Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2020-01-25  2020-02-02>



kevin.p.roche  2:48 PM

Hi everyone -- I have found a minor procedural issue in our standing rules for the officers election at the general meeting, and hope that we can clear it up quickly.

Our standing rule 2 states Nominations for Officers of the Corporation shall be made in writing to the President of the Corporation at least 30 days in advance of the annual meeting... It has also been traditional for the meeting chair to call for any final nominations from the floor, but that procedure is not actually called out in SR2. As Parliamentarian, Pierre has informed me that the weight of precedence lends legitimacy to that practice, but agrees that it would be better if the SR and our practices were in alignment.


All it would require is for a Director to move that the text "Additional nominations may be accepted in writing or by voice at the Annual Meeting." be added after the text "...30 days in advance of the annual meeting." to Standing Rule 2.


(And then for the motion to be seconded, discussed, and passed before the adjournment deadline, of course.)


Normally as VP I could make such a motion, but I as am currently acting as the Sergeant@Arms, it is not appropriate for me to do so at this time.
Since I know I will be chairing the meeting at CC38, would one of you do me the great favor of helping me run it more smoothly by making such a motion?


2 replies Last reply 2020-01-27 4:04 PM]


Mera Rose  2 years ago
Well, that’s how I had read it but ya know...  I was corrected so I assumed I was wrong again.  Lol


kevin.p.roche  2 years ago

Nope, you were right about the advance nominations closing 30 days out. That aligns with our adjourning the continuous board meeting. 
It’s just that every year I can remember the meeting chair (usually the president) would also make a final call for nominations in the meeting, and that’s not mentioned in the SRs. Since I’ve been burrowing through them and the bylaws while reviewing the P&P report, I spotted this particular discrepancy.


Betsy R. Marks  2:51 PM

I so move.Betsy Marks
Silicon Web


Judy Mitchell  2:52 PM

Well, let's get it rolling: i so move. Judy Mitchell, Northern Lights.

Lol! Ok, I'll second then.


kevin.p.roche  3:25 PM

Thanks! y'all rock.


Jeanine Swick  3:37 PM

It makes a lot of sense to align SR2 with what has been precident for many years. I am in favor of the additional wording to do so. 

Jeanine Swick,

SiW and ICG Treasurer


kevin.p.roche  3:37 PM

OK, once we have an official motion number from the president (I expect it will be 01-27-2020-1) we can get the official discussion started!   I should refrain from debating, but can answer any points of information you may have.


Pierre Pettinger  3:46 PM

Betsy, I wasn't there at the time. Others who may have been present would be Janet Anderson, maybe Bryon and Kevin. Beyond that, I'm not sure.


1 reply Last reply 2020-01-27 4:09 PM]


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago

I can't remember at what point you got involved in the Standing Rules part of the procedure. I realize the following statement isn't true, but it feels like there's never been a time you weren't involved.


I drafted a bunch of stuff for Marty because I was working in the same office with him at the time. It's how I wound up being Secretary in the first place.


Betsy R. Marks  4:44 PM

AHHHH... Okay, so to speak to the motion in the correct channel:Just because we've been doing it informally doesn't mean we shouldn't make it a formal process. That's why I moved the language Kevin proposed. Making it formal makes sense.


I also just located the meeting Proxy form and would suggest that the form be sent to all members of each chapter along with the agenda of any items also up for consideration during the meeting, so people have plenty of time to address their proxies and get them in the hands of their chapter reps.


This is the link to the form on the ICG's website:


8 replies Last reply 2020-01-27 5:17 PM]


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago

The form should also be posted here in Slack.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago

Not really needed, since it's publicly available on the website. I'm just making it easy to find.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago

We do need the agenda in advance, though.


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago

The more places it can be found the better. It will be really close for it to be in the next newsletter.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago

It should be in the next newsletter anyway.


Betsy R. Marks  2 years ago

(So sayeth the founding editor...)

Also sent to the channel


kevin.p.roche  2 years ago

By the way, a sneaky Slack trick... if you check the "also send to #boardofdirectors" checkbox when you post a reply, it both shows up in this thread, and appears in the main part of the channel, too. This makes it easy to spot where conversations are happening.

Also sent to the channel


kevin.p.roche  2 years ago

A point of information: modifications to the Standing Rules require a 3/5 majority if passed by the Board of Directors, not just a simple majority.


Mera Rose  4:49 PM
If the board would like voting on this motion before the annual meeting please let me know.  The voting period would end Feb 26.


4 replies Last reply 2020-01-29 6:12 AM]


kevin.p.roche  2 years ago

(As the meeting chair for Montreal, having one less piece of business on the agenda would make me happy, but I'm only one board member).


kevin.p.roche  2 years ago

There is a chance (buried in the fine print of the Standing Rules) that we may have to vote on this in the pre-general meeting board meeting. Waiting on an opinion from Pierre.


Also sent to the channel


kevin.p.roche  2 years ago

After conferring with Pierre, the vote for this motion will have to complete at the regular board meeting prior to the annual meeting. It's another 45 days notice situation. However, since we made the motion 46 days before the meeting, we are good. (Since this is still, at the moment, the official communications channel for the Board, posting the motion here counts as notice.)

If you will not be attending in person, please be sure to send an alternate or have someone carry your proxy (especially for this particular motion, because of the 3/5 requirement.)


Jeanine Swick  4:57 PM

The problem with the discussion here it that the comments are going to get lost in all the other discussions and/or comments made on other topics.


1 reply Last reply 2020-01-27 4:58 PM]


kevin.p.roche  2 years ago

If you click on the anchor text in "replied to a thread:" it pops open the whole thread for you.


kevin.p.roche  5:17 PM

replied to a thread:AHHHH... Okay, so to speak to the motion in the correct channel:…

A point of information: modifications to the Standing Rules require a 3/5 majority if passed by the Board of Directors, not just a simple majority.


Judy Mitchell  6:21 PM

Since the (oops) discussion in motions has been closed, I'm maling my comment here. Sorry it breaks the thread though. Relating to Mera's saying to send the proxies to Kevin, i just want to comment that customarily proxies are signed to either the chapter rep attending or to the Parlimentarian, sure all proxies get turned in to him anyway. I mean, i suppose they could all be written to Kevin but it's not normally how it's handled.


4 replies Last reply 2020-02-02 5:11 PM]


kevin.p.roche  2 years ago

I read that to mean to make sure they get to me at the meeting so they can be recognized, not assigned to me. As I'll be acting as chair, I will not normally be voting.


If they're assigning to a chapter rep, make sure they know who is attending on behalf of their chapter (or would the assignment "XXXX Costumers Guild representative" be sufficient? So many questions!)


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago

The proxies get handed to me at the meeting so I can cross check them against the membership roster so I can verify all are valid ICG members.


Mera Rose  2 years ago

The membership roster should be available to all elected officers, emailed each month when its finalized, so that jobs can be done correctly the first time.  That’s probably why it was originally assigned to the corresponding secretary.


Pierre Pettinger  2 years ago

Jeanine is correct. Proxies go to her so she can verify membership.


Mera Rose  6:58 PM

So yeah...  the proper handling of proxies is to print one off, sign it and hand it to the person that is going to carry your proxy to the meeting, and then notify the meeting officiant that you’ve done so.  At least in most boards...


Judy Mitchell  7:03 PM

Pretty much. I believe i asked Pierre, since he holds them during the meeting and many are signed to him if emailing them to him was acceptable. Esp in the case of a chapter who had no rep attending for them.


Mera Rose  7:06 PM

I believe our bylaws allow for emailing proxies, and if they don’t, then the e-documents act does.


Jeanine Swick  7:08 PM

They have been emailed and printed to be carried by the assigned chapter member attending the meeting.