The slate of candidates for ICG officers for 2018-2019 was elected at the ICG Annual Board and Members meeting on Friday, May 11, 2018.

Marianne Pease of the NoVA chapter was re-elected as President, Mera Babineaux of the Silicon Web Costumers’ Guild was re-elected Vice President, Anne Davenport of the Silicon Web Costumers Guild continues as Recording Secretary, and Jeanine Swick of the Silicon Web Costumers’ Guild was re-elected as Treasurer. Vicky Assarattanakul of the Madison Area Costuming Society was elected as Corresponding Secretary.  See their profiles in on the ICG website.

ICG President Marianne Pease thanked Mera, Anne, and Jeanine for their continued service, and Vicky for taking on the additional responsibility as Corresponding Secretary. Vicky is also the Editor of the ICG International Costumer newsletter. Marianne also thanked Tony Adolfson of the Silicon Web Costumers Guild for her service over the past four years as ICG Corresponding Secretary, and looks forward to her continued involvement with the ICG in the coming years.