Moved:Replace existing Standing Rule 22 with new Standing Rule 22.
The Board of Directors shall continually evaluate the activities of any
appointee, including the editor of The ICG Newsletter. Concerns or
complaints should be made in writing to the President, editorial board or
other managing body. An appointee's failure to address or correct grievances
brought before the President, editorial board or other managing body in a
timely manner may result in the recommendation by the Board that said
appointee be placed on probation. Probationary status must be delivered in
writing to the appointee, with a copy to be placed in Corporation archives.
Probation may not exceed three (3) months. Should said appointee remain
unresponsive or fail to address all issues raised after the period of
probation has expired, said appointee may be dismissed or replaced without
further notice.
[Adopted 5/29/95; renumbered 5/27/96, 5/26/97, renumbered 8/31/03]
Motion made by Betsy Delaney, Seconded by Nora Mai.
President (Carl Mami)
Vice-President (Nora Mai)
Recording Secretary (Dana MacDermott)
Corresponding Secretary (Randall Whitlock)
Treasurer (Dora Buck)
Australian Costumers Guild (Charlie Sweeney)
Beyond Reality Costumers Guild Northwest (Vicki Glover)
Chicagoland Costumers Guild (Barbara Wright)
Costumers Guild West (Darla Kruger)
Greater Bay Area Costumers Guild (Tony Lunn)
Greater Columbia Fantasy Costumers Guild (Ann Stephens)
Greater Delaware Valley Costumers Society (MaryAlice Rensa)
Greater Sacramento Area Costumers Guild
Millenium Costumers (Mike Bruno)
NJ/NY Costumers Guild (Betsy Delaney)
Northern Lights Costumers Guild (Dina Flockhart)
St. Louis Costumers Guild (Bruce Mai)
Silicon Web Costumers Guild (Sharon Trembley)
Southwest Costumers Guild (Frances Burns)
Utah Costumers Guild (Dave Doerring)
Western Canadian Costumers Guild (Eileen Capes)