Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2019-10-19  2019-10-21>



Judy Mitchell  6:31 PM
Hey folks, life is under control and Lisa is letting me step back in as Northern Lights rep. She will remain as alternate.
     -Judy Mitchell, Northern Lights.


Judy Mitchell  7:02 PM
While assorted housekeeping is getting done, i have a question about something i saw go by on the list recently, but can't find it again for better reading. Why was the VP for MD being brought up recently- as if something needed to be done?


[2 replies Last reply 2019-10-21 6:27 PM]


Marianne Pease  2 years ago
It was brought up in conjunction with the tax issues, but we hired an RA in MD, which covers what needs to be done as I understand it.


Judy Mitchell  2 years ago
Exactly, that's why i was confused. It should be a non-issue.