridge application asked to be included, most at Big Lick ComicCon, and then confirmed when we started the group, confirmed again when we created the Facebook group, and then confirmed again after this question arose.  Hope that sets your mind at ease.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
I have provided those screenshots to the president for the record.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
This is exactly the reason why addresses for chapter members are mandatory, so that membership can be verified independently from the chapter. Without a means to verify with chapter members, there will always be an appearance of improper management, no matter how well-intended.



Mera Rose  2 years ago
We have addresses for all of our members.


Mera Rose  9:40 AM
And it must be signed by 6 people to become a chapter.  So does that then mean that you don’t include existing ICG members as part of that 6?  Even if you drop all 5 of my kids, there are still 7 members starting Old Dominion.


[13 replies Last reply 2 years ago 2019-10-22 5:53 PM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Byron said there are 6 unique members in each group.  Given that, there should not be a question.  I am in the Blue Ridge since I am finding myself in that area frequently now that Joram has moved there. He’s too busy at this time owning an ice cream store, going to school, and about to welcome his first child to be involved with the ICG chapter there but was excited to hear about it. I’m sure he will join with his wife at some point. Meanwhile, since I live only an hour from RVA and have many friends there and often find myself working there, I thought I would join that chapter as well. Most of the FXBG people I have tried to join NOVA don’t want to, but seem interested in starting with CI and eventually forming a chapter here in FXBG. Since I have RVA friends and this seems a good way to build my own ultra local community, I don’t see a problem being in that one as well. Fredericksburg is literally halfway between DC and Richmond which is why some of the bloodiest battles of the civil war were fought here. It’s an hour either way in good traffic for me to get to either city, and we allow members to have multiple chapters attendance. If someone thinks it is wrong for me to be in multiple chapters in cities that I frequent or are equidistant to me, please let me know.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Scratch that, both Joram and Lana Stanley want to be listed as members of Blue Ridge. They just texted me. :)


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
But since there’s allegations, here’s proof:

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Judy Mitchell  2 years ago
Please review CosInternational: there are only 5 unique names.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Well I asked Lor again and this is what she said about CI;

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A screenshot of a phone

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Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
There’s several other people who are holding back based on what they have heard about us being exclusionary. My hope is they will join but I just don’t know.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Awesome!  Glad to have her aboard!!!  


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
I hate fighting bad press. We should be welcoming. I have been out there talking to so many people but it’s frustrating. :(


Mera Rose  2 years ago
You’re not alone.  And I hate the fact that I keep hearing that we are an “elitist” group and  don’t accept Cosplayers.  


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Yeah. I was hitting up some of the reluctant and slow to respond people we were talking to before the letter went in.  The reluctant ones are still reluctant. But Lor has just not gotten back.  I’m really looking forward to membership driving at the cons next year. I know I’m gonna talk to a bunch of RVA people I know that go to Magfest and Marscon in January.  I’m not going to AUSA.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Mera I was JUST telling someone on Sunday evening that we do accept cosplayers. She had heard the garbage about we are elitist, difficult, and don’t like cosplayers. Sigh. I’ve been having this conversation for too many years. We have got to find a way to actively dispel this myth or find the person who’s telling cosplayers we don’t want them.Point blank cosplayers are the future of the guild.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Yeah, I’ll see you at Mars and Raven.  Working on the rest of the Scares crew to see what shakes out.  They’re nervous because they also have a bunch of Mini Mighty Munchkins there too.  With autism rates at 1 in 59 kids, and almost 6 million US children with living with disabilities, that’s a lot of kids that will be inheriting the costuming world and could use a place that they know is inclusive to call their CosHome.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Exactly. Too many I love are on the spectrum somewhere or another. For some autistic kids, costumes make the world a whole lot more manageable. For those kids, I want them to have a place to call home.


Mera Rose  9:41 AM

Image from iOS 


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Jeanine Swick  10:44 AM
And what about the 3 struggling chapters?  What are you going to do to make the effort to help them and get them back on board?  It is much more important that we support our existing chapters . Which sadly is not being done nearly enough or even at all before making a huge push to bring other chapters in.  It is way past time for us to help them.  Mentoring has been mentioned, so where are the mentors and which chapter are they giving guidance to keep them in.


Jeanine Swick  12:43 PM
Oct chapter reports

[Oct 19 Update.pdf]


Betsy R. Marks  1:07 PM
Please let us know where we stand with respect to downloading the ICG-BOD and ICG-D lists, files, and member lists. I've offered to provide this service, having already successfully downloaded the data and messages for the Silicon Web and for Run A CC, but time is of the essence.I would hate to see those who are subscribed to both lists but not subscribed here be disenfranchised when we have an easy to use tool available for the purpose.




Betsy R. Marks
President, Silicon Web


[7 replies Last reply 2019-10-22 3:24 PM]


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Phil Gust sent in a report of that already. This has been a project of his for a couple of years now and I trust he has it well in hand. I understand your concern, but we weren't caught unaware or anything.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
Phil has indicated that there is a problem with the tool he was using to do that archiving work, which is why I am asking about the status.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
If you aren't able to provide this information, please ask someone else who can. Thank you.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Betsy - probably best to reach out to Phil directly and offer at this point.  I’m not aware of any current plans beyond what he is already doing and as the chairman of the tech committee he is best equipped to determine what assistance he may be able to use.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago
Thank you, Mera.


Mera Rose  2 years ago
No problem!  If I can help with anything let me know please.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Thanks for responding to this, Mera.  I went to do some billable work that needs to get completed because I’m losing hours tomorrow.  Phil Gust has made it quite clear that he not only had been working on this, but gave the update.  I’m pretty confident he’s solid and all!


Jacalyn Boggs  4:04 PM
set up a reminder to “Vote in the latest poll” in this channel at 7:05PM today, Eastern Daylight Time.


Slackbot  4:05 PM
Reminder: Vote in the latest poll.


Jacalyn Boggs  4:05 PM
^^Done with Reminders^^


Vicky Assarattanakul  5:02 PM
This is late, but it appears @Mera Rose has not had the opportunity to cross post her email to Slack, so I will go ahead and do that for her. The following was sent to the Yahoo Group today


Dear GCFCG, Sara, Ron, Gaia, Sharon, and Merrily,


I am contacting you because I have heard some very disturbing statements and rumors and feel the need to discuss some concerns I have regarding them.  At Marianne's request, I'm also cc'ing this document to the BoD list and to the BoD Slack channel, but please understand that Marianne played no part in writing this and this is wholly my understanding from conversations with other ICG members and the discussions in Slack and the BoD list.


First, let me state very clearly, I am not attempting to be aggressive or confrontational in any way.  I am a very straight forward person and am not particularly adept at subterfuge and have little patience for political games.  Marianne and I are very pro-active individuals and like to actively engage and participate, so please take this in the spirit intended, to dispel possible issues and prevent further miscommunications and misunderstandings.


I'm going to address these issues by number.  Bare with me, this is LONG.1.  GCFCG plans to vote against the three new ICG chapters that have petitioned because I am a member in all three chapters.

I was born and raised in Roanoke, VA and have been involved in costuming and conventions across the state since the late 1990s.  I now live on the other side of the state, just NE of Richmond.  These 3 chapters are families and individuals who are very involved in costuming and costume events across the southern part of Virginia (below NOVA).  


The Blue Ridge Costuming Society is a group of costumers who regularly compete, masquerade directors for Big Lick ComicCon, MystiCon, Roanoke Valley ComicCon, and Star City Anime, a book editor/magazine writer who costumes regularly and is interested in helping with ICG press and the newsletter, and several children with disabilities (and their parents) who go to children's hospitals as costumed characters and do costume craft activities with children who have been admitted due to cancer or chronic/genetic illnesses (called the Mini Mighty Munchkin Cosplayers).  I have been helping them prepare to become a chapter of the ICG since I first joined, before I was VP, and they are very excited to come on board with the ICG and help with content for the newsletters, ICG press publication, and hope to start a SiG for the Mini Mighty Munchkin Cosplayers.


The Mini Mighty Munchkin Cosplayers are 48 kids with various diagnoses.  My kids actually started this group.  All 5 of my children have genetic disabilities that have required them to spend days and weeks in hospitals.  My husband and I started using costuming with them when they were very young to help them learn functional skills and give them something to do during the long days in hospitals that kept them off of video games and screens and engaged in something creative and fun.  We would take sewing supplies, foam, and beads, and make costume pieces while they were in the hospital.  They had the idea to go to hospitals when they weren't there for testing and treatments and do these activities with other kids, and then introduce them to conventions when they got out of the hospital as a way to keep building hope, which is essential for kids with these conditions..  


The group started at Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Duke Children's, Children's Hospital of the Kings Daughters, and UVA.  It has grown exponentially and now they have these activities at Cincinnati Children's Hospital, VCU Children's, MCV Children's, and Johns Hopkins.  They hope to create more groups at other hospitals as well.  Some of the recreation coordinators have tossed around the idea of having children who are admitted participate and create costume items and then show them off in a runway style pageant at the end of each week and have volunteers "judge" and give prizes to the kids too.


[11 replies Last reply 2019-10-22 8:57 PM]


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
The Old Dominion Costumers' Guild is a group of costumers that includes professionals and amateur costumers and makeup artists who are very involved in RavenCon, MarsCon, and Scares that Care.  It's being run by two existing ICG members, Wade and Cailin Cutrell, who have been dear friends of mine for many years.  They wanted to start their own chapter to hold events for the hundreds of costumers between VA Beach and West Point, including our robust steampunk community (Dave Lee, Adrienne Devetian, etc) who are intrigued by membership but not quite sold on joining yet.  It also includes "the nunnery", a costuming duo who offer non-denominational spiritual counseling services and are ordained ministers.  They performed Wade and Cailin's wedding service in addition to many others.  Costuming is not just a hobby here, its a way of life.  Cailin worked with Colonial Williamsburg for years and so historical costuming is a particular focus in this area, in addition to the steampunk interpretations that go along with alternative history.  We anticipate that the chapter numbers for this group will grow exponentially after MarsCon in January and RavenCon in April, as they hope to have tables signing up members at both events.


The last chapter is CosInternational or CosInternationale, depending on who you talk to, lol.  This is the chapter you want to vote AGAINST if you are concerned about me, because this is my chapter.  I have lent my family to the other two chapters because we plan on being involved in all of their events and on helping them any way that we can, but CosInternational is the center for my truly nefarious plot.


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
Are you ready?  Seriously, this is some very heavy, conspiratorial stuff...This is my vision for ICG and my chapter.  Costuming, inclusive for everyone, for fun and causes. CosInternational will be hosting runway shows showcasing costuming and fashion cosplay to raise funds for charity 3 times a year.  With my CSA connections and vast expansive network of publishers, magazine editors, writers, and photographers, I plan on spotlighting costuming and cosplay and harnessing the unlimited fundraising potential for charities like the Autism Society, the 1p36 Minus Foundation, NORD, UNIQUE, Children's Miracle Network, St. Judes, JDRF, Children's Hospitals, and more.  Costuming is hope.  Costuming is the ability to remove yourself from being "you" and be someone or something else, even if only for a few hours.  Its heady and contagious, and I've seen it change children's lives.  I have personally watched children with terminal and chronic diagnoses who had given up hope and become horribly depressed turn their entire prognosis around through costuming and the hope that it gives.  I would love to one day create a convention that is for these kids and their families....  an annual event of hope.


And I would love it if the ICG was a part of it.  I'm going to do it anyway...  even if the chapter isn't approved.  BTW, Jacalyn is the VP of this chapter because she shares this vision.  Her son lived through cancer, and so she knows how important this is for kids.  They need hope.  If this helps even 1 kid, its the best thing we could have done with our time.


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
2.  CSA is taking over the ICG.

I don't even know what to say on this one.  I heard this and my immediate reaction was "WHAT???!"  So, the CSA is a professional organization.  When I became VP of the ICG I was asked if I could be the liaison to the ICG for the CSA because CSA recognizes the amazing talent that is in the ICG and wanted to make sure that there was an avenue for any ICG member that ALSO wanted to join the CSA and make use of those professional resources and could do so.  


But CSA has NO interest in taking over the ICG.  Basically, the entire liaison position is simply so that there is help for those costumers that want to use the CSA's professional resources and become members of the CSA too.  Not to steal members or make the ICG some part of their organization.  It's really is apples and oranges.  I'd love to see our website offer some of the social media functionality that CSA's has, but that's really the only part of the CSA resources that I think could benefit ALL ICG members.


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
3.  The Five Year Plan is Marianne and Mera's plan to take over the ICG.

NOPE.  A world of NO.  I'm going to explain the entirety of the 5 year plan very quickly right now.


Last October, Marianne and I said "OMG, we have all these people who have asked about guidelines updates and all these committees that aren't doing anything.  What can we do to help get more conversation and activity going?"  The answer was to write up a 5 year plan, like any other corporation, and seek input from everyone on it.  The idea was that we would analyze where we had been, where we presently were, and then present ideas for how we could move forward for the entire membership to discuss.  We planned on presenting it to the BoD at costumecon and then having a vote to share it with the general membership, because, well we didn't think it needed to go to the membership if the BoD didn't like it.


I looked at all the financials and realized that there is a lot of information that we are supposed to have out there publicly that wasn't there.  I also found out that Marianne did not have access to the financials for the corporation which is a problem because as the president she is just as responsible as the treasurer and if an error occurs, her name is on the line too.  In attempting to reconcile numbers on the P&L statements, I found that there were several lines that didn't seem to make sense, for example, why the archives had barely $100 in supplies expenditures and then jumped to $1600 the next year, and why there were so many fluctuations in the amounts budgeted for tech.  I started asking for additional financial information to figure out why.  Then I did standard projections and saw that, without increased revenue, at the current expenditure levels, the ICG faced serious financial deficits within 5 years.


The natural way to fix that is to increase revenue by bringing in more chapters and members.  I set to work on putting together chapters and trying to capitalize on my connections and contacts to bring in more members - which is why there are 3 new chapters applying, with more in the works.  I want to see the ICG stay solvent.


We can also increase membership by doing more outreach at conventions and through social networking.  That's why I wrote the tech plan and started researching ways to provide more content on our website and benefits to our members through including a social networking platform and trying to create discounts for our members with the businesses they already shop with like and spoonflower.


The archives are a big part of this too.  I really want to increase revenue to the guild so that we can increase the funds to the archives to increase acquisitions and the technology supporting them so that they never have to be offline again.  The archives are singularly one of the most amazing things to me about the ICG.  It is very important to have a visual history of costuming art.  I'd love to see the archives also include video archives of Masquerade performances as well.


The 5 year plan was a bunch of ideas from me and Marianne in a visual powerpoint format.  It wasn't created to be a mandate, it was created to spawn a discussion.  Where are we, where do we want to go?  I don't think either one of us assumed that everyone would think we were trying to change the guild or take it over.  To be honest, I don't think that thought crossed our mind until Betsy presented it that way on Slack a few weeks ago.  We just thought it would be something that would create some discussion on these issues.  We also hoped that it would spawn interest in members being on committees and being active in the committees.  Chalk it up to naivety that we didn't anticipate the complete misinterpretation of our hopes and actions. For that, I apologize.  I really see the world through rose-colored glasses with steampunk frames.


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
I'd still like to see us discuss those ideas, but I understand if the plan just needs to be declared as dead as disco.  It's been a very volatile issue that I am very sorry for creating.


4.  The Guidelines

Ok - here's the thing about the guidelines.  They were in committee for 3 years and suggestions were made but nothing was done with the suggestions.  Marianne and I took the suggestions of those committees and drafted the changes which is where the 2019 draft came from.  The suggestions are in the annual meeting minutes from 2016, 2017, and 2018.  I drafted the Large Costumes section and the anti-discrimination language and ADA statements. I have a long history in employment law and the language is very commonly used.  I ran it past an international law attorney who also specializes in disabilities (Theresa Champion with the VA Autism Project who also works for a federal aviation company) and she found no issue with it and thought it was compliant with existing US law without infringing on any international laws.  We put the draft up before CostumeCon in the hopes that everyone would review it and then we could vote on it there.  It became obvious that would not happen, so we left it for 6 months so that people could discuss it.  No one discussed it in any of the forums, so we assumed that it was ok.  I motioned for the vote and all hell broke loose.  I still don't understand what happened there, or how it became so contentious, but I asked to move it back to committee and we're discussing it now there.  I hope that we will have another draft done by the end of the year so that it can be released for 2020.  There is no dispute over the guidelines.  As Merrily can tell you, because she's on the committee, we're pretty calm and the discussion is very amicable.


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
5,  Marianne and Mera are stepping down and leaving the ICG (or the other side, we need a vote of no confidence in Marianne and Mera.)

If you want to call for a vote of no confidence, please do.  The easier way to do that would be to tell us that you'd prefer we step down.  I don't think either of us would argue if that was the general consensus. (Speaking for myself, I know I wouldn't - I don't have any desire to be where I'm not wanted.)  Yes, both of us have discussed this at length over the last 2 months..  Neither of us like the high stress, heavy drama, confrontational debates and arguments that have been happening.  Both of us have discussed stepping down as President and VP, but continuing at the chapter level because we still want to be involved.  Neither of us have an ego wrapped up in this.  We really are here because we wanted to help the guild.  Everything we have suggested and done has been in the hopes of helping, and if its not something that you want, please just say that.  We're both pretty straight forward.  This notion that these discussions are some political battle for power is ridiculous.  Neither of us care about power and both of us are just as happy to continue on as members instead of elected leadership (read targets).  It is very obvious that there are people who want that position of power, so please feel free to elect them in our places at CostumeCon or if we should need to step down before, as neither of us are here for some perceived political gain.  It's really just not part of either of our personalities.  If you'd like us to continue to serve, I think we're both amenable to that, but we'd really like there to be more communication and less rumor and volatility going forward.


6.  Mera is going after the archives to take them over.

Nope.  Just want to get them more money so that they have the tech that they need and the funds to make more acquisitions.  I've talked to several cosplay photographers that I have worked with who have collections that they are willing to add, but they want to see the live archives first.  Obviously, as the archives are still being repaired by Leslie, who has the hardest job in the ICG, IMHO, that can't happen, so those conversations are on hold until such time as the archives are up and these photographers can be connected with Bruce, Nora, and Pierre so that they can see our current archives and explain what they have to offer in acquisitions.  That is the extent of my involvement on the archives, other than trying to figure out how much money they actually need so that we can try and increase the revenue through memberships and chapters to meet those goals.


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
7.  Mera is a bitch!  OMG did you see what she wrote?

Yeah...  not intentionally.  I am very straight forward and don't do gossip, rumor mongering, or games...  its a waste of time in my humble opinion.  I have 5 children who all have autism in addition to other genetic medical diagnoses so I spend most of my time in autism world.  If you've ever been there, then you probably understand that my replies in the real world are often tainted by the tone and language used to reach those with neurological deficits which can make me seem condescending and rude when it is not my intention.  I apologize for that, and will do all that I can to keep that in check, but efficiency of language often means that, especially in print, I come across differently than I intend to...  if you meet me in person, you'll find I'm very different from the computer screen appearance.


8.  The Betsy/Mera, Jeanine/Mera, or Elaine/Mera feuds - taking sides...

As I tell my kids, I don't do "defense".  I'm me, and I explain as necessary and apologize to those who take offense to me or my words as no offense is ever intended.  I've spent 15 years in law, psychology, and social/human services, so I'm very used to being "the bad guy" even when I'm trying to help.  I do not take offense when I'm the loser in the "taking sides" battle, mostly because I don't see it as "sides".  I will always explain my position as best I can.  If you don't agree, that's absolutely fine and I want to hear your position.  Really, I do.  I invite discussion and civil discourse.  I don't like arguments.  These 3 discussions turned into arguments and that was not my intention nor did I want to see things become as confrontational as they did.  That said, I didn't check my statements as thoroughly as I could have and actually ended up instigating some of the confrontation without intention.  That is my bad, and I apologize for that.  I do not apologize for the information I presented, because I feel it was important to get out, but I do apologize for the way it was presented and the resulting arguments that occurred.  Please forgive my parts in these issues.  As for Jeanine, Betsy, and Elaine, my apologies if the information was conveyed poorly, and I do hope that a conversation can occur civilly now.  I'm still hoping that the guidelines discussion continues civilly, that the financial questions regarding expenditures and revenue and tax filings can be discussed civilly, and that the general timber and tone of these discussions returns to polite conversation.  Personally, I carry a great deal of respect for these three women and all they do for the organization, and have no personal issue with them, though I do realize that the tone of some comments did not convey that so I also apologize for that.  I realize that in saying this, I have taken "defense" but at this point its more important to return to civility IMHO.


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
9.  "There are pending lawsuits against the ICG."

Nope.  Not that we know of.  There are threats of pending lawsuits against conventions that advertise the use ICG guidelines where the Masquerade directors in question used ICG guidelines to block costumers with disabilities from competing because "ICG guidelines don't require them to accommodate the costumer."  That creates a potential issue where the convention, if sued, could attempt to get out of a lawsuit on summary judgement by saying that the ICG is liable because of the guidelines.  That's why I'd like to see the non-discrimination language added to the guidelines AND the standing rules. It protects us from that liability.  "Who are these costumers?"  Every single one of them is a child or teen who is disabled and their family members.  While this has been used against my family as well, we would never sue over it, just seek to change it so that it can't be used as an excuse. It's happened at small local cons and large international events at least 11 times that I know of in the last 3 years, and there are 3 families that have said that they want to sue.  Whether they will or not is anyone's guess and we will cross that bridge when we get there, but there's no reason that we shouldn't fix the language so that we're protected.


10. "Marianne and Mera want us to be national first, then chapters."

No.  Chapters are important and essential.  That's not what we want.  We want national options and benefits for ICG members, but that's to exist in tandem with the chapters, not to shift the responsibility to the national organization.  We'd like to create a national database on the website where members can update their own contact information..  That just reduces the workload for chapter officers and Jeanine, and gives us a backup in case, God forbid, anything happened to Jeanine.  As Betsy pointed out to me in an 8 hour conversation at CostumeCon this year, we have already experienced the death of a treasurer and resulting loss of documentation.  We should take steps to prevent that if at all possible.  It's just responsible.  I PERSONALLY, would love it if people could go to the website and join the ICG through a membership form and CHOOSE the chapter they want to join or CHOOSE to start a chapter when they sign up.  That form could send an email to the chapter treasurer to collect dues payment when they sign up, or send emails to 6 other potential new members if they are trying to start a chapter while also notifying the corresponding secretary and treasurer so that they can coordinate chapter creation with the new chapter.  I'd also love to automate reminders monthly to get info from chapter reps for the reports.  I have lots of ideas that I think would make it easier for people to get involved, stay involved, and reduce that burden for Jeanine and chapter treasurers..


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
11.  "Slack is horrible and Mera and Marianne just want us there so others are excluded."


Slack is a platform that was created by vote 2 years ago.  Yahoo is dying and we all know their plans to remove our access by the end of the year.  Slack is being used as an emergency stop gap.  NOTHING has been decided for the long term yet.  There needs to be a conversation on our current tech capabilities through the domain hosting and whatever free resources are out there.  I would love to see us host our own email lists so that we never have to worry about another platform going down.  I've made that suggestion on the BoD and Slack forums.  Please let's discuss all the options that are out there and come up with a plan that can be voted on.  We want the ICG to be INCLUSIVE.  For everyone.


12.  Other rumors:

A.  Mera was thrown out of Mysticon.  - Nope.  I left their board and filed my complaints publicly.  They were using a photography company that was owned by a man who is on the VA sex offender registry with crimes against children and I did not want to be associated with it.  ( )

B.  Mera is creating a new organization to rival the ICG.  Nope.  Creating a website for CosInternational that will have related social media to grow the charity benefit runway shows and hopefully attract international costumers and cosplayers.  If the ICG is going to reject the chapter application, then it will be its own organization, but I really hope to have it be a part of the ICG.

C.  "We're going to drag the ICG into the 21st Century kicking and screaming." - Yes, Marianne and I have said it.  Many others have too.  There is frustration with some members about how outdated some of our documents and tech options are.  The discussions are uncomfortable because they're about change.  That's why it feels like "dragging" and why this statement seems to be a popular sentiment with some in the guild.  But neither of us plan to do anything, nor could we, without the support of the board.  We serve at the pleasure of the board, and while our suggestions may be geared towards updating, if the board doesn't want it to happen then it won't.


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago
In conclusion, (I can hear the YAYs now, lol), this is what I hope you will take away from this email..  We know conversations are taking place about these issues, but they don't include us.  LOL.  Marianne and I want you to talk to us TOO.  We're very straight forward.  If there's a concern, we want to hear it.  We want to have conversations and spitball ideas and help in whatever way we can.  We don't want to be seen as adversaries, or dictators, or whatever other horrible term can be thrown our way.  That's not in either of our personalities.  We volunteered as tribute to serve, not for slaughter.  Let's end these rumors and work together for the future of the ICG.  Or, if you want to see us step down so that someone else can coordinate that future, please let us know so that we don't waste your time or ours.  We really want to see this organization thrive, and if you see us as a barrier to that, we need to know so we can either fix it or remove ourselves as a barrier.


And, on a personal note, I really hope that GCFCG, and any others that are considering this, will also rethink their "no" vote on these 3 chapters.  There are 27 potential new members that represent increased revenue, amazing talent, and lots of skills and gifts to help with ICG projects like the ICG press and newsletter.  Some of the new members are also children and teens and will not understand the concept of being excluded because of political issues that do not involve them or why they costume.  My husband and I are a placeholder in their officer structure of Old Dominion and Blue Ridge until they can find members willing to serve in those capacities, btw.  At least you know their reports will be submitted on time and someone can train the new officers on how to do them too.


I hope this email is taken in the spirit intended and doesn't create any more controversy, though if it does, please understand that it was not intended to and nothing in this email was meant to be offensive in any way.


Mera Babineaux


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Thanks for posting all of that Vicky!  My phone wouldn’t let me chop it up in any way that made sense and I won’t see my computer for another hour.  Lol.   You are awesome!


Jacalyn Boggs  5:05 PM
Reason why I want CosInternational to be a chapter: The outreach to kids. If you have never spent any time on the floor of a pediatric wing or pediatric hospital, let me tell you just how much people in costume and helping kids dress up matters.  My son had cancer. Cancer is the number 1 cause of death in children in this country (and others). Nothing kills children in the numbers that cancer does. It is a terrible disease. It causes so many other problems. My son couldn't compete in sports, but he could cosplay. He would dress up in the hospital because it made him happy to pretend to be Anakin Skywalker and tell people he was going to use the Force to help other kids. It made him happy when people came in costume to visit. Spiderman came one week.  A clown another week.  It made his day.


But you need to understand that my son was lucky. We lived close to his hospital and so were able to have someone with him practically 24/7.  Most kids weren't that lucky.  I remember this one time at about 10:30 at night a nurse came in to our room where I was reading to my son. She first apologized for going through our stuff in the parent kitchen, but the kitchen for the hospital was closed and a teen boy in the next room up had finally woken up and was hungry and just wanted a sandwich.  He was hungry, he just wanted a sandwich, he'd had surgery, and his parents were not there because they lived two and a half hours away and could not get the time off of work. His parents couldn't come down the entire week he was there. He was lonely, he had nothing, he had just had a life saving operation, and he was hungry.  We went and played with games him every day. He didn't care that he was a decade older than my son, he was just happy to have company.


KIDS LOVE TO DRESS UP.  Kids love costumes. Kids love to have company.  My son was so motivated by his experience his Eagle Project was making pillowcases for children at the hospital filled with goodies. He went to the hospital and talked to kids when he delivered 160+ pillowcases. He has coloured with kids, he has played games with kids, and he has told kids his story.  He was allowed to go to work at Best Buy in costume one day because some Make A Wish kid made going on a shopping spree his wish and his work knew he cosplayed and that he had cancer so he was the store liaison. He ended up making friends with this kid and giving encouragement until this kid died. I never heard what his diagnosis was, but that means something. My son also was friends with a man old enough to be his father who was going through leukemia treatments until that man died.


As if my own son's experience was enough, one of my oldest and closest friends has a severely autistic son.  Raising a nonverbal child was hard to know what he was thinking and he could not handle meeting anyone new at all.  The one day out of the year that he was OK was halloween.  For some reason he would just laugh at costumes. It made an impression on me.


Another friend has a daughter who may well die from her heart condition. We've been lucky she's made it the ten years she's been here. She's in and out of hospitals. She just lost her mother (my friend) to cancer. Do you know what makes her happy? The idea that she can dress up next week as something that isn't a heart patient and that no one will know her as "the one with the mom with a brain tumor.


"Mera and her kids have their own reasons, some of which are their things to discuss.  One of our board members is an amputee.  One of our members had multiple back surgeries as a kid and was bullied. We are all passionate about bringing some sort of light and joy to other people, especially kids, who are in tough spots. I struggle with my own health issues.This is something very close to my heart.



Mera Rose  5:27 PM
I can’t love that you shared this enough lady.  You’ve seen what we live everyday.  You understand what families and children like your son and ours are going through.  Anyone that wants to know, ask, I’ll be happy to share it all.  These kids need this in their lives and these adults want to bring it to them.