ICG Archives Committee Report
Chartered by Acting ICG President Nora Mai to better make
archive materials
available to members and the general public
Committee members: Andy Trembley, Betsy Delaney, Carole
Parker, Stephen Tang, Jeff Morris, John O’Halloran, Kevin Roche, Pierre
Pettinger, the acting President Nora Mai, & Cat Devereaux
Committee Goals: To design and implement an online system to present archive
materials on the ICG website. The committee is also considering offering
member galleries to encourage member contributions to the archives and
provide additional materials to publish.
A prototype for the ICG archives gallery has been established with Kevin and others revamping the photos on the Costume-Con website. This is the model we will follow when the committee has determined how to proceed in putting at least some of the archives online.
Immediate goals: Determine any short term legal issues regarding posting of pics. Make a final decision on a proposal on what will be accessible and what may be a "value added" access for members. This will be ironed out, hopefully, in the next 2 months following the annual meeting.
Short term goal: get permissions from selected photographers
to post
their pics. Encourage fan photogs to upload their pictures, thereby
providing additional content. Avoid repetition of subject
matter/events. Time frame: 6 – 9 months.
Medium term goals: Determine how much of the photo archives
we think we
can post. Wrangle with legal issues regarding possible video
access - what we can put up, who gets to see them, etc. Find a server to
hold possible video files. Discuss other ways not Internet-related that
selected video archive material can be brought to the public. Discuss
issues as what additional info might be posted along with any video file
viewed - somewhat in the same way the photos are/will be. Time frame: a year to 18 months
Long term goals: Determine what way to implement video
archive access. This
includes what access there may be for members only. Begin to upload selected video.
Encourage sources to contribute. Promote the archives as a place to
showcase costuming venues.