About the ICG-BOD Mailing List Updated 1/18/2016 ICG-BOD is the official meeting of the International Costumers Guild Board of Directors. Its purpose is to provide a forum for the Board to conduct ICG business and discuss governance issue online throughout the year. The mailing address is ICG-BOD@yahoogroups.com. All ICG Board members, including officers and chapter board representatives should join and actively participate in the group. Board members are required to check in at the beginning of each month to ensure that there is a quorum for board business. A reminder is sent to all group members at the beginning of the month. The ICG-BOD Yahoo group is open for all members to observe Board activity. Chapters are encouraged to designate an alternate board representative to regularly monitor discussions and be familiar with current board business. Policies of the ICG-BOD Yahoo group: 1) The ICG-BOD group is a meeting of the ICG Board of Directors. Board members should treat each other with respect and courtesy, and follow regular rules of order for a business meeting. The ICG President or current presiding officer may put a board member on moderation if normal rules of order are repeatedly violated. 2) ICG committee chairs and staff members (e.g. archivist, parliamentarian, GEL administrator) should also join the ICG-BOD group so they can provide input to the board on matters related to their areas of responsibility. They should be careful, however, not interfere or intrude into regular board deliberations. The ICG President or current presiding officer may put them on moderation if normal rules of order are repeatedly violated. 3) Discussions on this group are limited to ICG Board business. The ICG President or presiding officer will limit off-topic discussions under regular rules of order. 4) When you change the topic of conversation, please change to the subject line to reflect the new topic. 5) When replying to a post, please copy the pertinent parts of what you're replying to so that everyone gets a point of reference. Do not, however, copy all 500 lines of a post before replying. 7) Please avoid one-word or one sentence replies. Make your posts meaningful. 8) Votes of the ICG Board are taken and recorded using the ICG-BOD Poll feature. Only board members may vote. Current motions can be found under Open Polls. Results of past votes can be fund under Closed Polls. As the text of polls is limited, polls should reference a group message with the final text of the motion being considered. 9) If your email account starts bouncing messages, the group administrators will attemptto correct the situation. If this attempt fails, or bouncing returns after a successful restoration, your email address will be removed from the list. Please be aware that a number of freemail account holders such as Hotmail and others have limits on how much mail can be received and will bounce messages when that quota has been exceeded. 10) There are several ways you can read messages on the ICG-BOD list: a) Receive individual messages to your email account (recommended) b) Receive digests, sent in groups of 25 or in one-day packages c) No-email; read messages out at the ICG-BOD folder of Yahoo Groups You can contact the moderators to have your email delivery changed, but if you have a Yahoo Profile you can make these changes yourself. To register with Yahoo Groups, visit the main Yahoo Groups page at http://www.yahoogroups.com and click on "Register". The ICG-BOD list's home page is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ICG-BOD/ If you have any questions or comments about the,ICG-BOD group, contact the ICG-BOD list administrators at: ICG-BOD-owner@yahoogroups.com Visit the ICG website at: http://www.costume.org