Sample Officer Descriptions

Here are sample job descriptions that your Chapter or SIG can use as a starting point for the defining the responsibilities of its officers. The only required Chapter officer is the ICG board representative, and the only required SIG officer is its Chair. The Chapter or SIG can also have other officers than the ones listed here.

Chapter Officers

Chapter President: The Chapter President has overall responsibility to see that the Chapter operates for the benefit of its members, and to provide overall direction and support for Chapter activities. The Chapter President is a facilitator and an influencer, who mainly works through Chapter members. In some chapters, the President is also the ICG Board representative. The primary roles of Chapter President include:

  • presiding at meetings of the Chapter members and the Chapter Board
  • conducting elections of officers according to the Chapter Bylaws
  • appointing members to committees that serve specific roles (e.g. programs, membership)
  • voting on nominations for the ICG Lifetime Achievement Award annually (only if an ICG member)

Chapter Vice President: The role of the Chapter Vice President vary by Chapter. Some Chapters assign specific responsibilities in their Bylaws, such as event planning, membership, or ICG Board Representative. In other Chapters, the Vice President has no assigned roles and works with the President to identify areas to focus on. The office can be a good training ground for future Chapter Presidents. In some chapters, the Vice President is also the ICG Board representative.

Chapter Secretary: The Chapter Secretary is a point of communication with members, the ICG, and the community. The Secretary is also responsible for maintaining the records of the chapter, both physical and online. Here are some duties that are typically performed by the Chapter Secretary:

  • Announcing member and board meetings
  • Creating and publishing member and board meeting minutes
  • Being a signer on a Chapter bank account
  • Responding to inquiries from the public and handling external Chapter communications
  • Maintaining a list of Chapter members and their expiration dates
  • Keeping the records of the Chapter, including bylaws, elections, and meeting minutes
  • Notifying the ICG Treasurer regularly about changes in membership and chapter officers

Chapter Treasurer: The Chapter Treasurer is responsible for managing all aspects of Chapter finances. The Treasurer regularly reports on the Chapter finances to Chapter members and its board, and prepares and files financial reporting documents as required. Here are some duties that are typically performed by the Chapter Treasurer.

  • Applying for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) for the Chapter from the U.S. IRS or a Taxpayer ID from another national goverment
  • Opening and maintaining bank and onine payment (e.g. PayPal) accounts on behalf of the Chapter
  • Receiving and recording payment of membership dues from Chapter members
  • Receiving and recording funds from Chapter events, donations, grants and other sources
  • Filing financial documents as required, including to national, regional, and local goverments
  • Forwarding ICG funds for membership dues regularly to the ICG Treasurer
  • Forwarding Group Exemption Letter (GEL) filings and financial statements to the ICG GEL administrator if the Chapter participates

Chapter ICG Board Representative: The Chapter ICG Board Representative becomes a member of the ICG board. The officer must be at least 18 years old and reamain an ICG member in good standing while serving in this capacity. Responsibilities include:

  • Representing the interests of Chapter members on the ICG Board
  • Regularly participating in all business that comes before the ICG Board
  • Checking in on the ICG-BOD Yahoo! group by the 7th of each month to determine a quorum
  • Reporting to Chapter members on ICG and board activities

SIG Officers

SIG Chair: The role of the SIG Chair is similar to that of a Chapter President. The Chair has overall responsibility to see that the SIG operates for the benefit of its members, and to provide overall direction and support for SIG activities. The SIG Chair is a facilitator and an influencer, who mainly works through SIG members. Here are some typical responsibilities of the SIG Chair:

  • Ensuring the adoption and administration of SIG bylaws and standing rules
  • Leading and moderating discussions by SIG members through online forums
  • Conducting elections of officers according to the SIG Bylaws
  • Reporting regularly on SIG memberships to the ICG Treasurer
  • Ronitoring ICG board activities as an observer
  • Advocating on SIG issues with the ICG SIG Board representative
  • Appointing members to committees that serve specific roles (e.g. programs, membership)

Other SIG Officers: SIGs are not required to but may have other officers, like those of Chapters. The SIG bylaws should specify any additional officers and how they are elected by SIG members. The descriptions of their roles will be identical to their Chapter counterparts.