Note: Most chapters offer a reduced membership rate for additional people who live at the same address and want to be a member of the local Chapter (known as a "household membership")--an example being the "head of household" pays, for example, $18 Chapter dues and then another $4 for each additional person over 18 that wishes to be a member of the Chapter. This means you must submit another $4.00 for each household member to the ICG Treasurer so that person is also a member of the ICG.
Some chapters produce a newsletter (monthly, bimonthly or quarterly publication schedules) for their own members--although not required, it is an excellent means of communication. Other chapters have set up electronic mailing lists to supplement the newsletter. Be sure to set your dues to reflect this cost.
For example: Chapter X set their dues at $20 per year. Out of that $20 the local Chapter will submit to the ICG Treasurer $8.00 in corporate dues for each member. Chapter X also produces a monthly newsletter which costs approximately $10.00 for 12 issues per year, per member to print and mail. That leaves $2 to cover any other business expenses for your Guild.
We, the undersigned, request affiliation with the International Costumers' Guild as the (Name of Chapter), also known as (Unofficial Name,if any) representing (geographic area). Our chapter mailing address is (Address). Our officers are listed below. Attached is a list of our members. Please advise us if we have been accepted. Signed (at least six members, including Officers).
Whatever form you use, please include all information in parentheses in the above sample. The letter must be signed by at least six chapter members who have paid their dues, including all your officers.Send this letter of petition to the ICG President (see the officers page for the email address).