Messages in ICG #boardofdirectors (Slack)           <2019-11-22  2019-11-24>



Vicky Assarattanakul  1:52 PM

In the interest of transparency, since this was on the Yahoo list, I had a question from a member about whether the acting president should be voting in the current polls. I asked Pierre, and this was his response:


[4 replies Last reply 2019-11-23 2:34 PM]


Vicky Assarattanakul  2 years ago

Hi, Vicki.
I'm replying by e-mail since I'm out and don't have the Skack app on my phone. While it is common forvthe presiding officer to refrain from voting, they are allowed to vote on any business unless it involves them personally. (Such as a vote to remove, censure or accept a resignation.)Pierre


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
Right. She shouldn’t vote in the apology motion, for example, but there’s no reason for her to abstain in others.


Jacalyn Boggs  2 years ago
I’m glad you asked Pierre. It was an excellent question from the membership! :)


Mera Rose  2 years ago
And as both of y’all already know, I had no intention of voting in the apology motion.


Jeanine Swick  3:32 PM

Point of Order
-The voting by the representative from Cosplay United is out of order, as the Cosplay United chapter is not yet a valid voting chapter, per SRs 11 & 18:


11. Upon admission approval, a new chapter shall send its dues and membership list as noted above within 30 days. Until the dues and membership list are received, the chapter will not be considered active

 18. In order to establish voting privileges at any meeting, membership dues must be received by the Treasurer no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting date.


As the Board is technically in session at all times, due to the electronic nature of our meetings, all dues must be received by the Treasurer no less than 14 days prior to the opening of the voting session. As such, the Representative from CU is ineligible to vote or move on motions.


Mera Rose  4:15 PM
This was already pointed out to him.  He was unaware when he voted.


Jeanine Swick  4:17 PM

Thenhis vote needs to be removed.


Mera Rose  4:18 PM
And the app doesn’t allow that, but fortunately the people monitoring the vote and calculating the end result do.


Jeanine Swick  4:28 PM

Technically he should not even be on this list as he is not an ICG member yet. No dues paid, not a member yet, pure and simple.


[4 replies Last reply 2019-11-24 6:16 PM]


Randy Smith  2 years ago

This issue has been resolved. Sorry for the confusion.


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago

Dues have been paid. At this time you may only comment but you still can not vote. SRs 11 and 18.


Randy Smith  2 years ago

Understood, it was an misunderstanding/error on my part. My apologies once again.


Jeanine Swick  2 years ago

Accepted. Others fell down on making sure you knew what is required in the Standing Rules. That should have been in the first letter you received after sending the petition to join.


Jacalyn Boggs  4:40 PM
Technically anyone can be here. We’ve always welcomed petitioning chapters to sit and view proceedings while their petition is being discussed and voting on.  @Randy Smith, you are welcome here.


Mera Rose  5:05 PM
Jeanine, you are out of order.  Chapters have 30 days to present their dues and member information, and Cosplay United was just approved 13 days ago.  Your point of order was addressed before it was even brought up here, and could have been addressed just as easily privately so as not to possibly create hostility or make them feel as though they are not welcome as a new chapter of the guild.  The chair will not tolerate any further attempts to remove any member of an approved chapter.  These proceedings are public, and will remain so to any member of an approved chapter, especially those in the 30 day grace period.


Further, as there have been questions asked privately to BoD members about who should be permitted to vote, I will remind everyone that the guild is to be inclusive in nature, and attempts to exclude any elected or appointed BoD rep from their voting rights will not be tolerated.


And to answer another question proffered, votes are public, to ensure that only those elected and appointed BoD reps are able to vote and have their votes counted.  

These are difficult times, and while it may seem difficult to understand these motions for some, they are business before the BoD and must be treated as such.  While opinions do vary and are obviously strong on these issues, I ask that everyone think carefully on their words before they post them.  Words can do damage that may be impossible to repair.  Civility, discretion, and good judgement in these official communications are essential.