ICG Board of Directors
Resolutions and Voting Tally

Motion 01-06-01.
Status: discussion from 01/12/2006 until 01/27/2006
voting from 01/28/2006 until 02/11/2006

Motion made by Betsy Delaney, seconded by Dana MacDermott.

I move that we add a new Standing Rule:

The Online ICG BOD mailing list:

  1. All chapters of the ICG shall provide a Board representative to subscribe to the ICG-BOD Yahoo Group list. All Officers of the Corporation shall also subscribe to the list.

  2. Members of the list must provide their real names and email addresses to the list maintainer(s) to be verified as Board members. A second (alternate) Board member may also be subscribed for each chapter of the ICG.

  3. Any ICG member may address the ICG BOD through the ICG-BOD Yahoo Group list by submitting his/her comments to a member of the ICG BOD Yahoo Group list. Email comments for non-subscribers may also be submitted to a member of the list via the following email address: contactbod@costume.org; said email to be forwarded to the list member.

  4. Select additional members who are not identified as either an official Chapter Representative or Officer of the Corporation may also be subscribed to the list at the discretion of the BOD members, but these individuals may not vote on any business brought before the BOD on the ICG-BOD Yahoo Group list and may only address the list when requested to do so by a voting member of the list. Additional members must also provide their real names to the list maintainer(s).

  5. Any member of the ICG-BOD Yahoo Group list may be removed from that list, with appropriate warning, as outlined in the rules of access published on the list in the file "mailing-lists.txt" (sent automatically every month to all members of the list)."

  6. The list maintainer(s) shall set to public the access to the ICG-BOD Yahoo Groups list archive, to permit non-list members the ability to view the ongoing discussion. The location of the archives shall be published on the ICG web site and in /The ICG Newsletter/, and such other places as are deemed appropriate.

President (Carl Mami)  
Vice-President (Nora Mai) NO
Recording Secretary (Dana MacDermott) YES
Corresponding Secretary (Sandy Pettinger) NO
Treasurer (Dora Buck) NO
Beyond Reality Costumers Guild Northwest (Vicki Glover)  
Chicagoland Costumers Guild (Valerie Roberts)  
Costumers Guild West (Darla Kruger) NO
Greater Bay Area Costumers Guild (Kendra Van Cleave) YES
Greater Columbia Fantasy Costumers Guild (Ann Hamilton) NO
Greater Delaware Valley Costumers Society (Sandy Swank) NO
NJ/NY Costumers Guild (Byron Connell) YES
Northern Lights Costumers Guild (Ann Catelli)  
St. Louis Costumers Guild (Bruce Mai) NO
Silicon Web Costumers Guild (Betsy Delaney) YES
Southwest Costumers Guild (Diane Harris) NO
Utah Costumers Guild (Dave Doerring)  

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