Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2019-12-09  2019-12-11>



Mera Rose  4:38 PM
For members of the BoD who are interested in more info on Google Groups and GSuite features, Andy has loaded a lot of helpful information into the #open-discussion-communications channel.  There’s a large volume of information there which may seem daunting at first, but is VERY user friendly.  Please feel free to invite your chapter members to view this information and get their opinion on whether the ICG should move to Google Groups or as YahooGroups phases out their functionality.  BoD reps are asked to please vote on this poll by Thursday evening at midnight EST (time slightly extended).


Mera Rose  4:43 PM
Guidelines Committee Announcement:


I would like to thank Kevin Roche for accepting the position of Guidelines Committee Chairman!  As he has been an active member of the committee there will be no delay in ensuring that a new guidelines draft is available for consideration in time for a vote to adopt at the annual meeting at CostumeCon 38.  


Mera Babineaux